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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I did one time, and got bombarded with sales ads. So, I did not go back! Yep, I'm your Huckleberry!   DaveS
  2. Every time I went to his site (and some of his TGO posts) book for sale and trial transcripts for 3.99 (if I remember correctly). If he wants to play, he's gots to pay! Just like you and I. I also remember a young man whom joined TGO about a month ago, and his second or third post (might of been his first) listed some reloading equipment for sale. He got his azz nailed to the wall by some of the same people here, because he wasn't a benefactor, and was selling something. Rules are rules. Same thing when I accidently mentioned selling something. I got shut down in a heart beat!   Dave
  3. Could be Sam. I guess I'm going to have to carry my "dat", "heater", "popper" or "chopper" with me. I guess that's what the younger generation calls firearms. Too much to keep up with.   Dave
  4. He popped in here on TGO (other gun sites also) with an agenda before the trial started, and popped out just as fast when it was over. Even if no one had said anything about his selling, he'd be gone anyways now that the trial is over. Honest question here...Has he posted in any other threads here? I can't find them.   He could have done the same updating without all the links and listing his books and transcripts for sale. But there was no money to be made doing that. No one here that I know had any problem with him being a member of TGO and posting here. It was the content of said posts.   Dave
  5. I'll get back with you on that....   Dave
  6. What the heck is with all the shootings in Nashville here lately? Six yesterday and more today. People getting bored or something?   DaveS
  7. How in the heck is the shooting complex 300 miles from your house? You live in east Nashville or sump'in? LOL  I've shot with Robert before, he's pretty decent. Now 6.8 sold me my house many many years ago. We just recently found each other here again. Thinking back...I owe that dude! LOL. Ya hear me Mark?   Dave S       Daves.
  8. ROTFLMAO!!!!   Good one Buddy!!! That was classic!!!   DaveS
  9. That was low buddy...your day is coming home dawg!!!   J/K well maybe not....   DaveS
  10. I'll get back with you on that....   Dave
  11. You know, he used to sell realestate, and sold me my house almost 30 years ago. Come to think about it, I do OWE him something!   DaveS
  12. OK a duel Richard...canes at 20 paces...fair enough? TMF? Hell, throw me in the mix...I want a piece of that action! A three way cane fight......   Dave
  13. I agree. I still think I can out shoot ya though! :taunt:   DaveS
  14. Man, everyone here is patching up the damage....you in or not Richard? I hope they don't suspend TMF...he vented a whole more politer than I did. It's I deleted my post to you faster is all! He's frustrated with the crap like the rest of us. Back off him man, come on....   Dave S
  15. The TV station has pulled the news cast.   Dave
  16.     Sorry, didn't see it when I looked. Thanks   Dave
  17. I just now read where the airline is filing a law suit against the news station!   Dave
  18. Not sure this is real or not, but NTSB is reporting the name of the airline pilots that crashed in California. Though the crash wasn't funny, one of the pilot's name sure is!   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1JYHNX8pdo   Dave
  19. Same here guys. I think I let my emotions get in the way too. We all have different opinions and we need to respect that of each other. I've been guilty too. I will no longer allow the likes of GZ and TM to come between me and my TGO friends. Just ain't worth it.   Dave Seyr
  20. I'm not sure anyone "bullied" Andrew to leave the thread. I personally felt he should be held to the same standards as the rest of the members here on TGO in regards to advertising and selling on the posts. Want to sell commercially, be a "vendor". Want to sell privately? Be a "Benifactor". Some folks here who are defending him selling his books or other services on these forums, are the very first ones to confront a new member of TGO about TGO's policy on selling, and not being permitted to list items for sale in their posts or have direct links to those items for sale. How's that old saying go? "What's good for the goose is good for the gander". He's a lawyer, part of a law firm, and could pay his way as well as the fine Lawyers who pay to be a "vendor" here. But I don't think "bully" is the correct term here.   DaveS
  21. It's sad if that happens, especially after being found "not guilty". I don't know who will march for Zman. My feeling however, would be "groups" that are not PC in our society. I am afraid that the supporters of Zman will have several swastika tattoos and/or be dressed in bed sheets. I could be wrong, but I don't think too many good honest people are going to rally in support of Zman. It's actually sad that either side has to rally at all to bring attention to wrongdoings, or what people perceive as wrong doings. You can make up a banner or a sign and go out and rally in support of George Zimmerman. It's your right to do so. Maybe you can get a whole new gig going!   DaveS
  22. It wasn't me man...I swear!! J/K Very well put. I do however feel we are getting real close to that "tipping point" now. I hate to say it, but everyone is getting tired of being pushed around. America is the greatest country on this planet, but it's going to hell fast! Which house is yours? I'll come out bang on a big boiling pot about midnight. That'll get your attention! LOL   DaveS


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