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    Clarksville, TN
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    US Army


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  1. Remember they didnt cave to pressure when moms demand action wanted them to ban carry in their stores.
  2. I think we need to settle what age an adult is and make that the standard be it 16 or 25. Can die for your country at 18 but not drink til 21 etc Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. The Taurus pt111 g2 is a better competitor to the Sig vs the keltec Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  4. Anyone shopping this owes it to themselves to check out a Taurus pt111 g2 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  5. Still love any 92fs/M9 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  6. I’m thinking of replacing my current carry gun. 9mm is fine but I don’t want to add any weight or size, but I would love to add “niceness”. I also don’t want to lose the 12+1 capacity. Any suggestions? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  7. It would be nice to make carry possible in states where hey are being denied the right. Even if it was only for a little while so studies could be done and they could prove that crime doesnt increase so repealing the ability to carry is simply emotional
  8. Thoughts? https://www.ammoland.com/2017/12/whos-afraid-big-bad-fix-nics/#axzz50hyZ2J1P
  9. https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/115/hr38 It just passed judiciary committee. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  10. This actually is starting to become a discussion in the mainstream media.....
  11. Well unless we repeal background checks all together we arent losing any ground. We would just be agreeing to a law that ideally isnt anything more than "Dont sell guns to criminals that are prohibited from owning them..and we REALLY mean it. Also here is a tool to help and protect everyone from the breaking the law" It is unfortunate that we live in a time of gridlock politics that prevent progress for either party in any area. Thats how the throwing the bone situation is going to come bite us in the ass. But what if they didnt bite back? Would something like this be ok with you guys? What would you change?
  12. I dont know where they mental health info would come from-slippery slope, and not just for gun stuff I dont know what the exact crimes would be that would indicate future crime commision. Statistics would aid in making the law. It would be important that a guy making a mistake in good faith isnt pulled into the black water of the whirlpool this law would be though. Hadnt thought of the stolen gun database either. Another great idea, seriously.
  13. Gray area= I should have or the "new law" should define acts which clearly mark someone as likely to commit crime with guns in the future... poor wording at best by me.. The idea behind what I propose is it sets up a self motivated universal background check type system without a crazy burden so we throw a bone tot he anti gunners. Basically it says you cant sell guns or give them to people who shouldnt have them while providing a tool for free to assist in it. It also establishes another tool law enforcment can use against organized crime. This further adds deterrence speaking of deterrence that's the main problem. Deals get made all too often and no one is scared to do the time when it is only a couple years.
  14. Ive been considering a TT33


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