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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. Carrying in an ankle holster is a significant compromise. If you're going to ankle carry, having a good holster is absolutely essential for both comfort and security. A cheapo is probably a waste of money. It takes awhile to get used to and you've got to practice drawing out of it. How useful the ankle carry gun will be depends very much on the situation. It isn't much use if you're standing and facing a bad guy. However, if you're seated (like in a car or at a table) then drawing from the ankle can be done discreetly. I really favor a reliable, lightweight revolver.
  2. Today was Day 46 for me. First call was about two weeks ago. Was told that 2 of the 3 background checks were complete. They were waiting on the last one. I made my 2nd call today about 11:25 AM. Spoke to Alicia. She took my name, Driver License number, and phone number. Told me that someone would return my call. Big surprise. No returned call. I'm wondering if there is a best time of day to call. Update: I did get a call back about 24 hours later from Juanita (spelling?). Juanita's voice mail told me in no uncertain terms that they were on a 90 day cycle and not to call back until after 90 days had passed. She provided absolutely no information on whether there had been any progress. Sigh... seems that it is all about getting somebody who will actually tell you what is going on. I really wish there were a way to check the progress online or something. It frustrates me that some people's permits seem to get issued quickly, while others wait for no explainable reason.
  3. You better believe that the shooting in Arkansas is going to big fuel for the Democratic push on gun control. http://www.cnn.com/2008/CRIME/08/13/arkansas.shooting/index.html
  4. I think doing anything to formally collaborate is a bad idea. If a gunfight were to occur at church, you better believe that it will gets lots of scrutiny from law enforcement. On top of that, there would be civil liability. However, why not have an informal church range session from time to time? Just word of mouth, invite your church friends who might enjoy going. You'll be able to figure out who is likely to be carrying at church.
  5. Taking the class is the first step. Then you have to do the DOS form and pay, then you have to be fingerprinted. After that, you wait for the background checks to be complete. How long it takes is variable, but expecting 8-12 weeks would be about right. If you're still weeks away from taking the class, you're probably looking at November or December before you get the permit.
  6. Yep. Guess even without 39-17-1311, LP Field would still fail. I was trying to get straight in my mind what kinds of locations would fall under the prohibition for locations that would fall unders 39-17-1311: This seems like a broad definition. Parks and playgrounds are out. I understand Civic Centers. I don't quite understand what other locations would get covered here.
  7. That is a great, great choice. I've had a 4" Service Six for many years. Pretty much the same gun but with fixed sights and rubber grips. It has been my go to gun when I want something durable, reliable, and packing a punch. I second the vote for Hogue grips. The wood ones are pretty, but I think the rubber ones might hold up better in a marine environment. Gripping the rubber would be easier if your hands are wet.
  8. I've searched the web, the resources, and the forum here and cannot find an answer. Does TCA 39-17-1311 prohibit carrying to a Titans game? Thanks!
  9. Today is day 34 for me. With all the encouraging posts... figured I'd try my luck with the polite telephone call. The lady told me that 2 of the 3 background checks were complete. Then she informed me that they were very backed up and that I should expect it to be at least 90 days from when I applied and that I shouldn't call back until then. Guess I'll give it a couple of more weeks and try again.
  10. A shotgun is a highly effective home defense weapon. They are readily available and relatively inexpensive. All good points. The problem with a shotgun is that you can't be discreet. Answering the door with a shotgun is kinda tough on the girls selling Girl Scout cookies!
  11. Trying a couple of guns at a range is great advice. You should definitely do that if at all possible. If you have any friends who shoot, this would be a great time to ask them to help you out. Guns & Leather would be at least an hour drive from Columbia, but it would be worth it. Here is a pretty good article you might want to peruse: http://home.comcast.net/~dsmjd/tux/dsmjd/tech/home_defense.htm
  12. I'm a Sig fan and the P6 is a fine weapon, but I would not recommend one to someone with no shooting experience. In fact, I wouldn't recommend any semiautomatic for a first time shooter. That would rule out the P6 and the CZ 75. I suggest starting out with a revolver. Revolvers are simple, reliable, and are available with plenty of power. For range shooting and home defense, a 4" .357 magnum would be a great choice. Good power and fairly easy to shoot accurately. These are widely available on the used shelf at your local gun shop. A Ruger like a GP100, Security Six, or SP101 would be good choices. Smith & Wesson 686 or Model 65 would also be good, but perhaps a bit more expensive. One advantage of the .357 magnum is that you can also shoot .38 special rounds in it, which cuts your range costs down some. However, you can also load up .357 magnums for defensive purposes. (You do need to practice some with .357 also if that is your defensive choice.) If you think you want to get a carry permit and carry it, then a 3" barrel might be a better choice. Stay away from the <2" barrel (snubnose) models. Great carry guns, but they not much fun at the range and it takes a lot of practice shoot them well. When you can afford it, I would buy a .22 pistol as well. As mentioned before, it is much less expensive to practice with a .22 and shooting it will improve your shooting skills. I took my carry permit class here: http://www.therangeinc.com/ It cost $100 and the training was good.
  13. Buzz

    New S&W snub

    That is definitely a good option if you already have one with an exposed hammer. It does solve the main problem of snagging clothing on the draw. Even without the hammer spur, the exposed hammer can still catch up on something if you wanted to fire it from inside a pocket or if someone had their hand clamped on the pistol. Given a choice on a new revolver, I would prefer a 642 or 638 but having a ground off spur would work.
  14. Buzz

    New S&W snub

    I saw one at the RK show this past weekend for $399. I paid $409+ tax and background check at Guns & Leather. The main thing is that I got exactly what I wanted.
  15. Buzz

    New S&W snub

    Do what you want, but look at the specs before you decide. The difference between between a 340PD and a 642 is only 1.7 oz unloaded weight. I think the difference is insignificant when you compare the two fully loaded. The price difference is in the neighborhood of 50% more. That's a lot of change for minimal/insignificant weight savings. The only reason to spend the extra bucks is if you really want the .357 capability.
  16. Buzz

    New S&W snub

    I don't know how many S&W is making like this. Somewhere, I read a number of 4000 but have no way of confirming that. RSR is a Smith & Wesson distributor. They got a bunch of the no lock 642s. I called them and found out who their dealers are in my area, then called those dealers. One of the dealers I called had one coming in. You can find their contact info at: http://www.rsrgroup.com/
  17. Buzz

    New S&W snub

    I bought this specifically to be a carry gun. The lock can and does fail. Lock failure is rare, but a failure makes the gun inoperable. I can accept the limitations of 5 rounds of .38+P, but I want it to be absolutely, positively reliable. The story I heard was that these 642s were built out of old parts and are limited to stock on hand. It is marked 642-1, so maybe that is true. I'm not aware of any of the .357 models which are being released without the lock. After shooting a box of +Ps out of this gun, I would NOT look forward to shooting full load .357s out of an even lighter gun. As a practical matter, I even question whether .357s would offer any advantage in a defensive situation. I'm glad I didn't spend the extra dough to get a 340PD.
  18. I went today. This is the best show I've been to in the middle TN area. Far better than the Goodman show at the TN Fairgrounds. I did see a 642 no-lock there that was NIB. Price was $399. Had I not just purchased the same thing, I'd have been all over that. I bought a new set of grips for the 642, a belt, and a holster. If you're going, J.W. O'Rourke has some nice belts & holsters.
  19. You have to look at it as an entertainment expense.
  20. I picked up my new carry gun tonight. I'm happy to have found a 642 without the internal lock. It is new production and the frame is marked 642-1. Put a box through it right after I signed the papers. Shooting an Airweight snub is not exactly my most enjoyable range experience, but that isn't why I bought it. (Now I just need to find a good holster.) I'm not really wild about the stock 642 grips. I will probably look into something smoother for carry to keep it from printing as easily. The new 642 joins the stable along with my longtime companion, a stainless Model 60. I put a few rounds through it tonight just for good measure.
  21. Appreciate the effort to get it going. I'm glad to have a place to shoot!
  22. My personal choice is a Sig p245. However... the Glock 36 is smaller. That would be my second choice if you really need a smaller carry weapon.
  23. Good question. Definitely would carry if I know I'm going into a bad neighborhood for some reason. If I'm going to be out all day, going downtown, or will be driving 2-3 hours to see family... I most likely would carry. If I'm going to the pool or making a quick run to the Home Depot in my neighborhood, doubtful I would carry. Church would be an unlikely spot, but I wouldn't say never on that. Going to friends house for dinner & drinks -- I wouldn't carry.
  24. I saw those 27s. I was sorta-kinda-maybe interested. The sign said they were police trade ins. I didn't know if that was good because they were broken in or bad because they were worn out. Wasn't a good enough deal to get my attention.
  25. I'm still waiting on my TN permit to arrive, but this is the 3rd state where I've held a permit over the last 17 years. I have never carried everyday. I've typically worked for employers that expressly prohibited it. Even though I personally disagree, I make the choice to accept their policy as terms of my employment. I have my permit so that when I do need or want to carry on my own time, I legally have the option. I don't feel the need to carry every time I walk out the door. I'm sure that when I get my permit this time, it will be the same here.


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