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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. Seriously though, always had real great luck with the Deere. You can find em everywhere new and used mein freund. ;)
  2. Might I suggest starting off small?
  3.   Sorry, I FUBARed the wording on that... the VVT(Variable Valve Timing) sprockets are driven by oil pressure which is what resulted in the timing malfunction.
  4. Also, if it's an approved class, your insurance will be reduced by a percentage per month. My bud took a MSF course and reduced his by about $15 a month, paid for itself a lil over a year later.
  5. We actually had a guy come in and wanted 10W30 in his 2009 Camry, we advised against it, he beyotched, he got it changed and came back about a week later saying it was having trouble starting. NO SHITE SHERLOCK!!! The timing chain is driven by the motor oil and with that heavier weight, well, she no work so good.
  6. If nothing else, a good laugh, haha.
  7.  Rotors wobbling can be caused by a number things, bad driving IS one caused by braking hard or intensly ALOT or can happen from driving in extremely hilly terrain such as out towards Gatlinburg by going downhill quite a bit. Generally when a wobble occurs you need to have the rotors replaced or shaved but unless the pads are worn in an odd way from the warped rotor than pad replacement shouldn't be a problem.
  8. Haven't seen a thread pertaining to this so I guess I'll start one AND if there is one, BAH, we start another! My first bike was a Kawasaki ZX-6R and had it for a few years but after doing a couple of long rides and having bad knees I decided I needed to retire the rocket in favor of something more comfortable.I NOW have a 2011 Harley Streetbob(FXDB), I call her Sharlene after a dear friend from highschool who was killed years ago. She has V&H Big Radius 2 into 2 pipes, a re-tune, forward controls, and a HD Sundowner seat. It's pretty stock and slow compared to my last bike but it's comfy and I love it. Here is my first bike with my dad next to me. And here is my Bob.
  9. 3mm and under is considered in the red zone. 4-5mm is yellow and 6+ is still good.
  10. Congrats on the purchase as that is what I have as well. It does fairly well on highway mileage but destroys any fuel in the tank for in city driving just because of its insane torque. I have found that you have to be very easy taking off for two reasons; so as to not burn through your gas tank but also so as to not burn through your tires, lol. The throttle is somewhat....... touchy.
  11. I work for Toyota and can tell you that it's ALL dependent on your model AND motor, at least from us it does anyways. The oil that Toyota sells is Mobil 1 with a Toyota label. The Tundra 3URFE(5.7 V8) motor has a 10k change interval while the 3URFBE(5.7 V8 FLEXFUEL) has a 5k change interval. The Camry 2ARFE uses 0W20 while the Rav4 2ARFE uses 5W20 from 2009-12 and switched to 0W20 in 2013. As for anyone who doesn't believe what their manual says is just paranoid as they have engineers that conclude that to be the optimal change mileage.         Unless you have a 13 Rav4 you don't NEED synthetic, you can use 5W20. As to the filter, they're steering away from spin on types in favor of cartridge due to cost effectiveness, plus the filters cross over to several models for instance; the filter for your Rav will also work on 10-up Camry 4cyl and 6cyl, 05-up Avalons(non-Hybrid), 10-up Scion tCs, 09-up Venza 4cyl and 6cyl, which is a 04152-YZZA1 oil filter. The Tundras and Sequoias all use the same filter with the exception of the 1GRFE Tundras but those are somewhat rare in this region. Corollas and Prius'(except the Prius C) all use the same filter. Prius C and Yaris stille use the old style spin on.
  12.   You mean to say the engineers they have working for them are idiots? I need that job...
  13. I've got no problems with Brits, it's the Progressives I have a problem with, regardless of nationality. The Brits were just raped of their rights by their Parliament.
  14. This is the EXACT kind of feedback I was looking for, thanks all.
  15. I wanna try Iguana.
  16.   Why when you can make a SAM7K-02 into a Krink SBR. :devil:
  17. I wouldn't mind having a TGI build or very much an Arsenal. Buddy of mine has a Krink kit he's gonna put together here soon.
  18. Yeah, Saturday morning. I'm coming from west of y'all so I might be a wee late. Gonna try to leave here around 6:30-7ish
  19. http://www.aimsurplus.com/product.aspx?item=XAP4X4SC&name=AP+Customs+4X4+Shell+Carrier&groupid=6   I would have NO idea and wanted to get input from you fellers. FIRE AWAY!
  20. 12 minutes later...   Jack quickly pushed that thought out of his mind as they approached the police station. The stations main parking lot was empty, as was the secondary rear lot for squad cars with the exception of the on-duty officer's personal vehicles. Jack was surprised by this but then as he thought about it, it began to make sense. This began around 8:15, as that was the last time Jack looked at the clock before he was hit; it was now a little after nine pm. People were getting settled at home when that emergency service bulletin went out, some were already going to bed for an early work day and have no idea that this is happening.   When Jack was hit, the truck took a hit partially on the rear passenger side door and partially on the bed. The door was no longer usable but taking the impact at both areas was able to disperse the kinetic energy with more ease. The damage to either was not as great as it could have been; though being out of alignment now, the Tundra was still very much drivable.   Upon parking Jack locked his truck leaving the carbine where it lay. Brigsby wide eyed said, "That's probably a good idea but don't you think you should get that out of sight?" Jack smiled and responded, "Well I highly doubt someone's going to freak out over that lil guy after the things we've seen tonight and if somebody tries to steal it, well good luck to them." Jack knocked on the window and it responded with a dull knock, "All of the door windows are made of polycarbonate. At the cost of being able to roll the windows down, they're almost shatter proof." Brigsby was taken aback by this, "But what if you were to get into an accident and no one can get to you?" Jack once again smiled, "Hell man, I'll take that risk. Hopefully someone will have the Jaws of Life with them."
  21.   SKSs are a whole different beast from the AK. The ONLY SKS worth a flip in my mind is the Paratrooper model that can accept AK mags. Don't get me wrong, they're well built quality weapons but in this modern world, the SKS as a combat weapon is ineffective versus it's many newer competitors. It would be like taking a M1 Garand into a combat zone, yeah, you'd rather have them than nothing but there's a reason why only conscripts are the only ones that use them anymore.
  22. Welcome cousin, we had cookies but I eated them...
  23. 86 THAT, I'm coming with a member of my MAG.
  24. Yeah, Marlins go for about the same as Win Mdl.94s in the $300 range. Only ones that go for more GENERALLY have scopes AND are safe queens. I got my 94 about 2 years ago for $190 but the leftover finish would make you swear it was used at the Little Big Horn, lol. Yes, I understand that's not a true statement because Little Bighorn was in 1876, just in case there are any other history buffs out there.
  25. I just bang some rocks together, works..... kinda.       ^^That


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