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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Aren't non gun owners? What are they supposed to do? Conceal your weapon and everything will be just fine. What did you do to "get people used to guns" when TN was a conceal carry state? I actually love my 2A rights and will do whatever it takes to preserve that right. If it means that the people across the room have now idea I'm carrying or I'm not scaring the crap of their kids by the site of a gun, then I've taken that little step to help preserve those rights.   There are way too many people out there (some right here) that I think carry for all the wrong reasons. Carry to defend yourself and family. Don't worry about getting people "used to guns", It'll never happen, but losing your rights will!   DaveS
  2. Enjoy your 2A rights while you can. People shoving those rights down the throats of those who don't want it (take voldemort) is what is going to destroy our rights to arms. It won't be the government, it will be us gun owners. I think you can take that to the bank!   DaveS
  3. Sir, this is not about banning or refusing service to any one group of people based on religion, sex, age, national origin or skin color. You're taking this into a total other area. Has nothing to do with gun rights. As far as getting people "used to guns", why? I don't care that my neighbor's kids are afraid of guns. I just wait and shoot when their in school. It's not my business to get people "used to guns". It is however my business to insure that their encounter with me while armed is a positive one. And in that I mean, if I know people are afraid of guns or doesn't like them, I will keep my gun concealed and not shove it in their face at every opportunity. I think that's what you're missing here. I'm not going to shove my rights or beliefs on another person that doesn't want it. After all, it's THEIR RIGHT! Know the old saying, "Don't tread on me"? That goes for every American whether they like guns or not. Let's respect them for that. It will go a long for the future of our 2A rights.   DaveS
  4. Robert; I spent many years in Akron (lived off S. Arlington then Firestone Park) and that story is very interesting to say the least. Just thought I'd mention that since you lived in Akron.   DaveS
  5. Boy Howdy!   DaveS
  6. Some of y'all are missing the 2nd amendment. You may keep and bear arms that shall not be infringed on by the GOVERNMENT. I "googled" Starbucks, and no where did I find them to be a part of the Government. Therefore, your 2A rights mean nothing on their property, nor mine, nor anyone else's on here. Y'all are forgetting those facts! It's a fact we all have to live with.   DaveS
  7. I even relearned something I ignore..."Hunt the Wind", thanks for the reminder!   DaveS
  8. Thank you sir!   DaveS
  9. Yeah, I guess a good cigar would top off a good cup of coffee!   DaveS
  10. Someone needs to open a Gun and Coffee shop. Open carry or stay away! That should be a happy pill for some!   DaveS
  11. What Robert said...   DaveS
  12. Well put Sir! I think it has the opposite effect.   DaveS
  13. CONCEALED "out of sight, out of mind"...right?   DaveS
  14. Has anyone other than me ever thought that some people don't want to get used to guns? Some people are afraid of dogs, should we walk our dogs up to them? Some people are afraid of the dark, should we turn out the street lights so they get used to it? And then, some people are afraid of guns. We stand on our 2A rights for obvious reasons. How about the "rights" of the person sitting next to us? They have rights as well. The biggest problem I see, is that some of us here, are so concerned about OUR rights, that we infringe on others just to exercise ours. This country would be a much better place if we ALL respected each others rights and show some courtesy toward our fellow man. OC has it's place. Walking into a crowded coffee shop isn't one of them. You're not going to convert people to like guns, by shoving it down their throats.   DaveS
  15. Sir; I don't think TMF had anything to do with our current situation. Let's point at Columbine, Fort Hood, the theatre in Colorado, Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon gun killings and now the DC Navy Yard. Maybe the sight of guns is scaring the crap out of people right now! Why should any of us want to "push" this on other folks? Some people on here call them "Sheeple". I call them PEOPLE that see you with a gun wanting to know if all your eggs are still in the nest, what kind day you are having, did you take your meds this morning ect., ect.. Don't blame them, but lets blame ourselves. We bring this on ourselves do we not?   DaveS
  16. I don't think a gun take away will ever happen. I see a couple of things that may happen though: 1) Make it unlawful to own or possess certain types of firearms  2) Ranges ban the use of certain firearms  3) A mental evaluation report in conjunction with a background check before you can buy a gun. 4) Mag capacity for ALL firearms dropped to 3 rounds.   I doubt much of this will happen, but I see sad times coming for our country!   Pray for our future folks!   DaveS
  17. Since we get so many people on here asking how to get into hunting, maybe Shaun can make this a "sticky".   DaveS
  18. There are layoffs every where right now. It's getting bad folks!   DaveS
  19. Sir; that is very well written and should help a new or young hunter get started. Well done!   DaveS
  20. Until he comes and sues all of us for slander! Right huh?   DaveS
  21. Sorry, I didn't know.   DaveS
  22. I'm guilty of that too. But I use it as a conversation starter, then voice my opinion or otherwise  join in on the conversation. I see nothing wrong with it. If there is, please tell me.   DaveS
  23. Contact your local County LE Office, and they'll tell you what you need to do.   DaveS
  24. I want to deer hunt with mine, so I'm thinking 300 blackout. My concern is finding ammo for it. So, I may have to go with something where ammo is more available.   DaveS
  25. Good question C.A.. So in the mean time, let's put hundreds of thousand of people out of work due to volunteer services. Not a very good plan at all!   DaveS


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