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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. xd shooter....thank you for the ammo! Your man delivered right on que! Thank You!! WD (Dave)
  2. Any resturaunt or any business for that matter, will not get my money if posted against handguns...period!! DW
  3. Welcome to Tennessee and TGO! WD-40 (Dave)
  4. I'm with the Fire Dept. Next time I'm in hanger 17's neighborhood, I'll stop in and say hello. Dave
  5. Sorry I missed it folks. Didn't get done fixing the pasture fence until about. I really wanted to get together and shoot. I hope ya'll plan this again. WD (Dave)
  6. Welcome!
  7. Welcome!
  8. What would it take to get ahold of it? I reload 7mm/08. That's what my 12 daughter deer hunts with. WD (Dave)
  9. xdshooter....do you still have that box of 140gr 7mm/08?
  10. Are they in season now? Dang...another hunting season missed! WD
  11. Brass is gone. However, as Friends and family shoot up 9mm, I will offer that as well. Dave
  12. If you will PM me your shipping address, I will get it out to you next Thursday at the latest. Dave
  13. OK fellows, here's the scoop. I talked to my boss at the shooting complex, and they WILL BE CLOSED this Saturday and Sunday for the schoolastic skeet shoots. They will be open tomorrow and next Friday, Saturday and Sunday. If ya'll want to do anything this Saturday, please let me know....I really want to get out and shoot! (big hooters don't sound bad either)! LOL Please let us all know! WD (Dave)
  14. I do not know if this is the right place to post this, but I'm sure a Mod will fix my stupidity if there is some. Well, here goes fellows... I have 1400 + rounds of once fired brass of 9mm luger. I will ship free of charge to anyone for the asking. I have this brass and have no use for it. If interested, please let me know. WD (Dave)
  15. Lunch... at HOOTERS? I can be there I think. I passed my last physical, so I beleive my heart can handle it! I'm going to try to get ahold of the range people today, and I may be able to confirm the closing this weekend. WD
  16. Welcome nieghbor! WD
  17. I volunteer at the range, and unless things have changed, the complex will not be open to the public that weekend. I really do want to shoot, maybe another weekend? Dave
  18. Welcome to TGO! Dave
  19. Welcome to TGO from a Clarksvillian! Dave
  20. I have a Stoeger 12 ga "Condor" O/U, that my 12 year old Daughter shoots skeet with and has seen alot of rabbit action. Good gun for the money. WD
  21. Gun Country put a limit on the amount of ammo you can buy at a time. He had very little the other day. Dave
  22. DaveS

    clip or keep

    Don't cut it...you throw the value right out the window! Dave
  23. Your duck should be fine as long as it was wrapped real well. I have done plenty over the years that have been frozen much longer than that. Any decent taxidermist should be able to mount your duck with no problem. Being a taxidermist myself, let me offer you all a pointer on picking a taxidermist. Go to his/her shop and look at some recently finished mounts. Ask to see a mount or two that is a couple years old (he should have a few of his own). Most mounts look really good when first done, but you also want to see how well they age also (shrinkage, fading, hair/feathers falling out ect..). Just a few pointers there folks! Dave


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