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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I hope they put Zman on the stand too. His written statements to police differ from his video...why do you rekon that is?    Dave S
  2. I found the info Robert...and you didn't like the version I found. Give me the version YOU want me to follow. Oh by the way, Andrew's site does show the whole thing just so you know. Well, at least compared to other versions I've seen. Which one is correct?    Dave
  3. And shouldn't people like you realize that people have their own opinions that may differ from yours? I have asked several folks on here to give me the link to the "real" 911 call or at least the version they liked and no one has done so. So one says "search GOOGLE"...lmao. OK I did...now give me a link to the "version" of the 911 call you would like my to accept as gospel!   I'm getting the real impression that folks with differnent opinions, opinions that don't fall in line with the "cliques" aren't much welcome here. With that being said....   Dave
  4.   My only problem with Zman is he should have stayed in his truck and stayed on the phone with police. Let the police find and question him. That's their job! His was to "observe and report" and that's all.  I bet old Zman wishes the same right now too. This is one of the most screwed up court cases since OJ! This girl friend of TM's is this trials "Cato Katlin" from the OJ days! I really want to sit back and laugh.....   Dave
  5.   If Zman is found innocent, will he get his handgun and his carry permit back?    Just curious....   Dave
  6. I seen one version of the 911 call where Z called TM and F****** Coon...right before he called him an a-hole. Some folks here will tell you that's the wrong version of the 911 call, but it's the version the prosecution used. So it's the version I use, as no one will link me to the cleaned up goody goody version.     TM said (according to his friend) Creepy azz kracker....   Double standard is about right.   Dave
  7. Awesome! Now drop propaganda notes all over Afganasand telling habib about his new options!   DaveS
  8. I think she also asked West "are you listening"? Maybe she'll keep being a good witness for the defense....I hope se doesn't get impeached!    Dave S
  9. You will pay tax in Tennessee whether it be sales tax or use tax. If you register it in TN...they'll get ya! My boat was bought in tennessee and I paid sales tax when I registered it. I bought a car from a soldier on Fort Campbell who had bought the car and registered it in Kentucky, and when I registered it in TN, well, I had to pay sales tax, even though he had paid tax on it in Kentucky the same year. They'll get you coming and going!   Dave S
  10.   Kinda harsh ain't it man? Maybe Zimmerman will never walk amonst us either huh?     Dave S
  11. That was pretty funny. Then at the end the Judge told everyone what time to come back..she says "what"?? I don't think she was very respectful either. Go figure...   Dave S   Dave S
  12. What...because what my OPINION about this case is? And I know how you are too!   ;)     Dave S
  13. Don't assume that I'm changing my stance here, but if your the Prosecution....put a witness on the stand that is at least 1 IQ point smarter than a tree stump! Sheezzzz...   Dave S
  14. When I registered mine, they based the tax amount on the selling price and in comparrison with the book value. I wasn't taxed based on my county like county auto taxes. Mine was "sales tax".   If you bought your boat at less (substantuley) than book value, be prepared to have the seller provide you with a letter stating why.   Good Luck   Dave S
  15. Yes sir, you are absolutely right. However, one should not get himself in the situation to get your head pounded right?    Dave S
  16. OK folks, seems like I was wrong about my thoughts here. This whole time I thought Zman shot an UNARMED kid. Seems the defense has proven that TM was armed with a deadly weapon.....the SIDEWALK! Now I have to sit back and re-think this whole thing again!   DaveS
  17. Yep I heard he turned it down. He could carry a gun as NW Commando and not as a Kinda -Cop. I wouldn't join either. On a serious note, why did he not do it? No pay maybe?    Dave S
  18. It' possible I had him pegged wrong. I've been wrong before and not ashamed to admit. But, I still call him a wanna cop.     Dave S
  19. And then they can bring up Zman's past, and I beleive the defense doesn't want that. It's amazing how eveidence (both sides) that may be pertinant to a case is not allowed. I never could figure out how that works!   Dave S
  20. Judge just allowed the Prosecutors to present ALL of Zman's past 911 calls to the jury! The state is going to try to set a pattern with Zman. Maybe today will go better for the Prosecution than yesterday.   Dave S
  21. Now if you want a taste of heaven...deep fry a Twinkie. The Angels will be singing in your ears!!!   Dave S
  22. That's a bad Obama joke...but I like it!    Dave S


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