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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. My long time screen name was WD-40. My friends gave me that name because of my abusive use of WD-40. But I changed it to my real name as I didn't want to hide behind a fake name. Using my real name allows me to take full credit and responsibility for my posts and my actions.   I'm the real deal!   DaveS
  2. And your point is?   DaveS
  3. I too, am Pro DUI checkpoint. You have a God given right to walk on your God given feet. Anything else requires a license and to "play the game." Cause' just the way it is. Don't like it? Surrender your drivers license!   DaveS
  4. If you do not LIVE on the land, you indeed need a license. Also you said "Father in Law? Your wife can hunt it, but I don't think you can. Give your regional headquarters a call and see if those uneducated morons can answer your question better.   DaveS
  5. I did, thanks for mentioning it.   DaveS
  6. I see you've been to Clarksville. You named every street we have, and most in the areas I mentioned. Damn your good!   DaveS
  7. No, to both questions. But, how many times have you been frisked down during a DUI stop? I've been involved in a few, and the only guy I remember ever getting "frisked down", had pot on the seat of his car. I hope I answered your question.   DaveS
  8. Sir, I absolutely truely apologize for the behavior of my fellow TGO'rs for their conduct on this thread. They just ain't right!   DaveS
  9. New Providence, Austin Peay and Lincoln Homes area of Clarksville. Go only if armed with full auto!   DaveS
  10. Sir, you can go about your business all you want. However, the state regulates how you do so in a car on their highways. Has nothing to with Adams and Franklin and the constitution. They had no cars then... Clarksville still has laws on the books since before the Civil War that say you must dismount your horse at the edge of the city and walk your horse to your destination. That law still stands. Where does it violate my constitutional rights if I ride my horse to town? Same with driving a car...   DaveS
  11. One on a chain, regardless of breed.   DaveS
  12. I thought weekends also. Gun Country is just up the road from me. I can't wait until Dave opens his indoor range!   DaveS
  13. The powder was 42 grain, and was level with the top of the case. Load data called for a compressed load.   DaveS
  14. Then you hold the owner of that vehicle liable. Something has to happen. The first DUI needs to hurt. The 2nd DUI would be devastating ! This crap going on with drunk drivers on their 3rd or 4th DUI in a year or two, and their still driving and hurting people. Unbelievable!   DaveS
  15. Did this thread get hijacked or what? LOL   DaveS
  16. After his second one, he should not have had a car to drive! That's the point I'm trying to make. It's hard to get a DUI when you have to walk every where!   DaveS
  17. It's a flavor all it's own!   DaveS
  18. It's gamey. The older the pig (especially boars) the worse it gets. They are fairly lean and don't contain a large amount of fat. I like the "gamey taste" in deer and pigs. If I didn't, I'd just eat "chicken". Yes, when field dressing feral hogs, good gloves are a must. I carry dish washing gloves in my hunting pack.   Cut your wild pigs the same as you would domestic pork and deer. If you are into making ham, sausage and bacon (as I am), there are plenty of stuff out there to help you along. Bass Pro has a very good processing selection. It's a good hobby to have. One of my favorite things to make with my scrap deer and feral hog is Trail Bologna. AWESOME!   DaveS
  19. Start with your local Game Warden. They are a wealth of information and may know a land owner willing to let you hunt. Don't call TWRA itself as those people answering the phones failed basic reading and are only working there because some bill collector didn't want them.   Try "Tennessee Extreme". I'm not sure if Sean is still in business or not. Goolge it.   DaveS
  20. DaveS


    I have FB for the reason of keeping in touch with friends and family. It's a great way for us to share pictures and what not. I feel that a working relationship between employer and employee should be built on trust and loyalty and not what a person puts on FB.   Now on "pre-hires", I think a visit to that person's FB page may be beneficial. For example: Trayvon Martin. His FB page is well known by all. That is a person I would not hire based on what I seen. Not someone I want representing my company.   It has it's good and bad points I guess.   DaveS
  21. Mike, you are right about the Government. Also, "we the people" have priced ourselves out of work with our big dollar demands. Most jobs here in Clarksville are part time only with no benefits. My VA vocation rep, told me that full time jobs with benefits are becoming a thing of the past.   DaveS
  22. Them's some nice frogs! DaveS
  23. My Grand Dad taught me a long time ago to "never argue with a "know it all". They tend to prove you right more times than not."   The End...   DaveS
  24. Didn't I just say that?   DaveS
  25. If you know what documentation it is, and know where to find it, please share it here. My opinion will not go away because you call me out by wanting me to provide documentation. You sir apparently are aware of documentation....please share here. Plus, I have no idea what documentation you want to see?   DaveS


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