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Everything posted by DaveS

  1.   Dave; every thing I could find says he was the Captain of a group in which he was the only member. Very impressive indeed!   DaveS
  2.   Naw Sam, I'm on a desk top. It's never done this before, but it seems to be intermittent. Some good sujestions have been made, so we'll see what happens. Thanks for your imput!   DaveS
  3. I was hoping brother OS that you wasn't in no way going to tell me my mouse's ball's needed cleaned. Sorry....I would have just went and bought a new one! Have a good one Sir....   Dave Seyr
  4.       I know and I didn't mean it like it sounded. I'm "sorry" for saying it to you as I did. I'm so damned used to having to "defend myself" on here, that I don't truly and fully read responses Anymore. Again Mark...I'm sorry for jumping conclussions on ya Buddy. I'll try to be more careful in the future. Sorry.   Dave Seyr
  5. Thanks Lester, I'll check it out.   Dave S
  6. Yeah, there is a rally at TSU tonight. Well my friend, there are a bunch of people who think that Zman got over...Hey....I didn't make it up! Don't flame me buddy....I'm probably going to go..come on down and show some support!   Dave S
  7. OK, I have a Logitech mouse. Time for a new one? Thanks OS...appreciate ya!   Dave S
  8. Probably not. Maybe short for Matt "Carry".....What's yours? I have a triple digit retirement package, but I use my name here, as everyone should.   Another argument for another day. Now that Zimmerman got over, we need something else to discuss! You're from Nashville, going to the rally at TSU tonight? I am, I'm tired as hell from last night's rally, no sleep and going again tonight. Come on out and play, let your voice be heard!   Dave S
  9.   Sorry Sir/Mam, I don't know those names.   Dave S
  10.       I don't know about the quotes. Every time I click on a quote it double posts it. I have no clue why. And yes, I take the cake, and the cookie, and the pie....oh yeah and the booby prize! I take it all because of my beliefs, or because I don't agree with everyone's OPINION, in which we are all entitled to our own? You don't OWN me nor does anyone else on TGO. I could care less if you agree with me on this subject or not. Oh by the way....what do you take? Sign with your real name and I might take you more serious. Right now I don't. Good day Sir/Mam.   DAVE SEYR
  11. DaveS


    Oh hell yeah!!!   DSWD
  12. Thank you David!!!! I have a 5 year old  mentally handicapped Grandchild that I love to no end. Sad part is, he may not live another year. Jokes about handicap children make me want to puke! Joke or otherwise. Sorry about your loss David. I have tears rolling down my face right now. I don't know how I'm going to deal with the loss of my "little buddy. Life sucks I know....   Dave S
  13.   Are you serious?
  14. All these GZ supporters need to send him their money. He needs it now and will need it in the future. Put their money where their mouth is. I did.   DaveS WD
  15.   Frank is a jerk. He gets on HLN every night and makes an azz out of his self. Dude needs to find something to do on his spare time!
  16. It's funny that as long as this has been going on, I don't remember naming any of you as you have me. Difference in how grown up we are huh?
  17.     DSWD
  18.   Thank you for that info. I did not know the particulars.
  19. That's what I was wondering. But I do believe I asked if it was pertinent? Will he be able to get his HCP back?   DaveS WD-40
  20. On the other hand, how can you say that GZ assaulting a Police Officer, or having an order of protection taken against him by a girlfriend for domestic assault is not pertinent?
  21.   In my opinion, the newer MRE's aren't any good at all! I like the old ones better.   DSWD
  22. Yes sir...that water was cold! Did I mention I got the Trout?  LOL   DSWD
  23. That gas station right at the Kraft Street entrance to the hood is a bad place to go. Only crackers that live in the hood is allowed in that store. I haven't seen no crime scene tape around it in a while. Place must have mellowed out some.   DSWD
  24. I can't imagine the mayor sticking around for much of anything. Bowers probably skipped town with her!


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