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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Sir; what you must understand is that the whole time I worked for the Government, I ran a full time Taxidermy and deer processing business with full time employees. Came home from the department and worked another 12 hours before repeating the whole thing over again. You're preaching to the wrong congregation brother! Stop being so anti LEO and anti Government, and do something to make a difference! I guess we all could huh?   DaveS
  2. Absolutely. But that's what the academy is for.   DaveS
  3. Doesn't SWAT do a decent job of "taking out" the trash? I think so.   DaveS
  4. JayC; why don't you make suggestions to "rebuild America" instead of suggestions on how to further destroy America. Is Obama your golfing partner? I wonder, because your ideas are about as whacky as his!   DaveS
  5. Because people act stupid, that's why. Get rid of stupid people and we'll get rid of SWAT teams. Deal?   DaveS
  6. No, but a whole department does. But keep in mind, If I have an emergency, I don't care what your schedule is. I need help and expect you to be there!   DaveS
  7. Wonder if he's muslin? I missed it's name...does anyone know? DaveS
  8. I'll take a doe over a big buck any day. I have some nice bucks on my property and do not care to kill any. If anyone wants one....guide fee's apply,but no guarantee. Don't play with my deer's genes!   DaveS
  9. Nice....   DaveS
  10. DaveS


    I was wondering that myself, but haven't heard anything.   DaveS
  11. Yep.   DaveS
  12. They're there.   DaveS
  13. There is one off "Taylors Chapel" and one near the old "Rattlesnake Ridge Range". There is another but, not sure where. If you see "Charlie Mike" (CM) Cruise Missile over Dover...crap just hit the fan! LOL   DaveS
  14. That's awesome Don! I can't fish too good yet, but watched Kiley catch some really nice Rainbows and a scrub brown!   DaveS
  15. Let's say you do this. Can you leave your job if I'm going through a break in or home invasion? Who can I depend on Greg? You? Your boss might have other ideas!   DaveS
  16. I was a volunteer Firefighter for years before becoming paid. I'm now retired after 26 years, and volunteered while being a paid Firefighter. I'm done, I'm through, and I'm "spent". My point being, when your life depends on it and the person you depend on is boating on the lake, or at work and can't leave, I'm damn glad my taxes pay LE to show up in a timely manner! Use my recent reloading accident as a prime example; within 3 minutes of my wife making a 911 call, a deputy (paid) pulled up out front of my house. He entered with a "trauma kit". About 30 seconds later, another Deputy (paid) entered with an AED unit. The deputy was rendering 1st aid when the paramedics (paid) showed up about 4 minutes later. After I got in the back of the ambulance and was being given an IV, a member of the Woodlawn Fire Department shows up. A "volunteer" (and thank god for these people's service) First Responder shows up. That Fire Department is less than three miles from me! Please do not get rid of "paid" responders! I still volunteer with the USFWS but that's as far as it goes. With budgets like they are in todays society, please be careful what you wish for!   DaveS
  17. News is now reporting at least six dead. What a shame. This ought to fair well for our gun rights!   DaveS
  18. My example of a Volunteer Fire department, is one where no one shows up to put out my neighbors house, except one person driving the truck, and I wound up working the fire. About 15 minutes in to it, a few started showing up. What if your life "depended" on that kind of response? Fire or LE makes no difference.   DaveS
  19. 6.8 I understand what you are saying, but "Mayberry" is long gone. Every town in the once "good ol' US of A"  needs a dedicated police force. Surely you don't think this will still work, do you? I my self like the way things are right now. I would not ever want to live in a place that depends on volunteer LEO (again) for my safety! Those days are gone. What would really help America today, is to get people to stop being so anti LEO. But hey Jack, some LEO's brought it on themselves!   DaveS
  20. JayC, you can't be serious! Start you a little town, put that type of police force in operation and then let us all know how it works out for you. A Volunteer Fire Dept is a good example. No cops on duty means you don't get stopped right?   DaveS
  21. They said I did. I got violent and didn't even know it! Head injuries are a bummer!   DaveS
  22. Man, what the hell???   DaveS
  23. I was involved in a head on collision back in 2010. I remember the guy crossing the double yellow line and then in the emergency room. I was told that I fought the MP's and EMS personel. I just got off duty at the Fire department and one of my coworkers who responded said I was fighting off everyone. To this very day, it breaks my heart to think that I acted as I did against the very people whom tried to help me. I remember nothing. I only know what I was told! Sad story with this guy!   DaveS
  24. I know right? Talking to you in person was one of the most intelligent conversations I've had in a while!   DaveS
  25. This is sad folks.   http://news.yahoo.com/ferrell-kerrick-police-unarmed-shooting-charlotte-191520307.html   DaveS


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