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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I don't know about MO, but let's use TN as an example (may be the same in MO, I don't know). Is it legal to CC or OC in TN?   DaveS
  2. Sir; which one of the armed persons was wearing a "sandwich board" stating whether they were a felon or not? I didn't see one. Did you? I sure wished it was as easy as looking at someone as to whether or not they were legally carrying. How nice life would be. If people can't be ID'd (papers please) how is LE to know?   DaveS
  3. In my opinion, when you open carry, then you and your friends stick video cameras in the cop face, and repeat over and over....did I break any laws?, It's my right, why do you need my ID...over and over and over. How do you want the cop to act? What point are they trying to get across?  Show your damn ID, and get on with life. Simple. Yes, the cop was a little lacking in bedside manner, but I would be too if someone shoved video cameras in my face, and wouldn't answer my questions. Yeah, folks, let's do our selves a big favor....and keep acting like asshats! It'll go well and far for our future 2A rights!   DaveS
  4. "....in Nazi style, he's gathering up papers... "   Actually I think he's doing his job in collecting ID's "to run". Everyone says "they are committing no crime". I guess the officer had no idea if any of those armed folks were felons or not. Running ID was the only way to find out. Folks, if we don't want to go through this stuff, CONCEAL it!  Except those idiots walking around cop fishing with a gun and video camera. The cop could have done a little better, but I suppose that's his personality.   This crap is getting out of hand! I'll speak for myself. I don't want some jerk with a video camera try to represent me and my rights!   DaveS
  5. I usually put the nest in a trash bag and tie the top closed. Leave them in a heated room for a couple weeks and then you're pretty much good to go.   I'm going to become the "bubble wrap" man before long! Odd that I keep getting into these situations. I guess that's why I'm a "Disabled Veteran" instead of just a "Veteran". Sheezzz.....   One thing is for sure though; I don't lead a boring life!   DaveS
  6. Well folks, dumbassery has struck again! I've been eyeing this big beautiful paper hornet nest (bald face hornets) since squirrel season came in. Knowing that they are migratory I have been waiting them little boogers out until cold weather comes along and they hightail it to Florida. So this morning I ran out to get it. When I got to the tree (a small maple about 12 foot tall and about 3 inches in diameter) I stood at the base and watched the nest for activity. None. Good. So I kicked the tree a couple times and watched. Nothing. Hot damn, they vacated the nest, now I can shimmy up the tree and break the limb off and be gone with it. As I shimmied up the tree I kept a watchful eye out for movement. None. Hot Diggity! I went to wiggling the branch (the one the nest was attached to) to break it free. Well, them little %$%#@&^%$++ must have cut their trip to Florida short, and what happened next is a meer blur. I don't really remember how I got down, but I sure don't think I shimmied down. I do remember doing a PLF when I hit the ground. Let me tell you what, them little SOB's hurt! One got me on the arm and one got me on the side of my face. Here's my arm, all swollen and hurting like hell! So, therefore, I'm no longer interested in that damn hornet nest! DaveS
  7. I actually like that!  LOL   DaveS
  8. I had a similar situation when I played High school football. We were beating the other very badly. Our coaches switched up the roster (we pretty much played iron man football anyways) and put offense on defense and visa versa. The other team did score (we still won), but we showed some awesome sportsmanship toward the other team. No one was embarrassed or humiliated. Hands were shaken at the end of the game and all was good. But to keep hammering a team over and over and humiliating them does nothing for no one. It's not just about winning is it?   DaveS
  9. Here's my take on this subject; I don't see it as bullying.However, if I was the winning coach and knew that the game was out of reach for the other team, I would have done every thing I could as a coach, not to humiliate the losing team with a 91-0 loss. There was no reason for it. Period. All it did was embarrass the hell out of those kids in front of a bunch of spectators. What was accomplished? That's probably the same thoughts the parents are having from both teams.   DaveS
  10. According to news I heard about this, the family speaks Esponolies to each other at home. It's very possible the kid doesn't understand English very well. Articles like this is the second reason I do not OPEN CARRY. What may be a normal movement or reaction on my part, may not be on someone elses and may cause me to get shot.  I guess it's something we all need to think about.   DaveS
  11. Or a bit lower....   DaveS
  12. I rate it best because of ease of use, carrying weight ect. I can throw my baker on a tree and be up it and seated in half the time it takes me with my Summit. My bones and joints don't work as good as they use to, and it's impossible for me to use my baker now. I still own it, and it's going in my personal museum.   DaveS
  13. Clarksville Rural King has Summit Vipers (for big people): $187.49  (reg) $149.99  Better get them while their hot!   DaveS
  14. This is a very sad situation that should have never happened. Bad judgement call on LE. It's just a matter of time before this happens to someone carrying a real rifle trying to send a message about 2A rights. Sad...very sad.   I can only imagine how bad the officers feel.   DaveS
  15. 1982, Alaskan Black Bear, 35 yards with a Marlin 336 30-30 with a 150 grain soft nose bullet. I say "good morning" to Barney D. Bear every time I walk past his head hanging on my wall. I'm not knocking those that hunt with large calibers, (there are places for that) but they are not generally needed. Now under no circumstances would I hunt bear with a 223 or maybe even a 243, but 300Mags, 45/70's and all those other anti tank rounds are just not needed. Good shot placement and a good bullet are keys to success. They act just like deer when hit. I've never been "charged" by either one.   We all hear how dangerous it is to pig hunt. HOG WASH!! I've killed more pigs by stalking within 25 to 30 yards of feeding pigs and putting a cross bow bolt through their necks. They hit the ground kicking, never to get up again. I've only been chased by a pig one time. And that was my own fault. I got to chasing after her little 5 pound babies to catch me one...momma sow didn't like that too well. She only chased me about 10 yards. To this day I have no idea where she came from.   DaveS
  16. Florida and Alabama is where we go. I'll be moving to Florida in the early spring. Can't wait. When Tennessee started their new hog regs, property owners seen a way to cash in. Charge money to put you on a list to hunt, then tell you, you can only shoot hogs, no deer, no turkey...just hogs. What a deal for the land owner!   Give it another year or two...there will be plenty of hogs to go around!   DaveS
  17. At least he didn't blow a hole through the water bed. :whistle:  :leaving:   DaveS
  18. Farmers here are charging 300 to 500 hundred dollars to get "on the list". But they call them leases. And pigs is all they'll let you shoot. Go figure....   DaveS
  19. 30-30 without a doubt! There have been many a bear taken with a 30-30. peejman mentions .308, 30-06 and 7mm. Those rounds will handle most things that walk on this continent. If you want to spend the extra money, those are fine calibers to own with my first choice being the .308. But again, there's nothing wrong with a 30-30.       Dave
  20. I have a Summit Viper, and it's the second best stand I've ever owned. My first best stand was a 1978 Baker Stand. You know, the bear hug the tree as you climb stand? Summit Stands are hard to beat!   DaveS
  21. "What you talking about Willis?"   DaveS
  22. DaveS

    Chicken Survey

  23. Hunting hogs in TN is not permitted except by special Proclamation. www.tnwildlife.org   DaveS
  24. Static line only, zero free falls, Zero accidents. I got my wings....I have no reason to strap on a "chute' ever again!   DaveS
  25. I'm a die hard Titans fan and I agree with this 100%. Maybe the next owner will wipe the "executive" slate clean (coaches and all) and start over! RIP Mr. Adams!   DaveS


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