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Everything posted by whitewolf001

  1. Well that's rather disheartening about Pat Roger's as I rather enjoyed his training video. Care to share what it is that makes him a fake? 
  2. Sorry about your loss brother, I know how our furry companions can sometimes become truly our best friends and even our kids. A sad loss indeed my friend.
  3. Dawwhhhhh....
  4. Holy CRAP! That thing was VERY much on fire.
  5. I think they issue Mk.262 rounds to guys running shorty's in the secret squirrel circles, which if I remember correctly is a 77gr SMK.
  6. Is it just me or does everyone on this forum have the attention span of a fl..... SQUIRREL!!!!
  7. The first time I saw this, I thought while holding a fork, 'Being blind isn't so bad...' But then the thought of that being the LAST image I ever saw, well, we just can't have that.
  8. No, no it doesn't...
  9. The fact you suggest gloves seems to me like that is a pretty nasty compound, that and YOU yourself probably don't wanna stink of skunk either. :p
  10. Your post appears to be broken as I can only like it once.
  11. How did you get em to quit stinking or did you just let it ride?
  12. The one I'm waiting on is the heir to the Supra...
  13. I've seen the results of it being used, it's pretty bad@$$ stuff. I personally like Slip2000 but this stuff should be good to go too.
  14. Shouldn't the P30 holsters be compatible?
  15. Gondola's is pretty good, I met the owner at the Sparta gun show. Their Greek pizza is pretty killer. Mama Rosa's stromboli's are infused with mozzarella and crack. :P  If you get a chance, try the Bull and Thistle down at the square in Gainesboro, it's an Irish style pub and the chef is full on Irish. It's expensive but so fregin good! The t-bone comes out on a cutting board and that is your plate. Win.
  16. Perhaps some photos of the issue unless it was resolved already?
  17. Holy thread resurrection Batman!
  18. Yeah, probably gonna have to pass this time. Money got tight suddenly. :(
  19. Actually, I'll take the FAMAS. Sent from the future using a flux capacitor.
  20. Sent from the future using a flux capacitor.
  21. Avian companions will live just as long as you do, get one early on otherwise you'll be leaving them behind, lol.
  22. I'm offended he claimed to be Irish. Me green side wants ta flatten this boyo. Sent from the future using a flux capacitor.
  23. It's a bit of revenue for the local economy so meh.... Wait, we pay them so isn't it essentially us getting our money back? Sent from the future using a flux capacitor.


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