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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Around this house, about 2 gray squirrels or 1 fox squirrel per person. That's a start at least. When cooking mine, I flour in seasoned bread crumbs and lightly brown them in oil. Place them in a baking dish and bake at 350 until done and tender. Roughly 45 minutes. This will tenderize them also. Just experiment. Another good way is to take your favorite "chicken and dumpling" recipe and replace the chicken with plenty of squirrels....AWESOME stuff! Dave
  2. Rando, sounds like you got it made! Dave
  3. I love squirrel hunting with my Flintlock. My .36cal does an awesome job. Except I'm about half blind now! Gives them tree rats a sport'n chance I guess! As ya'll can tell, I'm kinda fond of my ol' rocklock rifles! Dave
  4. Down booboo...down! LOL Dave (WD)
  5. Rightwinger...got to love that rifle and that dear! My 11 year old daughter did the same thing, with the same rifle! Them little hunters can't be all wrong, can they? Dave
  6. Check with LBL. They have miles and miles of hiking trails, and more "backwoods" camping than you can imagine. I hunt LBL, but I'm not sure if there is any turkey hunting that weekend or not. Check this website: www.lbl.org I hope this helps you out my friend. Me and my goats will be out around that time too for some hiking and camping. Maybe we'll meet on the trail. Dave (WD)
  8. My favorite deer rifle is a .50 caliber flintlock Kentucky Rifle. The .50 cal round lead ball that is held in the barrel by a piece of greased "shirt tail", does an awesome job on WT Deer out to about 150 yards. Most of the shots are made around here at about 50 yards or less. My second favorite rifle for deer is my Reminton 870 with a slug barrel. Next comes my .308. Outside of that, the fellows are shooting .308 (4) and another has been with his 30-30. He has been hunting with the same old beat up 30-30 for about the last 48 years. Says he's not about to change! Now something about those flintlocks...loose your bullets and your done for the day. I can always find a piece of rock to shoot mine! LOL Have fun and enjoy. No matter what you're shooting! WD (Dave)
  9. jasongar8 A big "thumbs up" for your post! WD
  10. Updates???? Well, my rabbit skins are ready to be put in to a new pair of mocs. All I have to do now is make some new mocs!! I started a cow hide the other day for a friend...we'll see how that goes! Dave (wd)
  11. Keep us updated on your project! Dave (wd)
  12. Yes, the LCP. Seems to be a waiting list every where I go! WD
  13. I had a little squirrel dog that looked just like him...funny thing is, his name was "rimshot"... WD
  14. DaveS

    Taurus .44 Magnum

    I wish I had made note of the model number, but it looked like a twin to the Smith & Wesson Model 29. I'll check it out some more. Dave
  15. I'm having gun locating problems too. Can't find the handgun I want (the new Ruger .380) and a .22 Magnum Bolt Action Rifle. What gives here? Wd
  16. I am interested in a Taurus .44 Magnum that I seen at my local gun shop today. I don't recall the model number, but does anyone have any experience with Taurus .44 Magnums? I really want one for hunting. Dave (WD)
  17. Maybe I could e-mail someone a picture of a trimmed hide, maybe they could post the picture on here for me, so everyone could get some ideas. I think it may help! Dave
  18. I always trim mine straight across pretty much even with the front shoulders. Maybe if you could show me in a picture, I could help you. I want everyone to have a nice hide. Dave (WD)
  19. OK...need an update on how everyones projects are going! WD
  20. Awesome shot! WD
  21. hunting101: that hide looks good. For educational purposes, you really didn't have to flesh the hide as well as you did. It would have came off easier after the first salting. Good job on the tail! Great job though! Got to love that shot placement too! WD
  22. As the hide remains in the pickle and the tan, it will remain supple. After the hide is "oiled" and worked over the beam (breaking), and as it dries it will firm up as leather. Unless a deer hide is shaved/sanded very thin, they will never be as supple as say a bobcat, rabbit or such. Oiling and breaking are the secrets to a soft hide.
  23. So, how is everyone's projects coming along? I put two rabbit hides in today...can't wait to line my moccasins with them! Dave (WD)
  24. Coyotes actually tan up very very nice. Main thing is, make sure you split the tail and get all the bone out. It could rot on you if you don't. Split the tail out and salt it as well. Then when you're "breaking" the hide over the table edge (or whatever you are using), you will be softening it also. WD
  25. I've been wanting to make me one with a turtle shell to go with my "Eastern Longhunter" gear! I'm gonna give it a shot! Dave (WD)


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