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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I don't think he is guilty of 2nd degree murder.  First degree stupidity maybe, maybe manslaughter. I will stand on this though; had Zman STAYED in his hoopty, monitored the situation and then let the police handle it, he would not be in the mess he is in now! He chose those actions and he alone did so. That's my stand and I have no pity for him. If the jury says not guilty, good for him and I can live with that. If they find him guilty, so be it...I can live with that too!   Dave S
  2. He asked about TM's injuries outside the gunshot wound. I think that's what he was asking anyways. I agree with the pictures of Zman's melon.    Dave S
  3. I googled it already. Ya'll keep telling us to read the facts...well now I'm asking for those facts. Show me! I've read several versions of the call. Ya'll apparently know the "real" one. Share it with me, so we'll be on the same sheet of music. If you don't know, say so...nothing to be ashamed of!  ;)   Dave S
  4. I've done read about 5 different versions ofthat call. The word "Punk" is most consistent, so punk it is!    Dave S
  5. I guess I found the right one now. Zman says "F****** Coon" and not punk. Damn...just Damn!!!    Dave S
  6. Could be. How many "versions" is there considering it was the same 911 call?    DaveS
  7. TM had an abrasion on the back of his finger, probably from punching Zman in the face. Zman had no defensive wounds, and TM had no DNA of Zman's on his hands or under his nails. I actually find that hard to beleive.    As far as followingTM they really didn't get into that outside what the Prosecutor and 911 operator said. The only other thing that really came out yesterday, was Zman was heard on tape...calling or reffering to TM as a "F***ing Punk" . I'd never heard that before. That's the "F" bomb the Prosecution threw out there. If memory serves me right it was used "F*****g Punk, these A**holes always get away". They have that on tape. Like I said, I'd not heard that before.   And don't tell Knock Knock jokes! LMAO!!!   Dave S
  8. I think that's more for tournament fisherman. You actually help the population more by harvesting some fish. Spotted Bass is a good example.    DaveS
  9. I think putting him on the stand would be a big mistake, because he can't tell the same lie twice. He changes his story every time he opens his pie hole! ellers Just my OPINION fell'ers!   DaveS
  10. Exactly....  This is all my opinion! Except Zman's written statements and his video....that's a joke!   Dave S
  11. No, what the real shame is Robert is that you can't have anything without some lugnut taking it from you! We shouldn't have to lock our stuff up. Just the way it is though!   Dave S
  12. No sir; but neither you nor I are on trial right now. Not a very good example Sir!    Dave S
  13. I beleive very little he says. He's been caught in too many lies now. I know, I know...prove it....    DiaS
  14. That's funny stuff right there....is that all? I like that!    Dave S
  15. Exactly...AGAIN..I'M NOT ON TRIAL!!!!! ZMAN IS!!!!    I know exactly what it is....do you?   Dave S
  16. If anyone carries a handgun....they better know this!!!    DaveS
  17.  How so JayC? At least un-ignore me to answer this.   DS
  18.   Refer to post 108 you made on how to "ignore" folks.... 
  19.   Again ROBERT...never mind....ain't worh it   Dave S
  20. Just m OPINION...isn't that what this is all about? Don't be mad because I don't agree with you.    Dave S


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