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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. My EXACT thoughts on the matter. 10% of something is better than a 100% of nothing.
  2. Soooo, how heavy is that armor? If you had to it over again, would you rather pay more for lighter armor OR stick with the heavier but more economical armor?
  3. The feeling is mutual, I didn't know the barrels and receivers were that hard to come by. I just suddenly got "rare" gun fever and thought I'd share. -_-
  4. Threaded barrel? Might there be a Can going on there soon? ;)
  5. I'm not a fan of 500's but for a affordable shotgun they are hard pressed to beat.
  6. Which carrier did you end up going with?
  7. And they're only $225! Not a bad deal I thought.  http://www.slickguns.com/product/original-cetme-model-l-parts-kit-556-nato-used-good-condition-225
  8. It's a solid plan.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFf4vniACaM
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  9. Spring assist broke so I sent it back with explicit instructions to also have sharpened, like BAD, lol. Followed the warranty instructions from their web-page and had it back in about 3ish weeks. From what I saw on the warranty sheet, if you ever break the blade it's only like $10 to have it replaced, pretty fregin awesome if you ask me.
  10. Still better weapons effects than the walking dead.....
  11. I agree with this as well as I've been in retail for a long time BUT to be a flat out butt just because you can? I mean come on, there is a word called professionalism that we all have to maintain at some point in our careers but then, if it's your own business I guess you can run it however you want. Just my $.02 on the matter.
  12. He first appeared in Ali G Indahouse I believe.
  13. Welcome from fairly close to your neck of the woods. I'm in Livingston 4 days a week, just within spitting distance of ya.
  14. Yōkoso itoko.(Welcome cousin)
  15. A week or so ago for me.
  16. DKX, they're made of Dyneema. Watched that very same review. If nothing else, Nutn always has one thing that is pretty fregin cool pop up from time to time. Gotta get me some of that AND justify the cost. Wanna save the weight, you're gonna pay for it. 
  17. Just for anyone browsing this thread in the future, Trijicon makes them now as well.
  18. I love SOE's stuff as it's very high quality but MAN those guys are insanely arrogant. Nothing wrong with being an alpha male but the posts I see all the time on the likes of their Facebook are either borderlined or full fledged douchebag, at least it is when it ISN'T concerning a sale promotion.
  19. And then I found this... be forewarned gents, it is CRUDE. But you MIGHT giggle. http://imgur.com/a/gLBU5
  20. Wonder if that company has a disclaimer for 'cheeky' slaps... No pun in.... Nope, EVERY pun intended.
  21. Unless she carried it in condition 0, considering they don't have an external safety and going by Col. Jeff Coopers carry conditions(which I know was developed for the 1911 platform) thus this would leave it with very little effort to pull.
  22. Oh, there's more... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGycPE3XdIc
  23. I didn't notice it till my 3rd time watching it, pause at 0:21. That gave me a good tickle.
  24. Yeah, I was in tears right about 2:15...  :rofl:


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