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Everything posted by DaveS

  1.   Robert I'm basically saying that I'm not going to try to out run a younger person. I just am not capable of that anymore. I will defend myself. If you are chasing me around in the dark, you better damn well have a good reason for it, and better IDENTIFY your self at the earliest opportunity!   In other words, stay in your truck and leave me alone! I believe we all live by the same concepts.   What would have to happen Robert to get you to stop running and defend yourself?   Dave
  2. What kind of "award" do you get if you don't defend yourself from an aggressor? All of us just as TM did, may not know who is chasing us and why? Seeing where TM was raised with all the street gangs there, what was he thinking when some hispanic dude jumps out of his truck and starts chasing him?   Dave
  3. Robert, by no means do I want to do as the "thug-want-a-be" did. If I've exhausted all means to get away and I've failed to do so, then it's time to take some action. A good point was brought up earlier. Why didn't TM call 911 instead of staying on the phone with that twit he was talking to?   Dave
  4. Zman's community has THREE streets. He lived there almost 4 years, and he didn't know the street names? Bull!!   Dave
  5. Does not the law allow me to Stand my Ground, and I have NO duty to retreat? Did I miss something with those laws? If my aggressor is gaining on me, one I'm not going to lead this guy to MY house, and two, if he is gaining on me and I can no longer outrun him, I know have no choice but to stand my ground.   I'm not an "Internet bad ass" as some of ya'll contend, but I wasn't raised to be a pu**y either! I'd rather exit the scene as quietly and as peacefully as possible, and when not possible, now it's time to take some action. I don't believe for one minute that any of you would not defend yourself if need be!   Dave
  6.   If I'm doing nothing wrong, and you are following me in the dark, do you think it's wrong if I feel threatened and feel a need to defend myself?   Dave
  7. Nope, not this time brother. Yes, I'm too damn old to run down the street with a big screen TV. Maybe a 6 pack on my way to the trout stream!   Dave
  8.   I agree Robert. At this point I hesitate to say Zman is innocent (although I'm leaning that way), He damn sure ain't guilty of murder 2. I really want him to get put on the stand!   Dave
  9. The Defense needs to pull sus scrofa off the video screen as he/she/it is blowing it!   Dave
  10. Check this article out....   http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2013/07/08/Broward-county-sheriff-riots   Dave
  11. I honestly believe deep down in my heart, that 75 % of the people that will/can raise pure hell over the outcome of this trial could care less one bit about justice. All they are looking for is an excuse to show their azzes and tear something up to feel they have a purpose in life, and be seen on the 5 o'clock news!    Dave
  12. I personally would rather deal with someone who has been smoking pot instead of drinking booze!   Dave
  13. There Mikegibean, I fixed it for ya!  ;)   Dave
  14. He actually had very low trace amounts of THC in his system the night he was murdered.  I meant to say killed. I'll keep the rest to myself.   Dave
  15. Really? I've seen this picture so much on here, hell, I might make it my avatar! Dave
  16. Thank you sir!   Dave
  17. I should clarify my statement. If I see an elderly person getting beat down and some thug trying to take his/her purse or wallet, I may intervene. All others depends. Most likely just call popo. I stuck my nose into a situation one time where a girl was beating her 18 month old child senseless in the walmart parking lot. That caused me a whole bunch of legal problems. Figured then that minding my own business was the best thing to do!   Dave
  18. Awesome picture!
  19. What Garufa said^^^^
  20. After seeing what Zimmerman has gone through.....call 911 and mind my own business unless I know the FACTS of the situation!   Dave
  21. I agree 100%. No matter what your age, no matter what your race, you need to be held accountable for your actions!   Dave
  22. I find this absolutely sickening!   http://www.reagancoalition.com/articles/2013/20130708006-mob-15yo-shoes.html     Dave


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