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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. I bet when you throttle down on that Honda it'll scream won't it? ;)
  2. Some clean looking scoots on here! Let's see s'more.
  4. http://gunbot.net/   Nuff said. :usa:
  5. I really had to watch how I spelled duckey there...
  7. Wally World here had a Sig 716 for $1999 and a Colt 6920 SOCOM for $1499 last week. Was surprised mostly by the 716, at a glance I notice this AR with a massive mag and did a double take.
  8. Welcome cousin, there were cookies but we all got tired of waiting on ya, your loss... :yum:
  9. K, gotta ask, WHY??? This song is awesome BUT that is my own opinion I suppose.
  10. Anything that leaves the lips of Bono. Yeah, that's you U2, you suck.
  11. You can't tell from the pic besides the tarp and BBS's little girls umbrella but it was pouring @$$ the rain.
  12.   Thanks for all the info provided sir! Also, get to feeling better, I'd like to see ya out there with us next time. ;)
  13. Seriously, I now look like a pissed off snake shedding, feel like one too... BAH!   Thanks again Bigbabysweets for the meet n' greet! Also, my brosef wants to know if you that canvas top?
  14.   *puts on aluminum foil hat* :hiding:
  15. Also, where are those group photos at from the second day??!!
  16. Indeed, thanks for having my brosef and I. My moonburn is healing up nicely so maybe next time I'll bust out the AR to blast it, lol. And maybe it won't monsoon on us next time, haha.
  17. Atlas, the only BiPod Ronnie Barrett will let touch the MRAD.
  18. The men began to make their way inside when Jack slowed down to a stop, "Brigsby, what's your first name?" Brigsby stopped, almost as if he had to think about it, "Mike, it's Mike Brigsby." Jack grinned without saying a word, began walking again.   Jack held the door open for Brigsby as his father had taught him to do for anyone, especially women and his seniors. Brigsby looked confused upon entering as the front desk which would normally sit a receptionist was empty. "I wonder where Shirley has gotten off to." Jack began to take in his surroundings, a trait picked up from his training. Jack was always aware of exits and entrances to buildings he was entering and always mindful of how exposed his back is. Jack then noticed that all the desks were empty and where even a night watchman would be was vacant as well. The two began to poke around the area.   Jack then noticed something that would come to save his life many times to come. The hair on the back of his neck began to stand on end. He had experienced this same sensation once before, it was when he shot his very first human being when all of his senses told him to flee. Brigsby was just about to call for someone when Jack quickly grabbed his shoulder jolting him. It caught the old officer off guard and he spun to face Jack who was holding a single finger over his own lips shaking his head. Using the same finger, Jack tapped his ear. Brigsby then whispered to Jack, "You don't think?..." Without saying a word, Jack nodded his head, then whispering, "If there are any of those things in here they'll all head straight this way the moment they hear a sound." Brigsbys eyes grew wider and a worried look came over his face, "Mother Mary help us..." Brigsby began to make his way back towards the holding cells with his hand on his weapon. As they approached the cells going down the corridor, the two stopped as a shadow made its way around the adjacent. When the silhouette made around the corner, it was a blonde woman in her mid-twenties. She looked at them and then asked, "Mike? What're you doing here?"
  19.   Especially Molon Labe, the bunch of socialist scum.
  20. Yep, DHS is at it again with their shenanigans. http://www.forbes.com/sites/reuvencohen/2012/05/26/department-of-homeland-security-forced-to-release-list-of-keywords-used-to-monitor-social-networking-sites/  
  21. Not your imagination, it's running better after a fresh oil change. Anything mechanically will run better that way with new lube, especially my bike, she loves new oil.
  22.   We reccomend that one replace their rotors when replacing pads but we've had tons come through that just turn em and have no problems there after. Just all depends on if you have the money or not for the peace of mind really. Course we've had several come through that do just that and then come back needing the pads replaced cause it only partially fixed the problem.


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