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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Although I hope not, but someone else will have to die before Zman is brought under control. No insults intended, but a bunch of y'all voted for Obama, and a bunch voted for Zman. And since I voted for neither one, I can sit back and bi*** about both without feeling any shame. His raunchy *** should have been jailed to begin with. Now the state of Florida has to put up with his shananegans!   DaveS
  2. I'm up with "how do you profile a black person in a black town?"   DaveS
  3. May I ask why? Money orders and certified checks are very easy to trace. I've been selling a lot of my things here on TGO in preparation to my move to Florida. Many times I make the statement "will pay for shipping".   DaveS
  4. Put it over a good hot fire for a bit. Take it off, let it cool and take a wire brush to it. Rinse it off good and you should be OK. Like Whiskey, I too have cooked off them with no problem.   DaveS
  5. Wonder, did the cops know how old this guy was BEFORE they had to shoot?   DaveS
  6. I don't see where the Brothers did anything wrong. However, the video only picks up as they pull their cars into the parking lot. I think something happened out on the street to cause the officers to follow them into the parking lot. There may have been an exchange of words on the street from car to car...heck, the brothers may have given the cops the ol' "Trayvon Salute" (or visy versy?. It's a messy situation to say the least.   DaveS
  7. Thanks for the info. I'm going to research some more.   DaveS
  8. That's good stuff right there! DaveS
  9.  A good grinder is ever bit worth the money. Make your own burger, sausage, everything. Buy butcher meat and go to town! Make sure you get one with a "sausage stuffer".You'll thank yourself!   DaveS
  10. My Daughter and myself hit the trout stream this morning. It sure was nice out!   DaveS
  11. Drug deal gone bad. What a shame those kids had to die. We don't know, but maybe the dude shot them in self defense. :shrug:   DaveS
  12. Society as a whole has gotten meaner than hell. People just ain't as friendly as they used to be.   DaveS
  13. True   Dave
  14. I had a dog keep getting in my trash can all the time. I didn't want to kill it. I hit that dog with about 8 shots from a PB gun, and he has never came back. That's been a few months back.   DaveS
  15. Seventy % of the threads on TGO contain the word "Obama". Twenty % contain the words "George Zimmerman", five % contains the word "gun", and five % contain the word "gunbuster". What else is there to talk about?  ;)   DaveS
  16. The suspect is in need of rope therapy.   Dave
  17. I agree with this 100%. I've just about been giving stuff away to my fellow TGO'rs (in some cases I have). I can't bring myself to over charge or even ask fair market price. What purpose does it serve? None to me.   DaveS
  18. What's the pro's/cons of millet vs forged?   DaveS
  19. I'd like a lower and maybe an upper all depending on price.   DaveS
  20. Wait till deer season opens! I was going to show you the area yesterday, but you had already found it, which is good. Now that the weather is cooling just a degree or two, it's time to squirrel hunt!   Dave
  21. Some have a lot of people, a lot of traffic, extra license and special regulations. One of my local WMA's deer are no where to be found after the first half day of hunting,.   DaveS
  22. Isn't this kind of stirring the pot a bit?   DaveS
  23. ......but the cheese isn't even real. It's imitation colored and flavored.   DaveS
  24. We sure did....we got a Game Warden friend of ours! He said if he ever found those three guys that mooned his cam, he'd put them in jail!   DaveS
  25. Yes, but I can't post the picture here!   DaveS


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