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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Heading to Florida next month for some fishing and hog hunting. I'm pumped! I found out today FYI, that Florida doesn't charge their residents for a fishing license if they are on food stamps. That's pretty cool and something all states should offer. Give the people a chance to feed themselves!   Cool thing about hog hunting there on private land is; you can use any weapon you want, day or night, spotlights, bait, feeders and 365 days a year...all FREE...no limit!   Listen to that TN, that's how you get rid of hogs!!!   We will be Shark, Cobia, Redfish and Sea Trout fishing by day, and hog hunting at night!!! I'm pumped!!   Dave S
  2. I carry concealed, but I don't know all the inside data. I go to my parents house in Guntersville all the time. I don't frequent the bars and such so I'm not much help. Where in Alabama you heading?   Dave S
  3. I've heard a lot of people talk about gator meat. We'll see though.   Dave
  4. I'll be meeting the land owner while there, and see if I can set up a fall hunt. This guy dead serious wants the pigs off his property!   Dave S
  5. Exactly right. Zman has nothing. He's taking donations through his website. He just got sued for $27,000.00 from a security company. He still owes another one $40,000.00 for services. His current body guards charges him $7,000.00 a WEEK for body guard services. He says he needs $30,000.00 a MONTH to live on.   Wait until he gets his legal bills. The dude is going to have to file bankruptcy!   Well, he should have let that kid walk home. Sad part is, this could happen to any of us here on TGO! Sad, very sad indeed!   The NW at the gayed community already paid out millions to TM parents from a law suit they filed.   Dave S
  6. I'll keep ya'll posted! Dave S
  7. Ya'll are ruining my cravings for see food... Dave
  8. ^This too!    Dave
  9. Never had gator. Would like to give it a try though!    Dave
  10. Thanks for the info. A landowner is having a major problem and we get to hunt them. Cool thing is..hunt them with what you want, when you want and how you want. FREE  Then going to squeeze in some shark and cobia fishing!   Thanks again!   Dave
  11. :rofl: :clap:
  12. I'm heading to Florida to Pig hunt, fish and rally, and wondered if any of ya'll had any experience "carrying" while there. I've been reading up on it, but I'm sure there are things I don't know. I'm going to Florida via Alabama.   Dave
  13. Well said! :clap:    Dave
  14. Read post #309 Garufar....somehow it didn't quote like I wanted to it to. Plus I'm not going off.   Dave S
  15.  let #### happen   #### happened this time huh? Dude can't even step outside without his $7,000.00 a week body guard. Because #### happened, he'll never live a normal life ever again! But yeah....#### happens!   Dave S
  16. On what bases do you contend he had a "racial chip" on his shoulder? Did he say something?   Dave S
  17. I'm emotionally invested in this case because deep down in my heart I feel and believe that a kid breaking no laws while walking back from the store, lost his life at the hand of a wannabe something  cop. Although both have questionable backgrounds, I think there is a fly in the ointment here. Look at the back of Zimmerman's head. Many years of training and experience doesn't tell me the same story that Zman contends. Study it real close and tell me what you see? Better yet, I'll make it easy..tell me what you "don't see".   I have my own theory on what I "think happened" based on evidence available to us.   Dave S
  18. Them idiots got arrested, and they'll get their day in court! Pretty sickening if you ask me!   Dave S
  19. Can you post a link to the news report? I'm having issues finding it on "you tube".   Dave
  20. I donated money when this case first opened. I, in my own opinion want to see justice done. I do not care if the justice is Zman or TM. I paid into the Justice for Trayvon fund, and have received my sign to carry. Will I? Probably not, but I had a fishing trip and pig hunt set up for that time frame and was going to make good use of the trip. All I can tell you is, is that this boy is going to be as far away from Sanford Florida as I can get when the verdict is read.  All I want out of this is to hear the judge or jury tell Zman he should have stayed in his truck! Pursuing, following, tracking, spotting, birddogging confronting or anything else anyone comes up with does not fall under "stand your ground". I've said that from day one!   And for personal reasons...   There you have it buddy!   Dave S
  21. That and the fact that I didn't want to postpone my trip. It don't matter, I may go fishing instead of marching with my sign. I may just watch the movie when it comes out! I really don't want to be around the "torch carrying lynch mob" when the verdict is read!   Dave S
  22. I'm glad they didn't postpone the trial!   Dave S
  23. That actually works in Zman'z favor. Because if the court would allow the pictures and record of TM, they would also be allowing the record and pictures of Zman. I wish they would allow them myself...That all is a part of it. It's amazing how any court can "disallow" certain things. We had a case here where an assault occurred that was captured on store video. The defense got that video disallowed from testimony. The POS got off with a tap on the hand.   I don't agree with the way evidence is handled at times.   Dave S
  24. Your 4:30am statements doesn't jive with the situation at hand. This thread died several days...thanks for bringing it back. Use the search function. I'm sure you'll find some more arguments to participate in.   Later. As in # 5   Dave S


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