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    Bartlett, TN
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  1. We were very fortunate and did not lose power except for a flicker last night. Glad a had a generator the last go around and will be getting a bigger one soon. Seems like power outages are becoming more common in our area.
  2. Ours did come on and stay on late afternoon on July 3rd. We are bt Oak Elem and Singleton Comm Center so in that area off of Broadway that had bunch of damage. Found out this morning internet was restored to area but not our address, now Xfinity telling us we have to have tech come to house to diagnose problem. We're ready to change from them as well. Any Bartlett area folks have recommended internet provider?
  3. Mine went out 25th, stayed out till July 2 then came on about 545pm and then went off again about 230am on 3rd. Not impressed w mlgw communications by any means. Workers and outside contractors coming in seemed to be doing all they could but wife wasted time hoping to get accurate info from mlgw site. 2 generators saved stuff in freezer and kept fans going. We bought portable ac 5 days in which got 1 room to almost normal but it was tough. I'll be buying bigger generator soon. Still don't have internet and have resorted to using phone to connect which I never do. Guess not ashamed to say that TGO was big reason. Just knew I was missing out on something important or a great deal.
  4. If the initial possibility does not work out I'm interested in getting it.
  5. Had no idea a thread about cornbread could bring me this much enjoyment but it has. Thanks for helping me remember some past times!
  6. How great would it be to have someone like Walter Cronkite on any news network. Tell us the facts and let us make up our own minds. Unfortunately don't know that we will be able to see that again. (I did participate in the poll!)
  7. If 1st response doesn't work out, please PM and will figure out details. Thanks.
  8. My father-in-law and I went together and bought a 1969 RS/SS Camaro. It was blue, convertible, 4-speed. Sold it when my oldest son was 3 due to getting scared of having him in it without seatbelt (it did have lap belts). Had it for little over 5 years. Really wished we would just put it up and not tried to drive at all. I always said I would get another one day. Both sons are grown now but those cars are whole lot more than I could come up with at this time.
  9. Good looking pistol. Have you had chance to shoot this one? Just looking for feedback from someone that has one. The Rock Island Tac Ultra 10mm is really appealing for some reason.
  10. Guess we really shouldn't be surprised at selectively "ignoring/supporting" certain laws. Bunch of us tend to get upset when "changes" don't go along with what we support. Maybe we should really be upset when there are break downs in order of rule of law . I remember some really good conversations years ago when Colorado became the 1st state to legalize marijuana although that violated federal law. Most that supported legalization were not upset, most that did not support thought it was horrible. Many states have followed that same mindset and that ideology has filtered down from state to local in many situations.
  11. Finally saw a 30 Super Carry today at Top Gun in Memphis (Bartlett). It was a Smith Shield and they even had couple boxes of self defense ammo in stock as well. Thought it felt good and the cartridge did look interesting, guess meant to be between .380 & 9. Didn't impress me that it was 10 round mag though.
  12. Teenage kid wakes up and has to start his chores (ok maybe no longer realistic). Walks to the barn and kicks a chicken out of the way, throws the slop bucket outside of the hog pen, and then slaps the cow before he starts milking. He comes back inside and his Mom looks at him and is disappointed. Says I saw what you did and that's not appropriate. Since you kicked the chicken no eggs for a month, since you didn't feed the pig no bacon or ham for a month, and since you slapped the cow no milk for a month. Kid is shocked. About that time his Dad comes downstairs and almost trips over the cat at the bottom of stairs, as he's fussing he swings his jacket at the cat. Kid looks at his Mom and says "you want to tell him or you want me to"


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