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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. I happen to like a manual safety also. 3rd gen S&W autos are tough to beat for that. I don't have to carry it with the safety on, but I like that I can flip the safety on when I take the gun off at home. Drop the mag, and don't have to unload the chamber.
  2. Buzz

    "Creek" gun?

    Have you ever actually killed a snake with the .22 shotshells? A guy I used to hunt with tried to dispatch a copperhead with shotshells out of a snub 38 and had miserable results. They just weren't very effective. Not at all what we expected to happen. I decided right there I'd never carry shotshells.
  3. Buzz

    Smith 5906

    I had a 5906 years ago. My 5906 was very reliable, but I just never could get good groups with it. Plus it was just too big for concealed carry. I sold it and bought a Sig 226, which I still have. I find the Sig to be more comfortable & accurate. I think the 3rd gen S&W autos are really overlooked as good guns. I just bought a 3913 that should be here in a few days. One of these days I hope to get a S&W CS9 if I can find one at a good price.
  4. Buzz

    Sig P220's?

    I'd say that they are in between--- the grip is thicker than 1911 but thinner than a double stack Sig. I think the Sig P6/225 is a lot closer to 1911 dimensions, but of course it is 9mm.
  5. Buzz

    Sig P220's?

    I have a P220 ST. If you want a range gun, the stainless ST is great because the extra weight soaks up some recoil. However, you pay the price for that weight if you carry it all day.
  6. I'm not a fan of slide holsters. There are different variations, but I'm just not wild about leaving the muzzle exposed. The muzzle and front sight could be damaged, or damage something else. The other thing that I don't like about them is that if your cover garment rides up a little, anybody will instantly recognize the gun. For OWB, I prefer a standard belt / pancake holster. The pistol is secure and protected. The only advantage of a paddle holster is that you don't have to remove your belt to put it on or take it off. The ones I've looked at are more difficult to conceal because they are bulky. I use one at the range sometimes, but never use it for concealed carry.
  7. I carry IWB most of the time. OWB is more comfortable, but requires appropriate cover clothing.
  8. I really like the option of a thumb safety on a CC gun. I've been on the hunt for a CS9 or 3913 for a reasonable price. This might be a great option. I bought a G27 this year, but I'm just not entirely comfortable with it.
  9. I assume you want the thumb snap because you are afraid of dropping the gun out of the holster. A quality holster that is molded for your gun doesn't really need a thumb snap to hold the weapon securely. Here is one I've thought about buying. For $35.00... it looks pretty good (but I'd buy it in black). http://www.shado.com/merchant/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Product_Code=123&Category_Code=LH I actually have a Gould & Goodrich B802 for a J-frame with a hammer. My 642 fits in it, but the thumb snap doesn't really hold the gun in.
  10. My grandfather had Alzheimers also. It was a terrible tragedy. He had guns. He had a car. There came a time when both of those had to be taken away from him for his safety and the safety of those around him. You've got to take his guns away. Doing anything else would be irresponsible. Otherwise, the person that winds up with a bullet could be you, your wife, or some other innocent person.
  11. I haven't actually handled an SR9. One of the big selling points is supposed to be how slim it is. According to the specs, a Glock 17 is 1.18" and the SR9 is 1.27". The SR9 is longer, taller, and heavier than a G17. They both hold the same number of rounds. The SR9 may have nicer ergos than the Glock. I really, really like the safety. (Wish Glock had that) I like the round indicator. I don't really care for the mag disconnect safety but I understand that can be removed.
  12. I just ran across this thread. I am so sorry for your tragic loss. God be with you and your wife.
  13. Their decision to prohibit weapons has little to do with the safety of shoppers and everything to do with CYA on the part of the mall owners. It is all about liability. If a low-life worthless criminal robs someone right inside their mall and gets away in broad daylight, hey, no problem for the mall developer. If there is a shooting, lawsuits will surely follow. Think about this scenario happening in a crowded mall: http://www.newschannel5.com/global/story.asp?s=9434127
  14. I'd like to know how this is really being handled by law enforcement as a practical matter. With a huge structure like a mall that has many public entrances that are not posted, it seems to defy common sense that a lawful permit holder would be required to go around and check every single door before entering.
  15. There are a wide variety of options, depending on what direction you want to go. I really love the S&W 642 as a carry gun. The light weight and small dimensions make it comfortable for a wide variety of carry methods-- OWB, IWB, pocket carry, or even in an ankle holster.
  16. I think the rule should be changed to allow carrying anywhere minors can legally be present. I really don't have a problem with strip joints and 18+ bars being off limits for concealed carry. My main issue is that there are lot of "family friendly" places which serve alcohol. Applebees, O'Charley's, Chili's, Olive Garden etc are good examples. If I'm out with the family and we stop for lunch, it seems silly that those places are off limits.
  17. I looked at buying a 26 or 27. I really liked the fact that I had the option to go the conversion route. I considered the fact that the standard 27 is only 1 round less than the 26. So for the same size package and pretty much the same weight, I get a more powerful round. I would definitely use a conversion barrel at the range, but I don't know that I'd feel comfortable with a conversion barrel for carry. It would have to prove itself as ultra reliable before I'd do it
  18. Earlier this year, I considered both the 640 and 642. I went with the 642 and have no regrets. The weight difference was the biggest reason I didn't get the 640. For one thing, I wanted the option to carry it in an ankle holster. Carrying in an ankle holster is tough to do comfortably and a few ounces makes a big difference. Also, in my opinion, the 357 round from a 2" barrel is not a huge advantage in a close range self defense situation.
  19. I have a 1.25" horsehide from the Beltman. I usually carry IWB, so having a wider belt isn't a big advantage. It is plenty stiff even without the extra insert and looks fairly dressy also. I went for the 7 hole variety and am happy with that choice, especially for IWB carry.
  20. I run. My goal is 20 miles per week, but it is hard to get in that kind of mileage now that the days are shorter. I'm going to add some weight training soon.
  21. My wife and I voted yesterday in Williamson County. We waited in line about 20 minutes. Had touch screens and actually voting took only a couple of minutes.
  22. Buzz

    Gun Transfer Fees

    I'd be interested in knowing who the best option around Middle TN. I've been wondering about tax also. Does the transfer dealer have to charge you sales tax on the entire purchase amount? (PM me if you want.)
  23. You are absolutely right. There is no binding contract that anyone will live up to campaign promises. Obama sure makes everything sound good. Here's the two things that really concern me about the Obama proposals. 1) He is telling us that he can increase government oversight in a bunch of areas, offer state-sponsored health insurance, and a wad of other things WITHOUT raising individual taxes for most Americans or going further into debt. Look.... it is impossible for the government to SPEND more without either TAXING or BORROWING. I don't care what Obama says right now, you are going to pay more in taxes. That will fuel governmental growth, which is nearly impossible to cut back later. 2) A lot of Obama's ideas are just plain Socialism. Do you really want socialized heathcare? Healthcare issues handled by the same people who brought you the IRS tax code? Here again, once you start a socialist program, it is almost impossible to privatize it again or eliminate it. Look at Social Security. It was never meant to be the monster it is today, but can you imagine doing away with it? Don't get me wrong here -- I'm not particularly thrilled with McCain either. My bottom line is that the free market will work through this if allowed to. If we try to rush that with a bunch of government programs, then it will cost us (and our children) a lot more in the long run.
  24. I understand what you are saying. I thought Obama did a respectable job. His main mission was not to make a big blunder and he didn't. Obama is a better speaker and better debater than McCain, so it is hard to imagine a scenario where McCain could really take Obama down in a debate. However, I do think you are underestimating Obama's ability to push his liberal agenda if elected. Don't forget, the Dems control Congress right now. He could put a serious smack down on the 2nd Amendment if it were a priority. The question is whether it could be a priority, considering the other pressing issues right now. Here's my concern - the country didn't get into our current problems overnight. Even if we had Congressional agreement on the right policies, energy, the economy, and education issues are all going to take awhile before things go in a better direction. Obama knows that there is limited progress he can make in one term on those. 2nd Amendment issues could become a "quick win" taget so that he can generate proof that he accomplished something before the next election cycle. Don't forget, Obama is from Illinois, a state with some of the worst restrictions on 2nd Amendment issues. When Obama gets to start nominating Supreme Court judges, you can bet that will leave a lasting impression on the Court.
  25. My vote would be for a .38 or .357 revolver. Can't be beat for reliability. Small enough to conceal. One of the easiest for a new shooter to master. Lots of options within that group. I really favor the 3" models. Ruger SP101s are tanks. On the heavy side for carrying 18 hours a day, but will eat as many .357 loads as you care to put through it. Smith model 60s are a good choice also. I love the 3" model, but actually own a 2".


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