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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I have a Ruger in .308 and I absolutely love it! I know a few people who have a .270 and neither has much nice to say about it.   DaveS
  2. Holy F....A matic!!! DaveS!!!
  3. Red Badge of Courage Alvin York Sands of Iwo Jima Green Berets Horse Soldiers Gettysburg   Dave
  4. I guess he got his point across! Now the lawsuits start.   Dave
  5. And a handgun safety instructor "didn't know the gun was loaded". What is the abosolute 2nd thing you should always check with a firearm? I hope his permit to teach has been pulled. You can't fix stupid!!   DaveS
  6. I just read a news story yesterday, where this lady got bit by a Copperhead and her "out of pocket" expense from the hospital bill 53,000.00  Her total bit was $87,000.00  The anti venom was $42,000.00 per dose. INSANE!!! A very expensive accident!   DaveS
  7. Good sound advice!   DaveS
  8. Nice shooting young Lady! DaveS
  9. Traditional black powder is an awesome activity! I started many years ago with a Hawken Rifle and went nuts from there. Now I shoot two flintlock rifles that I custom built, and I love my black powder pistols as well. My advice is (let me have it boys) is to stay away from PYROCRAP (aka PyroDex) and pellets. I prefer .50 over .54 (I have both) and in both I shoot 80 of 2F powder and sometimes 3F black powder. I do at times hunt with a modern inline depending what the weather is doing. They are .50's and I still shoot 80gr of powder out of them.   DaveS
  10. My question as well...   Dave
  11. In my opinion, if the officer was in range of a taser, he could have run up and grabbed the child for control purposes. I wasn't there, but it seems to me it was overkill!   Dave
  12. Here, I found it...http://www.infowars.com/oregon-state-police-taser-autistic-child-found-wandering-naked/   Sorry as***!!!   Dave
  13. I heard a brief news report of an 11 year old girl being tasered by police. I'm still looking for the story. I don't buy it one minute that a grown man (or two) had to taser an 11 year old child! Folks I'm pretty much pro LEO, but this is getting out of hand. Will post the story when I find it.   Dave
  14. Squirrel hunting with a bow is an awesome challenge! Back when I could hunt with a compound bow I really enjoyed hunting squirrels with it.   Dave
  15. Time to dust off the ol muzzleloader!   DaveS
  16. Last I checked it was 30% by reason of war service. Not sure what it is now. I'll surely find out for y'all.   Dave
  17. Be careful  as Tennessee protects the weirdest of creatures with regulations and shooting them at night with lights may cause an issue. Do yourself a favor and maybe save some money check TN hunting regs or talk to TWRA about your "varmint" problem. Just my :2cents: !   DaveS
  18. Well put! And you are very right!   Dave
  19. Bro, you are so right!!!   Dave
  20. I guess it didn't come out like I intended. I'm more asking that if I hit a deer with a .308 bored center through the lungs with a 150 grain soft nose and it goes 20 yards then piles up, how are you hitting one in the lungs with .223 and dropping it like a stone? Is it bullet speed? Design? That's kind of what I was asking. Neck shots on deer or pigs with almost any caliber will drop them kicking. That's all I was asking. I didn't mean to offend you.   DS
  21. Thanks. Am I to assume the charges have not been dropped?   DaveS
  22. Enlighten us. Where to place the shot? What load?   DaveS
  23. Anyone have any updates on this jerk?   DaveS
  24. Fish the big sand bar there and you can get into them pretty good. You have to have a decent boat though. Put you a chum bag out and fish down current of your chum.   DaveS


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