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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. I liked yours liking that. Sent from the future using a flux capacitor.
  2. I ordered a complete upper from them back during the panic, took a week, week and a half-ish. Sent from the future using a flux capacitor.
  3. Indeed, seems like it's creating a problem for a solution. Sent from the future using a flux capacitor.
  4. But to answer the OP, OhShoot and Dolomite_supafly as they're so knowledgeable that it would be a treat to have a conversation with them.   *Edit, and a few others but TrickyNicky is also at the top of that list. Pretty sure this fella and I would cut the hell up till our sides split open.
  5. Not to toot my own horn but it'd be badass if I looked like an Owl. Or weird, whichevs.
  6. It's funny you mention that, my dad was pulled over in '69 in Nam in an APC..... for speeding. :D
  7. From my short term dealings with them, GREAT. She loves other dogs(except for my buddies Wolf/Lab hybrid, he's a bit rambunctious and throws her off, lol), loves people and giving them kisses, and LOVES to run, which is why I take her to my parents property out in the sticks to have a play day usually every Sunday. When I said though that she loves chickens before, I mean that, she LOVES to kill chickens as she thinks they're like a playtoy. She shakes them until she "breaks the squeaker" essentially. When it's hot out, unless she's had her hair cut, she only wants to be out for very small increments at a time but when it's cooler or flat out cold, doesn't mind snooping around the parentals for well over an hour. My dad's Rotterman(Rottie/Dobie) tries to race her for about all of 3 seconds and then it's a "Yeah, F this..." and stops. And she's very smart and will pick up on stuff very quickly. Very receptive to training as well but I dunno if this is just her or a trait of the breed.
  8. How well does it keep water out?
  9. That couch commando is an instructor here??? HAHAHA!!! Oh, I need to attend that class...
  10.   Well, it's WalMart so I'm not surprised. Be it the mouth gaping mop jockey or the lack of management concern, all a bunch of crap. It's reasons like this I refuse to shop there anymore.
  11. Well, that does it, cracker barrel for lunch it is.... 
  12. Awh man, now I want steak....  :yum:
  13. A fair assessment and probably how my friends and I would've handled it as well. Sent from the future using a flux capacitor.
  14. https://www.google.com/search?q=HUSKY+MEME&espv=2&biw=1600&bih=775&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=YtitVLeJIYOxggSQvYKwAg&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#imgdii=_&imgrc=79YWM2JjjTsXvM%253A%3B18YEAwSgFCHCRM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fct.fra.bz%252Fol%252Ffz%252Fsw%252Fi55%252F5%252F9%252F27%252Ffrabz-Siberian-Husky-Owner-What-my-friends-think-I-do-What-my-mom-thin-7265b4.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffunny-pictures.picphotos.net%252Fnew-generators-memes-700-x-516-79-kb-jpeg-credited%252F%3B700%3B516 You're welcome. ;)
  15. This thread is FULL of so much win, hahaha!!! Welcome from up the street cousin.  :wave:
  16. "The gunmen moved with the skill and precision of highly-trained commandos, military experts told FoxNews.com." :stunned:...     :squint:...     :rofl: 
  17. Fixed that for ya.
  18. Play stupid games, get stupid prizes... smh
  19. Anything less than .45 or .308 is a poodle shooter. Ugh... the caliber argument irks me. Also, the notion that women can ONLY use revolvers is Chauvinistic and childish. If it's her preference that's one thing but to claim that is all that she can use because of some sort of made up mental inferiority? Oh yeah, you're a douche.
  20. Found this and nearly peed myself.
  21. No, seriously.
  22. http://youtu.be/KtSvaD0tJsY
  23. Now that is one smiling boy! :)


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