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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Family farm or you must reside on it. No acreage requirement. https://www.tn.gov/twra/pdfs/farmlicense.pdf   Dave
  2. I'm game buddy! As far as the range goes, do you need me to come and pick you up?     Dave
  3. Ron, let me know when you're ready to go. I have some places to take you.   Dave
  4. I haven't been to see any. I'm going to start going this coming week as much as I can.   Dave
  5. Praying for your family Brother Luke...   Dave
  6. We hunters are a small drop of water in TWRA's bucket. Duck's Unlimited pumps millions into our wildlife programs. And to have to pay outrageous fees to hunt "public owned lands" is already crazy! Some of our Brother and Sister TGO members on here are catching hell paying for license now. What are they going to do in the future?   Dave
  7. What the heck has become of our once great country? Kim, junk uh scare us that bad? I declare!   Dave
  8. I agree 100%   Dave
  9. I wouldn't mind paying it in a way, if I could shoot pigs, but we can't. These changes will be pretty hard on low income folks hunting for meat. I see an increase in poaching coming!   Dave
  10. I received this from the TN Wildlife Officer's Association; I hope like hell that it doesn't go through! http://www.tn.gov/twra/license_fee_info/TWRA_proposed_fees.pdf   Dave
  11. If the people of Newtown win this suit, the next time someone hits me with their car, I'm going to sue the car manufacturer. After all, there will be a "case history" of manufacturer liability huh?   Dave
  12. The Titans (my favorite team) need to clean house and start over!   Dave
  13. What he is doing is perfectly legal. However, baiting by the placing of food where it doesn't naturally occur is illegal. Baiting was one of my all time favorite tickets to write. Piled corn in the woods, apples in a stand of oak trees Things of such constituted baiting!   Dave
  14. Well, I let my identity (let the cat out of the bag) out by accident. My Mother passed away early Sunday morning, and Sunday afternoon I had to prepare 4 packages to ship on my way out of town Monday morning. Being pretty scatter brained, I had to sign 3 cards and left one un signed. Well I know for a fact, that my giftee got a 'signed" card, as my brother asked me "don't you ever sign Christmas cards?"...it is what it is. I also think I put my address on the outside of the packages so that they would come back to me if they didn't get delivered. Oh well, if my Secret Santa wants to let me know who He/She is, that's fine. I guess it's their right to do so.   Merry Christmas to all.   As Paul Harvey would....."and that's the rest of the story."   Dave
  15. I just went through it this week with my Mom. It's not easy at all. My mom's funeral was this past Thursday and she weighed 73 pounds. Hang in there Brother Luke. If you need anything at all let us know (you know how to get in touch with us) and we'll make something happen.   We'll be praying for your family Luke.   Dave
  16. Ron; My Mother passed away Sunday and I'm quite busy. I'll try to return your call today. I have been very busy and for the most part I haven't even taken time to eat, not like I felt like anyways. Will give you a call soon. I'm sorry I haven't called you back yet.   Dave
  17. Folks, Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers..it really means a lot to me. I'm going to be out of the loop for a few days unless the Hotel has good WIFI and I can connect my laptop. I will try to keep y'all posted. It's going to be a bad next few days.   Blessings to all.   Dave
  18. TGO brothers and Sisters, I don't ask for much in life but I'm asking now for ya'll to say a little prayer for us. I was just notified at 3am that my Momma has passed away. The best Momma in the world.   Rest in peace Ma...will miss you dearly!   Dave
  19. Nice deer to all!! Those bucks are fantastic! I processed Omega's doe's for him, and they weren't too shabby either!   Dave
  20. Welcome to TGO and maybe we'll run into one another at TGC!   Dave
  21. Just let me know Ron, and I'll make time to get out.   Dave
  22. Ron, If you have  your Type 94 WMA big game, give me a call sometime and we'll go. Two old broke down dudes can't do too much damage to the local deer herd. 931-551-0331   Dave
  23. I'm in!   Dave
  24. Yes, bow hunting is open. Gun hunting is not, and bow hunting is not permitted during the quota hunts. Get in on some bow hunts if you can. My experience of hunting LBL for all the years that I have, is that after the quota hunts, you'll do better getting a deer there by driving up and down the roads until you hit one. But, get in the woods and give it a shot! There are some big ones there! I have a couple of places to go, but I haven't been because, wind, rain, and I don't like hunting by myself. I'm disabled now, and I have a hard time at times.   Dave
  25. Ron, Fort Campbell requires a Post Hunting permit that cost between 40 and 80 dollars depending on your status. Hunting is by computer drawing only and you must stay in your assigned area. Fort Campbell has a "earn a buck" program this year in which you MUST harvest a doe first before you can take a buck. It wasn't worth it to me last year as I put in for about a half dozen drawings and got drawn twice. Your mileage may vary.   Dave


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