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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. At least the outside smells good. That's where the smoke house is. I really wanted to hunt, but my gut said stay at home.   DaveS
  2. I can't wait!   Dave
  3. I was smoking Canadian Bacon, Bacon and Breakfast Sausage. That's how my day went. I didn't hunt.   Dave
  4. That explains a lot!   Dave
  5. Yeah, and fall and bust my hiny and throw my hip out...yeah, I'll get right on that! My stand is all the way uphill. That's the problem. Getting down is the easy part. That's a sled riding story for another day...   "A man has got to know his limitations..." Clint Eastwood   Dave
  6. I don't know how much hunting I'll get in this weekend or Monday. Tuesday I have to go look at an 80 acre lease that hasn't been hunted in about three years. A local lady's husband passed away a couple of years ago, and she wants to lease to me. The land has never been leased before, and her husband didn't get to hunt it much. Now I have to find a couple good honest folks that want to go in on a lease, possibly long term.   DaveS
  7. Delete IE 11 as suggested. It worked well for me.   Dave
  8. Everyone is this country, regardless of whatever issue they have (age, sex, race, religion, same sex, no sex, makes no difference), deserves to be treated as equally and as fairly as the person who walked in the store before them, and the same as the guy who comes in behind them. The good ol' USA is going to hell in a hand basket! Why should any of us care if two dudes want to get married and buy a wedding cake...sell them one for crying out loud!     Dave
  9. Good information, thanks for posting!   Dave
  10. I would love to go, but we are covered in ice at the moment!   Dave
  11. Rob; I made my own from willow and it looks very Native American. I wanted mine to look old so I made it. Very easy to make from a willow or other thin sapling. Make your hoop, and lace your beaver plew with leather lacing. Looks really nice hanging on the wall, or for stretching and drying plews.   Dave
  12. Power has been out since my last post, back on now and it's cold as heck in here. The transformer blew. Fixed now!   DaveS
  13. Cannon firing and other outdoor activities have been cancelled for this weekend. Indoor show is still on.   DaveS
  14. Last Ice storm we had was the year you sold us our house, and I had to replace my electric riser on the roof because the lines pulled it down!   DaveS
  15. Freezing rain here in Woodlawn/Clarksville.   DaveS
  16. There are exceptions to every rule. And I like this one. I've been hunting many times when windy and I've gotten to witness numerous deer come in and bed down. It's really cool to watch all their activities as they lay and rest. Dave
  17. Sir; sorry you experienced that. We fight tooth and nail every year to get hunters to stop dumping their deer scraps on public land. Some folks just don't get the concept of using another method of disposal. What you witnessed is the result of a "lazy low life" so called hunter, getting rid of his trash. If you can ever catch someone doing that, get a tag number and I promise they'll never want to do it again! Report it to the officials at Prentice Cooper so they can keep an eye out. I think that is the area W/O Luper works. I'll give him a call and a heads up.   Note: Please don't think all hunters do this. They do not. Only those that don't care about others and/or the environment.   Dave
  18. TDR; we're so glad she is home safe and sound, that's the important part. Work with her on her issues and get her help if she needs it. Glad you didn't do something stupid!   Dave
  19. Thank You Secret Santa for the cool items I received! TGO sticker, Gerber Dime Micro Multi Tool and a packet of Sentry Solutions "Tuf Cloth". Thank you very much for those items, as they will be greatly used and enjoyed! Merry Christmas to you (who ever you may be)!   DaveS
  20. Folks, a little info about ourselves on our profiles would be great. I drew someone who has zip, nada, nothing on their profile. I hope they'll be happy with what I send!   DaveS
  21. Bingo, FIXED!!! Thank you very much!   Dave
  22. Great news TDR..our prayers are answered! Thanks TGO David for kick starting this thing!   Dave
  23. I only skip hunting the wind when my ground blind blows away or my tree I'm in weaves and sways so much as to create nauseous conditions!   DaveS
  24. My experience with wind is this; Deer rely on three senses for safety and security. 1). Sight. While the wind blows, you have leaves and limbs moving and bouncing everywhere. Makes deer very nervous as their sight is impaired in windy conditions. 2). Hearing. Windy conditions screw with their hearing big time. Again, making them nervous. 3). Smell. The deer's number one defense is "scent". Wind disrupts this like you wouldn't believe. I went to a seminar at BP a couple years ago when a speaker discussed this. Your best option according to this pro, is to hunt the "leeward" sides of ridges and / or thickets where the deer have sought shelter from the wind. I'm not talking about a breeze now, but a full blown wind! They will seek those sheltered areas for security and comfort. Cedar thickets on the leeward side of the hills is "pay dirt"! I don't know as I've only killed one nice buck on a windy day. On the leeward side of a ridge!   Dave
  25. How do you get IE 11 off your PC? I went to programs and cannot find it.   DaveS


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