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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. Yes, you really did just watch this and I totally did NOT laugh. *snickers* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f37K0hIv3zk
  2. G,G,&G, excellent mount and holds my Battlezone to zero every time it is removed.
  3. They work great and are an affordable option to someone who just flat out can't afford any other option. They carry a stigma about them BECAUSE they're so cheap AND ridiculously heavy.
  4. You may hit up dustbuster, he's a huge Piston gun nut.
  5. Actually had first hand experience with one. Fellow had a 90% reduction in motor functions on his left arm so he has to use one legitimately AND the pistol itself needed to be as light as possible. I know, rather surprising.
  6. I posted another thread in relation to this but I found these... It doesn't permanently modify your receiver AND allows you to use more commonly found STANAG mags, win-win.  http://www.canisdesigngroup.com/m4-magazine-adapter-for-ak.html Here is one gents review on it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGZWCjteqg0
  7. Let's see some pics of that bad machine, you said Krink so it got my motor runnin!     I found out that those mags work as well BUT finding them is even harder than finding the Circle 10's right now, albeit cheaper when you can, it's just NOBODY has them.
  8. Red Loctite or some other form of Loctite sorcery?
  9. I'm working that weekend otherwise I'd love to. -_-
  10. Nope, just the flying Zacks...
  11. purchase this product? http://www.canisdesigngroup.com/m4-conversion-for-ak.html Posted a previous thread looking for leads on mags with no luck. I am a stickler for permanently modifying firearms from the original configuration. The cost of 8 mags is going to run me about $360 vs this which is about $100 cheaper AND I can have magazine AND ammo compatible weapons between my AR and the AK. I have read on several other sites such as the survivalist boards and ARFCOM that the clear Circle 10 Bulgy mags can crack and break. The Black mags are supposedly good to go BUT I don't want to drop nearly four Benjamin's on mags that will just break. Any advice gents?  I'm really on the fence on this one. A note, this same company has a adapter that requires no modifying of the weapon, just the adapter for fitment BUT they are and have been very much sold out, much to my luck. If they release this once again, you can bet your sweet butt that I will buy one up fast and in a hurry. http://www.canisdesigngroup.com/m4-magazine-adapter-for-ak.html
  12. I just got to put my hands on a M85 that has the STANAG mag adapter, come to find out with Pmags it has a bolt hold open function. :D
  13. Like having to talk a crack attic into buying more crack... Sent from the future using a flux capacitor.
  14. They sold out, well poop. Guess I'll have to buy em for $45.  :surrender:
  15. And here I was considering an M&P for purchase. Might have to rethink this I believes and go with a Glock... *INSERT TROLL FACE HERE*
  16. Low Pro?
  17. :hijack:  This raises an excellent question, how does one clean a gas tube without removing it completely?
  18. Yeah, those are even MORE than the Bulgies, haha. I found those last night on Apex, $55ea. Ouch.... -_-
  19. And not the Yugo mags, I need those that will fit a WASR 3/Bulgarian SLR106(Yugo's are made for a 7.62 receiver block whereas Bulgies are made for 5.45 blocks). I know where I can get some but they're $40-45 for the Circle 10 mags. I'll pay for those if I have to, just don't want to.  :shrug:
  20. Congrats, we expect a range report to follow. ;)
  21. DS, after reading your response, I feel like an idiot...  -_- Thanks for the courteous non-mocking response because let's be honest, you had EVERY opportunity to do so. This particular section is becoming a favorite of mine here on TGO, learning a whole lot and getting to rub some stuff in my buds face that he thought was the gospel for years. (particularly the bit about rifle suppressors able to run wet, heh heh)
  22.   I think of the little guys that turned into cars when I was a kid... ;)
  23. Bear Creek Arsenal is who makes those. ;)
  24. Hmmm, the individual transfers I've seen are taking 8-9 months versus a trust filed snail mail which is taking 4-5 months BUT this is what I've seen. Other peoples may be much faster. I want to establish a trust myself and get an E-filed SBR. Is the process pretty self explanatory? Also, how are you supposed to be able to give the required lengths if attaching the two is a felony? Seems like a dumbass catch 22 to me... 
  25. I had no idea about first gen PAP's, that's good info to have. I've never gotten the obsession for a CL barrel. Unless you're shooting corrosive or tracer ammo, it doesn't make a difference except for the CL inaccuracy comparatively. I think ACE and Midwest have some options for the stock and hand-guard respectively. And agreed, they're VERY high quality, especially for the price point which tramples the WASR in bang for buck. Don't get me wrong, I've seen some wicked WASR's(got to play with one the other day that had one of the BEST Tapco G2 triggers I've ever felt, was smooth as glass) but for how many bad ones I've seen compared to how many bad PAP's I've seen, the PAP wins that contest hands down.


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