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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Here, this explains everything; Proud to be White ! I have been wondering about why Whites are racists, And no other race is...... Proud to be White ... Michael Richards makes his point... Michael Richards better known as Kramer From TVs Seinfeld does make a good point. This was his defense speech in court After making racial comments in his comedy act. He makes some very interesting points... Someone finally said it. How many are actually paying attention to this?   There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans, etc. And then there are just Americans.. You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction. You call me 'White boy,' 'Cracker,' 'Honkey,' 'Whitey,' 'Caveman'... And that's OK... But when I call you, Nigger, Kike, Towel head, Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink .. You call me a racist.   You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you.... So why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?   You have the United Negro College Fund. You have Martin Luther King Day. You have Black History Month. You have Cesar Chavez Day. You have Yom Hashoah. You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi. You have the NAACP. You have BET.... If we had WET (White Entertainment Television), We'd be racists. If we had a White Pride Day, You would call us racists. If we had White History Month, We'd be racists. If we had any organization for only whites to 'advance' OUR lives, we'd be racists.   We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce, And then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce. Wonder who pays for that??   A white woman could not be in the Miss Black American pageant, But any color can be in the Miss America pageant. If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships... You know we'd be racists. There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US .. Yet if there were 'White colleges', That would be a racist college.   In the Million Man March, You believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights, You would call us racists. You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, And you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride, You call us racists. You rob us, car jack us, and shoot at us. But, When a white police officer shoots a black gang member Or beats up a black drug dealer running from the law And posing a threat to society, you call him a racist. I am proud...... But you call me a racist. Why is it that only whites can be racists?? There is nothing improper about this e-mail.. Let's see which of you are proud enough to send it on. I sadly don't think many will. That's why we have LOST most of OUR RIGHTS In this country. We won't stand up for ourselves! BE PROUD TO BE WHITE! It's not a crime YET.... But getting very close!   DaveS
  2. Obamy of course! He's the only one eyed alien I know of!   DaveS
  3. Retroactive Birth Control at it's best!   DaveS
  4. We had a meet at Spot's place last summer and I cooked some homemade wild hog sausage and bacon over a campfire and thought a riot was going to break out when I ran out. Ya'll welcome here just the same though!   DaveS
  5. I was asked on an application the other day if I had been convicted of a Felony in the past 10 years and/or a misdemeanor in the past 3 years.   DaveS
  6. Wild Boar sausage, home fresh eggs, ripe garden tomato and toast with butter, and black coffee.   DaveS
  7.  I guess when we talk "locked cases", I'm picturing the type of rifle cases that open and close like a briefcase and has a pad lock on it. I don't think he would have been stopped if he was using some common sense and carrying in a "guitar case". I don't guess anyone would have called 911 much huh? All he was doing was "cop fishing". Well, he got what he wanted.   DaveS
  8. OK thanks
  9. Problem is they are too damn yellow to go man on man. With three of four ******* in the room, dude wouldn't fight back. A wise move on his part. Maybe they need a little Zman action!   DaveS
  10. Exactly how I felt, but some folks say LE violated his rights by opening a locked case. I thought I missed something, because I've yet to see it.   DaveS
  11. I'm still looking for this locked rifle case you keep talking about.   Dave
  12. Game Warden with the Army.....Very Good College Student..... pretty cool Firefighter/EMT...Almost best ever Part time Reserve W/O.....Awesome stuff!   Currently: Trout Dawg Hawg Thug Volunteer with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service "USFWS"  (duck banding, animal control ect) The very best!   Trying to hone my retirement skills!   DaveS
  13. Just wait till the toy and novelty industry gets ahold of this crap. Trayvon Martin Hoodie Beer Coozies and George Zimmerman "laying down" bobble head dolls (comes with a little miniature keltec). Sorry...couldn't help it   DaveS
  14. Deteriorated how?   DaveS
  15. Right, but I'm trying to figure out how it is locking anything. Is it just for looks/effects? A prop maybe?
  16. How is it locked? Looks like it's just draped around it. It's not securing anything in my opinion. The guy is a pure jerk. All he had to do was cooperate, but then that would have been against his objective.   DaveS
  17. That's nice. Left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Imagine that... I remember a bunch of crap in the past with him, but never really followed it. Thanks for the info.   DaveS
  18. He's lucky he didn't get :taser:  for refusing to follow instructions. His luck may not be so good next time.   DaveS
  19. How in the world could you even want to question LE for stopping this idiot? He got what he wanted....and I hope he gets what he don't want too!   DaveS
  20. I don't know, but what was the outcome of his past episodes with the law?   DaveS
  21. Very good!   DaveS
  22. I don't know a whole lot about Obama care, but I'm retired and pay over 600.00 a month on health care through Fed. Bluecross/ Blueshield. Will Obama care help me?   DaveS
  23. In my younger Army days during bar hopping weekends, I woke up with many a dog in my bed. All two legged of course, and never been chewed on like that!   DaveS
  24. Man, that's nutty! Oh no, wait a minute...that didn't come out right!   DaveS


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