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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Hog hunting is an absolute Challenge! My favorite way is to stalk them with bow.   Dave
  2. I want a TGO logo on mine..... DaveS Crack'a American
  3. I hope a certain Nashville resident doesn't get any idea's from this.....   All in all, I know where my guns are at ALL times. It's something I just don't forget.   DaveS Crack'a American
  4. I always look for paper first. I've been caught with my "pants down" before with no paper. No pun intended! Not a good comparison Robert!   DaveS Crack'a American
  5. OK, thanks. If you want good hog hunting, you're almost going to have to go out of state. TN has a growing hog population, but you have to know someone to get a decent place to hunt. The hog population is growing at an alarming rate here (TWRA doesn't think so) and it won't be long before the hogs will be piss'n off TWRA by eating up their flower beds, quail, turkey and duck eggs. They'll see the errors of their ways! There are hogs right now in WMA's that never had them before. Yeah, I guess it's working.....   Dave
  6. Mann's Mountain near Guntersville Alabama offers a deal on "meat hogs". Google them.   DaveS
  7. Very well said!   DaveS Crack'a American
  8. I'm retired, already safe at home, and I've never had to shoot anyone's dog. Thank you for being a concerned citizen. I was coming home from the store a couple weeks ago and got stopped by some deputies all wearing tactical gear. They were stopping all cars going down that road. When it was our turn the deputies (one on each side of the car) walked to the windows with their m-16's and asked for our ID's. We showed them, they said we weren't who they were looking for. They told us to have a safe day and sent us on our way. We found out later that evening they were looking for a suspect that had committed a rape in the neighborhood. We didn't get bent out of shape, no reason too.   Again' thank you for your concerns. Your dog is safe...good day to ya!   DaveS Crack'a American
  9. So I must ask....Am I to assume here, that nobody here absolutely does anything wrong to get stopped by LE? That you get stopped for no reason? LE is always violating your rights? :poop:   DaveS Crack'a American
  10. Sir;  holds true that a cop doing what he needs to do in the line of duty is going to infringe on your rights. How about the number of people who interfere with the cop doing his/her job? Has that ever crossed your mind?  If you were victimized by illegal searches, what was the outcome of your complaint to the city/county? Every body is a victim of bad cops. Nobody is a victim of a good cop, and nobody is guility of anything, because all cops are rotten....right?   Please tell us your complete story....   DaveS Crack'a American
  11. We don't need to be involved in this mess, but all those other ;pu*** A** countries are backing down...heck with them!   DaveS Crack'a American
  12. I don't care when it happened Bro...justice was served!   DaveS
  13. That thing looks awesome Spots!! (hint,hint)   DaveS Crack'a American
  14. Now that's old school! I went from recurve to compound to crossbow. I love shooting and hunting with crossbow. My number one favorite way to hunt anything is with muzzleloader.   DaveS Crack'a American
  15. Dang man!!!   DaveS
  16. Deny him his muzlin rights! That will do it!   DaveS Crack'a American
  17. Brother TGO'rs, I came across this just a bit ago, and thought y'all would get a good laugh. Enjoy! DaveS Crack'a American
  18. I have never let wolves stop me from squirrel hunting. I have seen more of those things crawling out of a deer's nose, than I have ever seen in a "tree rat". Just my experience is all!   DaveS Crack'a American
  19. Didn't that driver get fired?   DaveS Crack'a American
  20. I was having a similar problem with my 1911 and reloads. I was already using the crimp die, but a guy at my local gun shop who custom builds 1911s told me about the recoil spring. I had him install a spring set from "Wilson Combat". That cured my issues, plus I had him polish the feed ramp.   DaveS Crack'a American
  21. That's pretty funny!!   DaveS Crack'a American
  22. I do not support Domino's either, and for that same reason!   DaveS Crack'a American
  23. I haven't carried much lately, and not at all the past week. However, I always carry while fishing depending if it's allowed or not and almost always openly while out in my boat. Four legged creatures are never a problem, but, some areas I fish from boat or bank has some pretty shady characters hanging around. Thank goodness you didn't say carry for "snakes"! Every time I hear that, I envision Matt Dillon fast drawing his colt .45 peace maker, blowing the tiny snakes head off, spinning his pistol about 3 times before putting it back in the holster, then bitch slapping Festus for being born!   "I don't carry often, but when I do, I prefer a 1911 my friends". (Said with my Dos Equis commercial voice).   Welcome to TGO   DaveS Crack'a American
  24. Fun stuff!!   Dave
  25. I can't hunt or fish until my hand heals up. I took Kbug out to the trout stream today and she made a good score!   Dave


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