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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. Spare boots are a must do, I need to get an extra pair for myself. The way I see it, if something should happen and you have to get outta dodge, your GOOD/GH bag should also be able to somewhat sustain you. That's why I carry some longer duration contingencies like a Katadyn Vario filter and purification tablets and enough grub to last me five days well fed or 9-10 days slightly underfed, freeze dried of course :yum: for weight, plus 100oz of purified water to fill my water bladder immediately upon SHTF. I keep two spare changes of clothes, a Gerber suspension multi-tool, water, filter, food, purification tablets, purification straw, magnesium striker, bic lighter, laundry lint smeared in vasoline, strike anywhere matches, chemlights(x10), two small LED light/glow sticks w/spare batteries, alum mess kit, tomahawk, machete, some fishing line weights and lures, I'm sure I'm forgetting some other stuff but meh... I keep a first aid kit in the truck that I can throw in there but I keep it sepreate cause I've had to use it more than once. The pack is a Granite Gear C.H.I.E.F. and it is heavy(70lb-ish) for long range but if I need it for GH and need to be light weight then I can dump a number of things that aren't needed for the short trip. I keep my LBV with mag pouch(x6), Ontario Knife OKC FG Model 1 Strap Cutter, and dual pistol mag pouch, plus my bandolier(x5), wanting to get a KaBar to for it as well but have a Gerber skinning knife that works just fine for now on my Alice belt along with a canteen for secondary water storage, and my drop leg holster. My EDC includes the Gerber Suspension, a Kershaw Tanto Blur for self defence, Maglite XL200, and my Zippo; when I'm not at work, I'll have my FNX-9 on my hip along with two spare mags. I know it seems like alot but I can adjust it pending on the situation and can shed gear; I'd rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it :usa:   I do need a poncho, a bud is gonna hook me up with a Swiss surplus one, anything anyone can advise me on incorporating? I won't ditch any of this stuff cause likely I can either barter with some or give it out as charity, this is mostly refering to the chemlights, glow lights, water(I can always make more) and some of my medical supplies or if need be, shed it.
  2. What're you guys and gals hefting around? I'll be posting my listing shortly after an inventory. Gotta do it in my sparetime here at work. :yuck:
  3. 10mm, will put down most things. It's why Denmark issued the G20 to the Slædepatruljen Sirius for use against Polar Bears, if THAT tells you anything.
  4. whitewolf001

    Last of Us

    The thing that kills me is the melee weapon life, I can understand for a board but a bat, pipe, axe, or machete????? C'mon... :stick:
  5. And people think armor will stop it, heh heh. MAYBE 1/2 AR500 steel and that's a maybe.
  6. Or both.
  7. I knew this would happen, it's simple "supply and demand".
  8. Make sure your safety is in battery, if it's only partially down, it will hammer follow. Ask me how I know... :whistle:
  9. Well crap, I had 3 Russian Plums about 4 months ago I let go for $100 all fully loaded with a Romanian mag-pouch...
  10. It was a good movie and had me sitting on the edge of my seat. BUT as a fan of the book, they should've called it something else. STILL, give credit where credit is due, good movie..... BUT THEY DIDN'T DO THE BATTLE OF YONKERS!!!!!!! :cry:
  11. whitewolf001

    Last of Us

    Just beat it at a buds house the other day, all I can say is "woooooow....", darn good game and highly reccomend it, it earned that 9.1 user rating on Metacritic.
  12. If I'm not in a rush to be somewhere I'll try to help when I can, especially with women, the elderly, or fellow bikers.
  13. Two words, "firing squad".
  14. Good thing I work in a hole...
  15.   You really can't compare the two like that man, apples and oranges. It'd more akin to complaining about the temperature not being exactly right in the theater. If I can taste a distinct difference in the water and SEE it in the water, you're damn skippy I'll be calling someone but there are some people out there who will complain just for the sake of complaining, are they a nuisance? Yes but are they a terrorist, well, I'll let you decide.
  16.   And that was the last time anyone heard from UncleJak EVER again. :whistle:
  17. I'm sad to say this happened in my neck of the woods...... :screwy:
  18. What I find hilarious is that many of us were really wondering what this was "about" but still clicked on it anyways.... Ah, we humans are curious creatures.
  19. They're trying to make an example of him but if the NRA gets involved, and they probably will, this will more than likely be thrown out BUT we'll just have to wait and see. I say here-here for the young man for doing nothing wrong except being a patriot.
  20.   Why would Obama allow that to his 'Brown Shirts'?


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