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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Thanks Guys, I appreciate your help. It works now.   DaveS
  2. I'll try that thanks.   DaveS
  3. I keep doing that, but it's not changing. Thanks   DaveS
  4. I'm having problems marking my items in the classifieds as "sold". What am I doing wrong?   Dave
  5. I was just getting off work at the Fort Campbell, KY Fire Dept. We had to stay and got "locked down" for 4 days before we could go home. The average wait time to get onto post was 4-6 hours. I remember every school on post had a AA battery on the property, our fire stations had a anti aircraft missile launcher in the back parking lot, armed troops and armed attack helicopters patrolling 24/7.   Since we are far from safe, what's going to get blown up today?   I'll never forget the image of those planes flying into those buildings...never!   DaveS
  6. Nice Shaun!!! DaveS
  7. What "Whiskey" said. If that deer is in "bow range", then it also is in range of your 4" .357  I'm a big fan of 158gr Jacketed Soft Nose.   DaveS
  8. I bet he don't ever do that again!   DaveS
  9. This is funny stuff right here!   http://k2radio.com/hilarious-voicemail-from-a-witness-to-traffic-accident-audio/   DaveS
  10. I volunteer at Mana Café once a month and we give out USDA food Items to the needy. Mana is a religious based organization that feeds the hungry. I don't know how this will affect the programs there. Most likely they'll tell the USDA to kiss off.   Keep in mind that the USDA mandates to the USFWS that the hundreds of tons of deer and wild pigs killed on government land each year during controlled hunts, must be left to rot, and cannot be given to the needy.   DaveS
  11. I hear ya man. George "OJ" Zimmerman. Has a special ring to it huh?   DaveS
  12. That's pretty funny stuff!   DaveS
  13. Isn't that a form of assault? If you're arguing with someone and you put your hand on your gun?   DaveS
  14. You left out a word....."Pig"....Racist Pig. Now can I tear up all my TM posters? Good day to you sir.   DaveS
  15. Y'all know I can't stand Zman! His face, his voice, his lies....EEEEEEEEGGGGAAAADDDDDDSSSSSSSS! I'd push him off the planet if I could! Time for my meds.....   DaveS
  16. OK, I'm tracking with ya now.   DaveS
  17. Who is allowed to hunt where on the lease, what you are allowed to hunt on the lease, are you allowed a guess, what deer size limits ect., ect.. These are all the things that need to be worked out ahead of time. I got in on a small lease with a few friends and the things I mention ruined friendships and hunts. I'll explain after bit.   DaveS
  18. Be patient my man...as soon as I can work my trigger finger I'll show you how it's done. Until then, I'll show you where there is some "tree chicken", aka "tree rats, aka squirrels, aka PITA's  that you can hunt up. Oh yeah, don't forget your snacks!   DaveS
  19. I would hate going through life watching the shadows and looking behind me every where I go!   DaveS
  20. Due to pending UN sanctions, I will not comment too much on this thread. Plus it's no fun without Robert, Chuck and Mike! LOL   DaveS
  21. Jeremiah Johnson might be ashamed, albeit hungrier than me though!   DaveS
  22. I'm wondering the same thing.   DaveS
  23. So far Leroy has the best answer.   DaveS
  24. I don't know about an inside job, but when he got stopped in Texas for speeding, he had a gun on him. Seemed legal.   DaveS
  25. Don't push it buddy! But, that does give me an idea. LOL DaveS


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