Very well said Timestepper. You've shown gratitude well enough and we appreciate that. Get over the "humility" part PDQ Don, because helping friends is what friends do. At least where I came from. I don't think there is a single person on TGO that hasn't "helped the cause" of a member in need anywhere on this forum. I would assume that it shall happen again, as long as needed by someone. It's just who we are.
If I don't get my retirement check, guess what? I may be heading to the food stamp office myself. And, when I walk in the door, I'm walking in with my head held high, because of the fact that I worked my whole life, same as you did, and "earned" the right to be there asking for assistance. I don't want to demeanor anyone here, but I suspect there would be a bunch of lazy a**es there waiting in line that should "bow down" to us for supporting them!
Rant Off
Nuff' said....carry on.