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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Odd to see USFWS Game Wardens involved.   Dave
  2. I would surely hope a verdict of innocence or guilt would come down based of evidence or a lack thereof instead of being based on fear.   Dave
  3. I've been a benefactor for quite some time. It recently expired and I have not renewed it as of yet. If I want to sell my products on TGO I have to pay Vendor status. If I want to sell my reloading equipment here, I must be a benefactor. And yes it just rubs me wrong when someone who popped in here just before the Zman trial selling transcripts and books, who will pop outta here just as fast when the trial is over, trying to get a free ride! What say you ?   Dave
  4. I found the button just fine. Fair is fair buddy!   Dave
  5. You conjure up some wild stuff man!!!   Dave
  6.           As much as I hate to admit this Robert, I'm beginning to think the same. All personal reasons aside.....   Dave
  7.   I'm not a tattle tail, but what's fair is fair. Don't you think?   Dave
  8. And advertise his business for free? WOW! Explain that to all our fine Vendors on here that pay good money to advertise their products for sale how one dude gets a free ride.   Dave
  9. Really? look at the date...6 July? And it's old? Lets be fair here.   Dave
  10. I'm no hall monitor...but what makes him so different than the rest of us?   Dave
  11. Do ya'll think Zman will take the stand? I hope he does.   Dave
  12. TankerHC...good information. Thank you for sharing that!   Dave
  13. I think every thing about both party's past should have been thrown in front of a jury. I still to this day can't figure out how in the hell do you get to pick and choose what you can discuss in court. If it's relevant , use it!   Dave
  14. Isn't that great? Maybe they should practice that when the jury isn't present. Kinda like letting OJ try on the "gloves" before the jury comes in. This is turning in to a circus!!   Dave S
  15. We had four of our cannons up there. I didn't get to go but the members of the battery that did really had a great time!   Dave S
  16. It's that way with all of us that think Zman is a POS. I have an opinion and will stand by it until the jury reads it's verdict. Pure and simple!
  17. What's a damn shame is, is that so many people think the war was fought over slavery. Well, I'm here to tell you it was not! My Great Great grandfather was too damn poor to own slaves. He fought for "states rights" and the right to live his life as he chose to do. Some folks just don't know.....   Dave S
  18. Thank you Dave! At times these guys make me feel like I'm the one on trial! I didn't do s*** but voice my opinion!   Dave


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