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Everything posted by espacef1fan

  1. I'll wither carry IWB or OWB,otherwise I'll place the gun in arms reach.
  2. 900 is cheaper than alot of uses AKS and ARS. I promise it's a sweeter rifle
  3. The numbers are engraved and white. I was nervous the paint stripper would eat them, but since I only paid $10 I went for it. They held up fine (obviously )
  4. It's pretty hard to lift up so I hope it stays down
  5. For those that are interested Here is how I did it.   First I gave it a quick clean with mineral spirit and wiped it dry.   Then I soaked it with gel paint stripper from Lowes(The orange citrus-ey stuff) for about 30-45 minutes.   I followed that up by scrubbing it with a brass toothbrush from harbor frieight.   I then dunked it in mineral spirits and wiped it clean.   I took it to the sink and used the brass brush and hot water to rinse any remaining paint, stripper, or mineral spirits away.   Finally after drying it off I soaked it in WD40 by spraying it and leaving it all night.   I wiped it dry this morning and took the picture.
  6. I didn't like the lack of ability to zero the way I know how to zero( Army trained).   I also think the shape of the outer edge of the peep being not round is affecting my ability to get my familiar sight picture hurting my grouping.   In other words its a familiarity thing.    I'm also trying to decide if the Magpul front sight is precise or not.
  7. I don't fully trust or like my rear magpul BUIS. I've use the matech milspec buis at work extensively and successfully so I bought this from a private seller last night for $10 : Some paint stripper, mineral spirits, wd40 and a small amount of effort netted me this:
  8. Winded from firing? Oh my. But I couldn't think of someone who needs a gun for defense more than someone like that.
  9. I bought the PT111 instead of the G17.
  10. Except don't we pay tax ordering online in TN now?
  11. Thanks for all of the replies
  12. Green tip wasn't a problem. I like the place. It's an adult playground:)
  13. Another good recommendation for a good all purpose 9mm is the Taurus PT111 G2. I picked mine up for $280 out the door brand new at Quantico Tactical in Clarksville. They can be found cheaper though
  14. 1 week has passed. No permit yet. (Not that I expected it yet, but I am counting like a kid waiting for Christmas )
  15. I might be able to talk the wife into heading over to Mt Juliet for that shopping center , hmm.
  16. I would think the M855 isnt a problem on paper and it does about the same to a  berm that m193 does.
  17. I live in Clarksville and I am taking my father in law to the VA at Vanderbilt in the morning.    What LGS has the best prices on ammo in general?(5.56, 45 and 9mm specifically)   What LGS would be the most fun to go to?   I figured I would ask just in case someone had some ideas?
  18. I'm planning on going Friday. Just trying to figure out if my pile of green tip is usable
  19. Is M855 considered armor piercing by the range?
  20. Ok so they have a bench there?  Do they have sandbags or anything else?
  21. I've never been here before and I want to take my AR out for some zeroing and testing.   I want to zero at 50yds then see how it groups at 100, 200, and if I'm on my game 300 yds.   I want to be able to shoot from a  supported position, I don't care if it's prone or seated at a bench.   What should I bring with me beyond eye/ear pro, the rifle and ammo? (I understand its an outdoor range and I need to dress for the weather, but do I say need to bring a mat for not laying in the mud?) What should I anticipate buying there? Should I try buying it elsewhere?
  22. Is there a cheaper source for buying 30-30 other than 20rd boxes at walmart or wherever?
  23. On a side note I thought I would talk about my class some more, or an observation I made. Atleast half of the people there were, how shall I say, not a good shot. At all.    I scored(the admittedly easy) 100% with a ragged hole and a dozen fliers(I got lazy and bored so I fired more rapidly) I still had time to reload my 10rd magazine before other firers had completed their iteration. They also didnt have a very good llooking target(fliers everywhere) but they still passed.   I've never really been huge into pistols, I mean yeah I qualify maybe once a year at most with a M9 and I recently started shooting pistols on my own, but I was just surprised at the comparitive lack of skill.   I'm not trying to cut people down, I just didnt think there were that many bad shots?
  24. the United States Army - Army ValuesMenu Oath of Enlistment Oath of EnlistmentDownload PosterOath of EnlistmentDownload PDF I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).
  25. To me the issue isn't M855 staying available. Heck I've used it in Baghdad, not very effective as ammo goes. Better than none I guess. I don't mind having it as cheap plinking ammo (I have 14 mags loaded up at the moment). Here is the issue. The BATFE is writing something into LAW without basing it on facts or preexisting statutes. Worse yet they are bypassing the only people authorized by the constitution to write laws, the legislative branch. Is that the definition of an enemy to the Constitution?


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