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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I salute them! More people need to respond likewise!   DS
  2. Reloaded black powder cartridges. Nuff' said.   DaveS
  3. Fellow TGO'rs, just to let you know, about some closures. Fort Campbell has limited hunting and fishing opportunitys, LBL is closed and Cross Creeks Wildlife Refuge is closed to hunting and fishing. Most all government land, parks and refuges are closed. Check before you go.   It's a damn shame when "We the People" get locked out of land we own!   DS
  4. Keep in mind that in 1873 Colt was not producing 1851 Colt Navy's. 1873 Colt Peacemaker took it's place. My research shows that 1863-1864 was the last production years for the "Navy" style revolver. Contracts may have been different. Still researching that. Barrel and frame scream .36 Colt Navy!   DS
  5. I have found Civil War Relics with my metal detector that was in equal and better shape than his pistol. If this pistol was lost by someone on horse back, the owner would have no idea where it was lost, until such time as he determined it missing, then he wouldn't try to determine where! I'm a Civil War Historian, and that's how we find relics every day! The fluted cylinder screams 1851 Colt Navy 3rd Model. We'll see!   DaveS
  6. I take great pride in being called a Cracker! Beats being called whitey or snowflake!   DS
  7. One virgin for each piece of them!   DS
  8. I'm a traditionalist, and even I own and hunt with a Wolf when I don't take out my FL's. You can't go wrong with one!   DaveS
  9. Let me know, and I'll go with you if you want. I know some good areas for deer and pig.   DS
  10. Did you get squared away on post?   DS
  11. Very touching. Thanks for sharing!   DS
  12. Most of y'all covered what I carry except two very important items. 1) First aid kit/Snakebite kit, 2) Chem lites. Very important for trailing at night. Pack these two simple things and you'll be happier for it!   DS
  13. I think so....lol   DS
  14. TGO member "Timestepper" sent this to my facebook page and I thought I would share it. DS
  15. Yes, open until 4 I believe.   DaveS
  16. Jackie told me this morning...only you Don!   DaveS
  17. Could it be? May have been lost many many years ago. Being buried two foot is not that unusual for an area that has been plowed or bulldozed.   http://www.gunsinternational.com/1851-Navy-3rd-Model-Half-Fluted-Cylinder-Lanyard-Ring.cfm?gun_id=100184874   DS
  18. Spots; are those "nipples" or "firing pins" on the cylinder? Many gun manufactuers converted those cap-n-ball revolvers to fire fixed ammo. Cylinders were fluted to distinguish it from CnB. Nipples were replaced with firing pins. The fluted cylinder is sending me a message that it's a conversion. I could be wrong though.   DaveS
  19. Spot's, most likely it's the real deal. However, I've never seen an 1851 CN with a fluted cylinder. That's interesting.....   DaveS
  20.   I CC, so no fears here!   DaveS
  21. No, but very soon! Probably within the next couple of weeks. I have a taste for some Porter and Steam Beer.   DaveS
  22. That is awesome of you! That's what I was going to loan him. Killed many deer and pigs with it. If he gets it from you, I live in the county and will help him scope it and sight it in and get him ready for the woods.   DaveS
  23. What a shame they went to waste!   DaveS
  24. She looks like a "Sadie" to me!   DaveS


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