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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. yes. Being a Taxidermist myself, He is going on the wall! You Betcha!!!! And, Thank You!   Dave S
  2. My Daughter is my whole world! I just wanted to share with her some of the awesome stuff I've got to do growing up!   Dave S
  3. Good for Granny!!!   Bad link....please remove!   Dave
  4. Thank You!   Dave
  5. We had a blast. I have more pictures to put up. Tired from the drive home. ill get some more up tomorrow. We were indeed blessed!   Dave S
  6. I had a friend in high school die from huffing spray paint. It is a bad deal to watch someone poison themselves all while ignoring every piece of advice you try to give to help them out. It's heart breaking!   Dave S
  7.  Oooppssss.....wrong thread. My bad baddy bad. Dave
  8.     It's all about what I believe in. That's all. I believe Zman murdered an innocent kid, who was doing nothing but walking home. I have been beat to death on this forum from many members here. I still firmly stand by what I believe in. You or anyone else will not change my mind. I personally hope Zman gets off the hook. I also hope he gets sued for millions for "wrongful death" and the dude (cowboy) cop wanna be, will never get to live a normal life. There are "hits' on him and he will always be looking over his shoulder and watching the shadows for the rest of his life. The jury can render a verdict of "innocent" and he'll pay for his stupidity for the rest of his life (how ever long that will last). But I have been attacked time and time again, for what I believe in. Why? So I think the cop wanna be killed an innocent kid. That makes me a bad guy? HAHAHA!!! Far from it home dawg!   Dave
  9. Yes I do. I have always stood up for what I beleive in, do now and always will. Balls? You betcha buddy!!!   Dave
  10. Let's all wait to see what the jury says....   Dave S
  11. How about the white redneck peaces of #### that drug the black kid to death behind a pichup truck because he got caught in the "wrong part" of town...I'm done. I am not in no way a racist as some of you appear to be in my eyes. May God bless everyone one of you..you need it!!   Dave S
  12. Ain't that nice ROBERTNASHVILLE?
  13. Don't attack me bro...you won't like it..."Dudes" are Cowboys. I'm not a Cowboy, so I would appreciate you not calling me "Dude". If you want to call me anything besides my name...try "Sir".     Dave S
  14. The sun setting over our hunting grounds... Dave
  15.     It's all about making memories Bro!   Dave S
  16. KileyBug fought this Nurse Shark for about an hour. We estimate the shark at 8 foot and 275 to 300 pounds. This kid is still on cloud nine. About an hour of fighting on rod and reel (and several blisters) later.. Here is KBug and Officer Godwin about to release the shark unharmed. \ Dave
  17. Dave and his trophy Boar Another shot... Dave S
  18. Federal Wildlife Officer J. Godwin and Dave S. with a trophy boar taken by Dave on Florida hunt. Dave S
  19. KBugs first shark.. Dave S
  20. KileyBug and Federal Wildlife Officer J. Godwin on KB's first pig hunt. Dave
  21. Kiley with her first pig. A 60 pound "Piney Woods Rooter". Taken with a Marlin 7mm/08 at 50 yards with a 120gr SST bullet. A neck shot dropped her where she stood! Dave S
  22. It has nothing to do with race. Why do ya'll keep bringing up race? Race had not a damn thing to do with it! And yes I donated! My money was GREEN, not black, white, brown or red. What did you do? Did you give to Zman? Trayvon? If you didn't, you have nothing to complain about right?   Dave
  23. I will, but not at this time...   Dave
  24. Trayvon's parents believed no less in their child than you would believe in yours. I just left that part of Florida....that town will burn if Zman gets off. And from what I'm seeing, he will not!   Dave
  25. Not me home dawg! I'm only in for the money...and personal reasons.   Dave


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