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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Again, we do know. Go back and listen to the 911 call. Does Zman mention Black and hoodie somewhere in the conversation in reference to Trayvon? I hope I didn't imagine that.   Dave
  2. The only profile that was presented that night was, "looks black" and wearing a hoodie. None of this other stuff about Trayvon came to light until after the fact. So Zman based his actions on a "black kid wearing a hoodie"? A little racial huh? No body knew any of this stuff about Trayvon. Surely none of this happened because TM was blackl...I'm not going to play the race card. Zman already done that.   Dave   Dave S
  3. Folks, I have been scratching my head on this since day one. And as more and more time goes by, and based on the information available to me via the internet....Zman is guilty of something. What? I don't know. We'll see I guess. I feel that that whole game was on Zmans end of the field!   Dave S
  4. I'll agree to that too. He's probably going to get his hind end sued off in the process, and Sanford FL will burn due to riots.   Using TM's phone and facebook pictures to paint the real Trayvon is insane. If that's the case, how many of us have pictures on our phones, websites and facebook pages of us with guns, game animals and fish we harvested. Does that make us animal haters? Guilty of animal abuse? I have a picture of a pot plant, does that mean I grow or smoke the stuff? Of course none of it does. However, if my a** was in a sling as Zman's is...I'm going to grab everything I can too. I don't know how this trial is going to go. I'm just glad I'm not on a jury.   Dave
  5. I'm curious about the pictures the "Z Team" presented recently of TM. One picture the "Z Team" shows TM wearing a dark hoodie with some kind of logo on the front, taken by store cameras in which they contend he was wearing just minutes before the shooting.   Then they show a hoodie that is totally a different color and no logo, with a blast hole (no burns that I could see) that they say TM was wearing when he got shot. It must be bad photography and the "Z Team" is grabbing at straws, or skittles in this case.   I'll be there, so I'll see first hand what the real deal is!   Dave
  6. Been there done that. I'm retired now. I'm 6' 175. For some reason, maybe age I don't know. I have a really really hard time wrestling a 250 pound hog to the ground, let alone sit on top of one. Maybe Zman didn't fight back, or TM clocked him good enough to knock him down. Too many questions unanswered. We'll see though.   Dave
  7. With all going on with the scouts now, I'm not sure they have a future, and that's sad.   Dave S
  8. My dogs are like children to me. I too, will leave it at that.   Dave S
  9. I can't find my translator...   Dave S
  10. Was this Zimmerman's neighborhood? I must have missed that in my readings. If Trayvon was/is a gun toting "gangsta", where was his gun that night? My experience with "gangsta's", they go no where without their poppers. I seem to remember he didn't have one. If TM was standing his ground in a place he legally was allowed to be, he had to use his hands to defend himself, as he had no gun. That don't sound like much of a thug to me.   He was no angel I agree to that. Neither was Zimmerman. If Z man would have stayed in his truck and watch and wait for LEO, things would be much different.   Had Zman and Zgirl not lied to a judge about how much money and assets they had for bail, I would have just a little better attitude about the situation he is in. He's lied more than once! He has even came on TV without his lawyers knowledge shooting off his mouth. Doesn't sound like an innocent person in my experience!   We all stated in another thread here, what we would do opposed to taking a butt whipp'n if someone closed within "x" amount of feet of us and what their attitude and body language was telling us. None of us will ever know I guess, because one thug in Sanford FL is sticking his face on TV wanting all of us to feel sorry for him and give him money, and the other thug was shot to death while on top of the other.   Trayvon? Zimmerman? A whole world of madness....   Dave S
  11. It's going to get interesting for sure.   Dave S
  12. Man that's crazy!   Dave S
  13. I understand where you are coming from. Zman was 250 pounds. Trayvon was a 6'3 140 pound beanpole. You telling me a 140 pounder can over power a 250 pounder? Here some more photos released by the defense. Note the hoodies in a couple of pictures the defense said trayvon was wearing.   http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2330068/George-Zimmerman-Marijuana-guns-fighting-New-photos-texts-Trayvon-Martins-cell-phone-paint-troubling-picture-slain-teen.html?ICO=most_read_module   Dave S
  14. I'm glad the judge put a gag order on the defense. How can anyone get a fair trial? They have been digging in the trash since day one and painting Zman as the victim. This is going to be a interesting trial!    Dave S
  15. I'm a Trayvon supporter, even have my signs ready to go to Florida next month. However, I think GZ's lawyers are doing this to taint the jury pool by making this kid look like crap. I'd love to see the background on "Z" man!   Dave
  16. This news just released today. Just plain crazy!   http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2013-05-23/news/os-george-zimmerman-trial-trayvon-20130523_1_zimmerman-case-trayvon-martin-george-Zimmerman   Dave S
  17. It's on/in property you rent? "Sir what rifles?" At least until someone could give me some answers!   Dave S
  18. He should have been killed for pullling a little stunt like that! Darn shame he cop that got shot didn't get to deliver the "final blow". I know if the officer had a chance, best thing to do is seperate the person from their gun as quickly as possible. That is if the officer knew he had one.    Dave S
  19. That is crazy insane! Not even time to shoot back!   Dave S
  20. Yes, you can take the course online then attend a scheduled range day. Its a good way to do it too. However, most other states H/S cards are good in TN.   Dave S
  21. Cool,  I'll pass it on to folks I know!   Dave S
  22. I heard it did. Glad you clarified that. "Know what I mean Jack?"   Dave S
  23. There you go. That should get some action! Put it over in classifieds and let her rip! I'm going to Florida next month to "march for Trayvon", or I'd buy it. That's a deal!!   Dave S


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