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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I guess because it's not politically correct to do so in this day and age. I wish we all could, but that's a "no-go" right now.   DaveS
  2. Best Forum out there hands down!!!   DaveS WD
  3. Hey Jack, he's right...just don't talk about Zimmerman! Nah, just kidding.....he's a good guy!   DaveS
  4. Shaun you are so right!!
  5. You are right. How in the world are our officers expected to enforce laws when the all interpret them differently?   DaveS
  6. NL and JC  PM sent. I'm waiting on Dale and Jerome to call me back as well.   DaveS
  7. It is illegal as of now because it projects an artificial beam of light. There are some changes planned to that law though.   DaveS
  8. They are not permitted by law. As per TWRA. That sucks too, my wheels were turning! Dang it!   DaveS
  9. I'm at a total loss as to what this guy is up too. According to Channel 5, he's in jail and being investigated by the ATF. I don't guess he'll ever learn.   DaveS WD
  10. You're just itching to use that new grenade launcher aren't you?   J/K   DaveS
  11. Very well said.   DaveS
  12. Uh....You are not required to have a permit on your property no matter what sign is on the door. PERIOD! As a business owner I may carry and at the same time, prohibit you from carrying. Just one of the perks of owning a business!   DaveS
  13. Robert, problem right now is the land owners don't want the hogs to go away. Right now, people that would never ever allow a hunter on their property to hunt, are now allowing you to come onto their property to hunt hogs at 500 dollars a piece per year. Hell, I wouldn't want the hogs to go away either! Ten hunters or more per year at 500.00 a piece? OINK OINK my friend! There is a guy under investigation right now for that! Hog control will not work until the average Joe can blow one a way day or night without being on a list anytime he wishes!   DaveS Hawg Daddy
  14. Appalachicola area.   Dave
  15. Now that's funny!   DaveS Hawg Daddy
  16. Let's hear your funny hunting story (a good lie will work), and I'll start off...(true story).   Back around 2004 during the Bow season, we had some bad storms and a tornado come through Stewart and Montgomery County. Well, my son and myself went bowhunting on Barkley WMA in Stewart County. I got into my tree stand before daylight and waited for the buck I had seen a hundred times while scouting the area. Right at shooting light, I seen a dark brown critter coming down through the thicket, heading right into an opening. I stood in my stand, came to full draw with my bow, just seconds away from putting an arrow through a deer. Well, this thing...a brown CHICKEN, yes sir a BROWN CHICKEN emerged from the thicket. I eased the bow down in total shock! This chicken must have gotten blown in from the tornado, as the closest house was about a mile away. Needless to say I was so amused by this chicken, I couldn't even shoot. I could only imagine what would be said if I "checked in" a chicken. Memories indeed!   What's your funniest moment?   I have some more I will tell in a bit!   Dave "Hawg Daddy" Seyr.
  17. I don't watch HBO....no problems here.   DaveS
  18. Sir, I have no idea about Georgia. I'll tell you a place in Georgia that has a major pig problem (I was a Game Warden there), and that's Fort Benning. Them sucka's are everywhere! Check it out. They used to beg people to kill pigs!   DaveS Hawg Daddy
  19. It's real my friend, and not going to go away!   DaveS Hawg Daddy
  20. If I could only own just one gun in my life, It would be a scoped 12 gauge. I can shoot slugs, buck shot and small shot, and can hunt and kill anything that walks this continent. I can shoot slugs accurately out of mine out to 150 yards. That's just my opinion though.   DaveS
  21. No, night vision isn't legal. Motion sensor lights set up on the feeder. Awesome set up! My daughter took her pig in the daylight and I got mine at night. We hunted 4 nights and 1 day and seen probably 50 pigs, 99% were at night. That's the only way to go.   Dave S
  22. LMAO!!!! Habib being pulled by a pig named Mohammed....that would take the cake!!!!   DaveS
  23. In Florida, we have a night setup designed by a Federal Game Warden friend of mine. It's crazy awesome, and the pigs I took in Florida last month (see Florida thread) was taken with his setup. I'm going to set up something similar here.   DaveS
  24. Maybe they should just sniff each other and get on with it and leave us alone!   DaveS
  25. As promised, here is a couple pictures for your pork chop appetite! This 250 pound Feral Sow was taken last week on a controlled hunt at a local Refuge. You can't see them, but she has 2 1/2 inch teeth. I pit BBQ'd a shoulder and it was some KILLER BBQ!! Made a lot of sausage too! This 62 pound "Baby Bacon" (what I call little feral hogs) met it's demise the other day. Taken on a controlled hunt with 3" 00 buckshot. Got put in the freezer and the Ribs were BBQ'd yesterday....They were AWESOME!!! I'm all porked out now! DaveS "Hawg Daddy"


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