A green "un-cut" hide goes for about 5 - 6 dollars from most processors. An "un-cut" hide is one that was "peeled" from the animal. A hide removed by knife is "cut" whether you see it or not. Only worth about two dollars. I love it when processors tell me "oh that hide ain't cut", and I ask "did you use a knife"..."yes"...then it's cut and I won't give you 2 cents for it! But in general, about 4 bucks! If you take your hide to a processor and you don't get it back, he will sell it. Get it back and use it. I had a processor here in Clarksville a few years ago refuse to give my hide back. He said he keeps them and sells them. One lawyer, one lawsuit (just to prove a point)and $1,200.00 (his cost to defend and my payment for the hide) dollars later I was happy. The judge said I was entitled to my hide back, hooves, legs, eyeballs and anything else I wanted back because it was all technically my property. I'm kinda glad he closed up!