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Everything posted by Curiousgb

  1. The RK shows in Memphis, well in a word, suck. I have wasted my last dollar on them. Dolomite I agree 100% with you. Have at them, I hope they rue the day they took your property.
  2. I use one of these Amphipod RunLite Hydration Belts - Customizable Multi-Bottle System. Innovation that delivers.. I can put my p32 in the pouch. Or I can also use it with my Taurus Ti 38 with a Fobus OWB holster. The belt is wide and comfortable. I sometimes carry a can of this for dogs but I am sure it would do a hell of a job on a human http://www.udap.com/product.htm.
  3. Every day you hit the road you win. In my humble opinion, I would recommend you keep on walking and add some running a little at a time. Cardio is where you will see the most weight loss. Of course your diet, what you eat and how much matters. Weights are good cross training. Memphis is an anomaly when it comes to fitness. We have the 4th largest running club in the US, three triathlon clubs, and miles of great places to run. There are races every weekend. And I have personally seen people start by walk/run 5k's until they are able to run. It's all down hill from there. Plus the camaraderie is a great motivator. I have a friend that was 300lbs last year. I met him at a race in Dec. He had lost a lot of weight and was running well. Three months later his is kicking my a-- at races. It was impressive. Hang in there. HTFU. Check out Memphis Runners Track Club. A membership will get you 15% off at Breakaway running.
  4. I ran my first Marathon last month. It took an extreme amount of control to hold a slow pace for the first half. I think I probably could have pushed it a little harder. But it was better to find out after the race than to have crashed in the last few miles. Now 5k's are a whole other animal. When the gun goes off I am gone. I want Bling!
  5. Buy it. I love my 1895. It is amazingly accurate. Hits like the hammer of Thor. But as been said reloading is a must. With the right loads you could take any critter in the world with a 45-70.
  6. Think negative splits. Finish faster that you stated. I have entered many races with the thought of taking it easy only to hear the start and take off like my A$$ was on fire. I am learning how to regulate my races. Currently I am working on longer distance races that are more about time than speed. I have signed up for my first Ultra Marathon in Sept. It should be a real mother. Running is my diet. HTFU - Welcome
  7. I would agree. Now matter what the Horse's Ass said if I am carrying, especially openly, I have to have a very thick skin. A pissing contest in public with some imbecile surely would not go my way; no matter how "right" I am.
  8. I am merely pointing out something I heard in a movie, "your hypocrisy (seems) to know no bounds." You say that if a gay person should want to talk about their agenda/gayness that it in not ok. But that you will be quick to let them know what your agenda is. I think most people are like you, they want to live and let live and be left alone. But your delivery tends to alienate and inflame people. It seems that you are quite passionate about this topic. And I am sure with all the fall out you are feeling somewhat defensive. I have known and know many gays both in the service and out. Most are fine people with good morals and ethics. They are not perverts or petafiles. They want the same as you and I, equality. I can't say I understand or agree with their lifestyle, but it is not my choice and it really has no effect on me.
  9. Lets see, you can stand on your stump and pontificate your "position/agenda" but no one else can? Sounds reasonable.
  10. I don't think we should let openly white, or openly black, or openly female, or......
  11. No, and I was not trying to make a case for illegals being illegal. I learned a long time ago that for every complicated problem there is a simple solution that is inevitably wrong. There are American Businesses that want illegal workers. They create a need and the "Mexicans" fill that need. When is the last time you saw a immigration raid that jailed the employer. And that is not a blanket statement that all employers of illegals know that they are illegal. But I have spoken to lots of folks out here in Shelby Co. And back in Charleston SC were I lived before. That speak of Mexicans, illegal or not, like they are talking about slaves 150 years ago. They like the cheap no hassle labor. I remember 15 years or so ago when Mexicans were starting to immigrate eastward. I listened to farmers and others that would say, "I like those Mexicans, they work hard they don't bitch about working like the blacks do." I heard it again yesterday only it was much less pleasant. I wish I had the answer. I don't like the immigration issues any more that anyone else. We have real problems but nothing is going to happen until we seal the borders.
  12. I am not trying to be arbitrary but how does it make a difference? I don't see where the Alabama argument it pointed to the illegal aliens. If I am following the thread correctly, it is just to have the test in English, regardless of a persons reason for being in the US legal or not.
  13. I went to Greece once. Sure was glad the signs were in both Greek and English. Was also glad they didn't make me take the drivers exam in Greek. It would have taken me a long time to pass it.
  14. That is nice. I have wanted to cut my 1895 down. Maybe 18 inches. I really like my 1895 I call it the Hammer of Thor. It is a beast. What kind of velocity do you get out of your 16" barrel?
  15. I would love to have one but the price is just a bit too much. I do love the 92's. I have a couple of the 92 clones and you can really slick them up.
  16. My favorite 45 acp powder is WST. I have loaded thousands of 45 rounds using it and 200gn LSWC.
  17. I had to go check, it is a Hornady. I don't think it will matter which you use. I just found it was important to do my crimping in a separate stage. I am using Oregon Trail 200gn LSWC's. They are seated 1.257", crimped to .465". [/img]
  18. I had issues with the 185's so I went to the 200's and never looked back. Most important factor I found was the correct taper crimp and overall length. I use a separate die for crimping. I set my dies many years ago and they haven't been moved. I use 4.5 gr of WST for powder.
  19. Jerk offs that check into of come in drunk to a hotel at 4am screaming shouting and making a general ass of themselves. AND people cruising in the fast lane.
  20. I think the problem with the Muslim Major was less a "one of them" scenarios, than it is one of typical military pass the "trash" syndrome. Especially in the Medical/Officer Corp. There is a sense that you can't confront someone or give them a bad fitrep, it might hurt their career. Or they might call me a racist or whatever...... I have seen dozens of times, in my career and my wifes, she is stationed at the base in the article.
  21. He is definitely a dumbass, and probably a little nuts. His wife is going to be in a world of feces. I would be surprised if they are allowed to stay in base housing. I am glad they jerked a knot it this guy.
  22. MTAC or MILT SPARKS HOLSTERS : SEMI-AUTO SUMMER SPECIAL 2 - World's Largest Supplier of Firearm Accessories, Gun Parts and Gunsmithing Tools for me.
  23. I live in Shelby County in a rural area. I often run and bike in the area. Lately I have been getting chased by more and more dogs. Tuesday I was on my bike and a large dog came at me I had to almost stop to keep from hitting him. When I did he grabbed my hand, nothing bad but it sure was a shock. The next day I had three dogs (pit mix) come at me while I was running. They had collars but I didn't recognize them. I now have mace but I wonder when it would be "legal" for me to shoot one, do they have to maul me. I don't mean to imply I am going to go dog hunting I am just starting to get "concerned" for my and my wifes safety.
  24. I own a safe full of lever guns. Unfortunately I don't own a thurty thurty. But I do agree it would be a great SHTF rifle. I have a 357 and 44 mag lever guns, they hold 10 rounds each. Inside 100 yrds I don't think there is much on two or four legs that they wouldn't handle.
  25. ~ I've received this email from several different people now. I've tried to tone down my political emails, but this seems as bipartisian, as well as constructive, as I have read, so far. THIS IS HOW YOU FIX CONGRESS!!!!! A friend sent this along to me. I can't think of a reason to disagree. I am sending this to virtually everybody on my e-mail list and that includes conservatives, liberals, and everybody in between. Even though we disagree on a number of issues, I count all of you as friends. My friend and neighbor wants to promote a "Congressional Reform Act of 2010". It would contain eight provisions, all of which would probably be strongly endorsed by those who drafted the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I know many of you will say, "this is impossible". Let me remind you, Congress has the lowest approval of any entity in Government, now is the time when Americans will join together to reform Congress - the entity that represents us. We need to get a Senator to introduce this bill in the US Senate and a Representative to introduce a similar bill in the US House. These people will become American hero's. Thanks, A Fellow American *********************************** Congressional Reform Act of 2010 1. Term Limits: 12 years only, one of the possible options below. A. Two Six year Senate terms B. Six Two year House terms C. One Six year Senate term and three Two Year House terms Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work. 2. No Tenure / No Pension: A congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work. 3. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security: All funds in the Congressional retirement fund moves to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, Congress participates with the American people. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, server your term(s), then go home and back to work. 4. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan just as all Americans. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work. 5. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work. 6. Congress looses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work. 7. Congress must equally abide in all laws they impose on the American people. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work. 8. All contracts with past and present congressmen are void effective 1/1/11 . The American people did not make this contract with congressmen, congressmen made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.


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