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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Whoa, Whoa there buddy.....don't kill this thread yet! Everyone is waiting on the great Zman hating DaveS to get riled up and start posting! Don't cheat me out of my Benefactor fee's! He should have stayed in his truck instead of getting out and knocking the glasses off her daddy!   DaveS
  2. The state needs to take his gun away forever. Without his gun, he's a little pu*** and  he will stay out of trouble without it!   DaveS
  3. Yep....... JUSTICE 4 SHELLIE!!!! That piece of crap needs put behind bars. He's nothing but trouble, and knows he can get away with murder!   What you was wanting right?   DaveS
  4. Prayers for your pooch. My dogs are like my kids, when they hurt, I hurt!   DaveS
  5. Real Life Golf humor. Right before I went into the army, I had me a security job. Well, I had to work the "World Series of Golf" at the Firestone Country Club in Akron Ohio. I was assigned the Clubhouse/locker room area. I had this fellow approach me wanting access to the locker rooms. I denied him access. He repeated to me that he was "J.C. Snead", and had forgotten his ID card at the Motel. I said I don't care who you are (and I did not know him) no ID, no access! I held up the golf classic and got "layed off" the next day because I did not let J.C. Snead into the locker room!   DaveS
  6. If it's not a "naturally occurring product via normal agricultural practices", it's baiting. Molasses is not natural occurring! Depends how your local warden interprets the law. Deercane will stay put for weeks in the ground and that's OK. A fresh puddle of "cane" might cause you some problems.   DaveS
  7. Remember one thing about Russia....they used nerve gas against their own people in a hostage situation not that long ago. Gassing innocent people means nothing to Putin. Go figure the source!   DaveS
  8. There's enough folks here on TGO who push second amendment rights, that I will say "a blind person has every right to carry a weapon". Here's the scoop; most SD shoots are at arms length or less. I see no problem with a blind person carrying a handgun.   DaveS
  9. Deer cane is a good product. Like Shaun says...remove it before hunting! At least by 10 days. Corn, salt licks all work good.   DaveS
  10. Beanie Weanies, crackers, Vienna Sausage and water. If I'm going back to the truck to eat, then most likely you'll find a sandwich or two in my cooler.   DaveS
  11. Sounds about right. Have you some rules in writing about your lease, even with "buddies". Stuff like this could make or break a friendship.   DaveS
  12. The only turkey in the fall I hunt, is with a bow and usually during the deer season (early season). Hens are fine eating too! I don't care for the tom's at all.   DaveS
  13. I wonder if their is any more to this story?   DaveS
  14. Sorry for your lose Sir....prayers go out to your family!   DaveS
  15. Jordan; Japan may only have a "defense force", but I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of it!   DaveS
  16. I'm out guys....   DaveS
  17. There you have it! Choices are limited. You may "have" to "make time."   DaveS
  18. Dave, I don't trust them no farther than I can throw one of their junk CD players! We should be very concerned with Ivan!   DaveS
  19. If you need to, TWRA does offer the class online. You will have to show up in person to demonstrate your shooting and safe gun handling. Usually on a Saturday. I believe the online course is still free.   DaveS
  20. Do they taste like chicken? Those "drumsticks" look pretty good though.   DaveS
  21. Here's my problem with China; During the Korean war, china backed N. Korea with goods, guns and gooks. By the millions those little guys run illy nilly up and down the mountains of Korea giving our GI's a headache. During Vietnam, china backed N. Vietnam with goods, guns and few gooks and we bought their goodies. Been doing it for years! China backs several countries (non allies to us) with goods and guns. Although they are supplying our enemies, we are still buying their goods!   Now, if we bomb Syria, China is going to shoot those new puntang anti ship missiles at our fleet and send our carrier group to Davy Jones's locker. But guess what? We'll still be buying Chinese junk by the tons. Look in the store sometime and see how much Chinese junk you find compared to US goods.   China has been wanting a piece of us for a while now. They tried to get something going with Japan (who is an Ally to the US) , to try and get a rise out of the US. We didn't fall for it. Now they sent a Puntang Anti Ship Missile Cruiser to Syria to back up Ivan. Guess what? We'll all go out and buy at least one "Chinese made" piece of junk today. We need to STOP selling and buying their goods!   PS: And their greasy stinking food sucks!   Rant off.   Dave
  22. That's funny! It's a good thing he shot it in Montana. He could never have afforded the fee's TN charges to hunt "none game invasive pests". Recon how do you cook one of them thangs?   DaveS
  23. Why can't you take the class again if need be?   DaveS
  24. Dave; China also sent war ships in support of Ivan's Navy. (so the news said). China also warned us.   DaveS
  25. What's going on in Syria is none of our business. Stay out, and stay to our self. The answer to china is to ban their goods from sale in the US. That'll fix their sorry azes!   Dave


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