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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. That's part of the issue; what did Zman do to set this kid off to get issued an azz whoop'in? Nothing? Zman was just out for an evening stroll? TM did it for what reason? Something happened to set that kid off. I would say TM was a pretty sorry "thug" though for going out at night without his gun and gold grills huh? Zman  "said" TM circled his vehicle...did he? There's no doubt he assaulted Zman, did a damn right good job of it too. But why I ask? If TM went out looking for trouble, he would have got into at the store, but Zman came and found him instead. There are  whole lot of questions to be answered!   Dave S
  2. Good stuff Ted...Sorry to hear about your father.    Dave S
  3. Here's the problem we all have......WE and I mean all of us have no idea what happened to cause TM to attack Zman, if that is in fact what happened. We have no idea why Zman attacked TM if that is what happened. We don't know do we? None of us know who was screaming help just seconds before TM was shot. No one knows.
  4.   I know opinions shouln't mean anything in court, but the potential jurors sure was aked what their "opinions, thoughts and feelings" were! Wore'em out on them!   Dave S
  5. There are very little facts from the TM side other than the fact that he issued Zman an ass whoop'in! He's dead, so we can't hear his side of the story. All we have is Zman/s version and he may be busy trying to save his own butt! He's already raised red flags (and no, I'm not going to prove it) on his intergrity. I should say lack thereof...I'm sure ya'll have the same search egines on your PC's as I do. Easy stuff to look up!   Dave S
  6.  Well the trial starts Monday, so I guess we'll have to wait to see all the evidence.   Dave S
  7.   All you've done s qoute me..can't you come up with your own arguement? Hey again, I'm not on trial here. I didn't bring a gun to a fist fight with a teen ager! No problems here! I'll respond to your qouting me after I finish my watermelon Jollie Ranchers
  8. Granted, some high profile folks got involved in this thing. Jessee and Al should have stayed out of it and let the people of the community speak for themselves. But they got involved then Obama got involved and the whole thing went to hell in a hand basket. What's sad, is this could happen to any of us in an SD shooting. Based on race or otherwise. All it takes is someone with enough money to come after us.   Now had TM been involved in a home invasion and gotten killed by the homeowner then so be it. Had TM gotten killed while robbing someone or a drug deal gone bad, then so be it. But the kid was doing nothing but walking home. Had Zman not seen TM, TM would have made it home and we'd never known his name. It doesn't matter if Zman got punched in the nose or not. Not every fight is a gunfight and this fits the bill. If Zman couldn't handle the possibility of a physical altercation in the line of work he chose to do, then maybe he should have been a locker room monitor at the YWCA, and leave the police work to the real cops on the other end of the 911 call.   This whole case is a royal mess!!   Dave S
  9. Where did anyone in these threads say TM got profiled based on his race? Zimmerman never mentioned race in his 911 call. Did not dispatch bring that up first? Maybe someone else is making this a race issue, but it sure ain't me. I like all people, Black, white, red, yellow and green!   I agree that the media is using profiling in a racial way. I'm not. I'm baseing "profiling" on ones actions and not the color of his skin. I could care less about that. When I say Zman was profiling TM...just based on actions. And I think it will come into play in court.   Dave S
  10. Here's what got my attention....I may be wrong, but it's my opinion.   Profiling; noun : the act or process of extrapolating information about a person based on traits. Specifically: the act of SUSPECTING or TARGETING a person on the BASIS of observed CHARACTORISTICS or BEHAVIOR.   Just a few lines of 911 call that I say TM was profiled. Again, just my opinion...   Zimmerman: Hey, we've had some break-ins in my neighborhood, and there is a real suspicious guy, uh, near Retreat View Circle. This guy looks like he's up to no good, or he's on drugs or something, and he's just walking around.   Zimmerman: Something's wrong with him.   Zimmerman: These assholes always get away.   This is just a few that in my opinion is "profiling" TM based on the legal definition of Profiling. Again, just my WA Opinion!   Dave S
  11.    The legal deffinition of "profiling" was posted on another thread. Just read the 911 transcripts and it will all jump out at you.   Dave S
  12. OK, apparently Zman DID NOT enter the residence, as I cannot find that.    From the news paper report... At an emergency homeowner’s association meeting on March 1, “one man was escorted out because he openly expressed his frustration because he had previously contacted the Sanford Police Department about Zimmerman approaching him and even coming to his home,” the resident wrote in an email to HuffPost. “It was also made known that there had been several complaints about George Zimmerman and his tactics" in his neighborhood watch captain role.    Dave S  
  13. And how about the people in his own neighborhood who filed numerous complaints against him during his tenure as NW Captain. I seem to remember one resident saying Zman entered his residence without permission. I'm still researching that subject though. 
  14.   I agree. If my child had been killed, I'd want justice too if applicable. I don't care how far I had to go or who's toes I had to step on. I would get my answers....    DS
  15. I understood the court said that TM's past was ilrelivant to him geting killed and couldn't be adressed during the opening statements. They have already said the 911 tapes and Zman's written statements hae been submitted in to evidence. Trayvon's and Zman's past will most likely get brought up though. Keep in mind also that there are many different types of "profiling", not just racial in which (my opinion only), Zman did not do.   Dave S
  16. Wow...that's insane!   Dave S
  17.     Since ya'll like playing you tube videos for me, I'll play one for you;   Quite, Quite...he's going to speak....   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKKmzmeU5-0   Now to answer your questions. I at least owe you that since you keep chasing me in everythread I post in; Am I "serious", I don't know, am I? As to question number one, you answer it. Because If I answer it, you'll only ask me to "proove it". So if you answer it, no proof is required. As to question number two, I personally have never seen a "Black Panther", I hear that they can kill you. Si Robertson beleives in them...you may want to direct that question to him. As to the next question, Yes, I hope Zman gets off the hook so he doesn't have to spend any jail time. Solitary confinement is no way to spend your time. And the next question, Yes, I hope he gets sued for millions so he can pay the Martins and pay back the money to the neighborhood that got sued over his actions. And the next, yes, there are hits out on him. I will not elaborate, don't ask me to. And the last, no matter what verdict the jury renders...he's screwed!   See, now you have it!   Dave S
  18. Yep, he's never been in trouble before. That should help his case.    DS
  19. I use "Wildlife Innovations" trail cameras. They run about 40.00 (last year) at Walmart. They are reliable and take great color photos day or night. I've been using them for about three years and bought another last year. They'll do fine for what you want one for.   Dave S
  20. Good stuff!!!   Thanks or posting!   Dave S
  21. The fishing pond got stocked with catfish a week or so ago. Maybe getting stocked again. Let me see what I can find out.   DS
  22. I personaly don't see him getting a fair trial! It's sad....    DS
  23. That's a good one! I give you credit for being creative with that one! 


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