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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Mike, if you have any questions...please ask. Will be glad to help you out. The instructions I gave will work for bobcat, fox, coon ect., ect.. Dave (WD)
  2. The following instructions are the techniques I used in my shop, and continue to use today. The chemicals listed give excellent results, and will work well for the begining tanner. I use "Saftee Acid", "EZ Tan 100" and "Protal Tanning Oil". I pruchase mine from VanDyke Taxidermy supply, but I'm sure it is available at other supply houses. You will need plenty of NON IODIZED salt. I use meat curing salt purchased at my local farmers co-op. Non Iodized salt is also available at your local grocery. You will need salt for your hide (3-5 lbs) Plus salt for your pickle and tan solutions. Amounts will be given in the instructions that come with your supplies. I am writing these instructions assuming you are wishing to tan a deer rug. Please send me an e-mail or PM if you have any questions. 1. After skinning the animal, lay the hide out on a flat smooth surface (garage floor or plywood) and remove the large and thick pieces of flesh, meat and fat, using a sharp knife. You do not need to remove ALL fat and flesh at this time. It will remove easier later on. Just the large thick pieces. We need to be able to get salt to all parts of the skin. 2. After "rough fleshing" is complete, leave the hide layed out and apply NON Iodized salt. Apply a layer of salt to every square inch of the hide. Rub in well and apply all the way to the very edges. Most deer hides will require between 3 and 5 pounds of salt. YOU CANNOT USE TOO MUCH SALT! 3. Fold the hide flesh to flesh (the side you just salted) length wise, and roll the hide up. The hair side will be on the outside now. Place on a sloped surface (a piece of wood propped up on a brick works well) and allow to drain for about 24 hours. BEWARE....place a pan or something under the hide, or you will have blood and liquid every where...NO CARPET PLEASE!! Out side is OK as the hide will not freeze. 4. After 24 hours, unroll the hide and shake the salt off. Watch your eyes! Lay the hide out flat, and while using a sharp knife, flesh all remaining fat and flesh from the hide. It is helpfull at times to place a piece of 2x4 or 2x6 under the parts of the hide you are working on. Fleshing is much easier now and you must get every bit off the hide. When finnished, you should have nothing but a smooth clean skin. 5. If you are tanning a bear, boar, beaver or raccoon, degrease at this point. 6. If you are making leather or buckskin, dehair at this time. 7. Mix your Saftee Acid (or other pickle) at this time, following the manufacturers instructions. An average deer hide will take about 10 gallons. 8. Leave in the pickle until pickling is complete. Usually 24-48 hours. 9. Remove from the pickle after the required time (stated in the instructions), hang and allow to drain. Save the pickle, it can be used again. Inspect the hide, and remove any flesh or fat that you may have missed earlier. 10. Place 5 gallons of cool water into a container, and add 1/2 box of BAKING SODA and mix well. Submerge hide and allow to remain for 30 minutes. Stirring often. 11. Remove the hide and allow to drain. 12. While your wife is away, place the hide in the kitchen sink or bath tub and rinse well under cool running water. 13. Hang and allow the hide to drain. While it is draining, mix your tanning chemical (or freeze hide until a later date). It will take about 10 gallons of tan. 14. Follow the instructions given with your tan. 15. When tanning is complete (usually in 12 to 24 hours), remove and rinse well (as before). 16. Stretch out hide, flesh side up (tacking it to a piece of plywood works really well) and when almost dry, apply your "Protal" tanning oil. Apply plenty. A quart of Protal will do a couple of hides, so use plenty. Allow the oil to soak in a bit. Take the hide down. 17. This is most important! The more a hide is worked, and the slower it is dried...the softer it will be! Work the hide over a beam, table edge, saw horse or anything else you may have that has an edge. Work the hide in all directions. Work it a little bit, then roll it up and put it away for awhile. Do this several times a day until it is dry and as soft as you want it. If you have to leave the hide for a couple of days, roll it up and place it in a trash bag so it doesn't dry out. If it drys too fast or is not as soft as you would like, re-oil it and work it some more. DO NOT FOLD THE HIDE!! When dried, trim nice and even on all sides and hang on wall, back of couch or the floor as a rug! Enjoy! I hope this helps anyone out who wishes to tan a hide! Dave (WD)
  3. "Rough Fleshing" is the first stage. That is basically removing only the large pieces of fat and meat. Final fleshing will be done at a later time. If the moderators will allow me to do so, I will post instructions later on today (I'm getting ready for work at the moment). Just remove enough meat and fat for your salt to penetrate. Wd
  4. I used to own a taxidermy shop. Deer hides are so easy to tan it would blow your mind! I made good money at it too. Use "non" iadized salt (curing salt), to salt down your hide. For a really soft hide, DO NOT salt it, but freeze it until your chemicals come in. Go to www.vandykestaxidermy.com and order SAFTEE ACID, EZ-TAN 100 and a Quart of PROTAL...follow the directions. Very very easy to do. Any questions..send me a PM..Will do what I can to help! WD
  5. Just be aware my friend, that when that bullet hits that "pole cat"...it will release it's scent. Good luck and "good baiting"! wd
  6. Thanks for all the replys. I have no desire to hunt a hog with a knife. Kickers is a good place (lol), but I think baiting is illegal! I haven't decided on guides, dogs ect., ect.. I'll certainly research your links to find what I may want to do. I just know, I want to hunt me a hog (preferably the 4 legged kind!). Dave (wd)
  7. Well, after nearly 35 years of service as a Firefighter, I have decided it was time to hang up my gear. I will be retiring from federal service between now and September 30th. I have not chose my retirement date as of yet. It has always been my dream to hunt a wild boar, and that is what I would like to do as a retirement gift for myself. So, if anyone can give me some info on Tennessee "hog" hunting (maybe out in east TN), I would appreciate it. It's been a long 35 years, and I really want to get me a "hog"! Dave (wd-40)
  8. Seen a game warden the other day. Had M-16 in his truck....darn squirrels are getting bad these days I guess!! Since gun season opened up, I carry my .357 mag along with my .308. I'm really wanting to take a deer with handgun, so I will have to show some restraint from the .308. Does this make sense? WD
  9. With the exception of "archery only" season, you can carry a handgun while hunting, but it must meet some specific requirements as to barrel length and ammunition type. If you hunt on any of Tennessee's WMA's (wildlife management areas) a whole new set of rules come into play. Tennessee's 2008/2009 Hunting and Trapping Guide contains some wonderful information reguarding handguns. It also states that HCP holders may not carry handguns under certain conditions while hunting...good reading material for us hunters with HCP's. WD
  10. Being a Taxidermist myself, March is not unreasoanable. My usual "turnaround" time was 30-45 days. I would however, tells folks (everyone) that it would take 4-6 months. I did this because no matter what you told someone, they would call all hours of day or night, and only two weeks later just to see "if by some chance their deer was done". Some Taxidermists I know give a one year turn-a-round time just to stop the constant calling. Taxidermy is a very time consuming job, and drying times (based on weather) could really delay your mount. Plus, if you are the type that tends to be a pain in the "you know what"..many, many more weeks are added! Be patient with your Taxidermist. He or she is only one person. That one person is dealing with "hundreds" of hunters. Not just you! Going rate for a deer head right now (based on material cost) should be about $250.00 WD
  11. I do not know how to post pictures here, but my 11 year old Daughter took here first deer on a youth hunt October 5th. The picture can be found at http://www.freewebs.com/bentarrow WD
  12. We seen 4-wheelers on our WMA. Whole gang of them set up a race course. Contacted TWRA, But they didn't seem to care. Dawg
  13. Good luck to all, and Kiley and I hope everyone has a safe deer season! Wd
  14. I'll tell you what..can't beat a little meat dear! My 11 year daughter, on her first deer hunt, got a nice spike on the special WMA youth hunt...about a 100 pounds..nice eating little dear. Pictures are on our website. www.freewebs.com/bentarrow WD
  15. No, because of my work schedule I haven't been active in MTRC or NTRC for about 2 years now. By the way "ol'salty" on the boards. I have been involved more in shooting and teaching my 12 year old daughter to shoot. I think she is better than me. I still have my reef tanks....don't think I could ever give them up. Between corals, fish, guns and reloading....my time is limited. I still have to find time for work...I'm retiring in a couple of months, so we'll see I guess...well anyways..nice meeting you again James....
  16. musicman....So, is this the same "musicman" as MTRC fame?
  17. Although I'm in Clarksville (across town from Midsouth Shooters), because of my work schedule, I order from MidwayUSA. I have my order in about 3 days. I have found better pricing on most items I need/use. Shipping for the most part is cheaper than sales tax, gas, and the time to go pick up my order. I guess it just depends on your mood as to who you order from!
  18. DaveS

    Range Reports

  19. I think it is a joke, but yes it is legal to build and own a cannon.
  20. I bet everytime you buy a weapon in this state, your information (name, weapon type, caliber ect., ect.,) from your background check (only communist countrys require this) is kept on file with the TBI. WD
  21. Lake is OK, LBL "Land" is not!
  22. Well, my youngest daughter (12) finished her hunter education course today...woohoo!! Tomorrow morning (Sunday) I will have her in the woods. I can't wait! I may take one of my grandson's too...don't know yet. WD
  23. Welcome from Clarksville also!! WD
  24. Dude might want to get a lawyer! WD
  25. WELCOME!


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