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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. We hunted from daylight to dark except at lunch time, when we met at the truck and I fired off a pot of squirrel and dumplings on the camp stove. No deer were seen, but about 30 minutes before dark, I stuck a pure black feral hog that dressed out at about 200lb. What a shock when he showed up about 15 yards from my stand! We had no clue hogs were even in this part of the state! So, there ya have it. WD (Dave)
  2. Here's the situation. Last night, about 30 minutes before dark, I arrowed a Feral Hog. We blood trailed him, and about 9:00 we were walking a cornfield with flashlights, when we heard a hog grunt and crash through the standing corn, we decided to call off the search (wounded hog thing you know) until morning. This morning, we get back to the area and pick up the hog's trail. We found him at about 10:30. He was in the cornfield under some cockleburr bushes. We dressed him out and submerged him in a creek to cool the meat as best as we could. One of our party went after some ice, and we finally got hime packed with ice, placed on the deer cart fo the long trip back out of the woods. We don't know what time the pig actually died, but parts of him were cool and parts still warm. Coyotes were in the area last night, but never messed with him (although coyote tracks were imposed over our boot tracks from last night). He smalls like a typical Male hog...kinda gamey! My question to any "pig hunters" out there is, other than mounting him as a trophy, should he be ok to eat, or should me dispose of him? This is my first pig harvest ever, so I don't know. We even had no clue feral hogs were in the area that we've been hunting for a few years until this 200lb solid black sucker shows up under my stand! What a shock! The land we were hunting (federal), hogs are legal. I need some advice! WD (Dave)
  3. What a nice friendly gesture.
  4. I have a couple of families here that I sometimes give deer to. It helps me with my freezer "stock rotation". Plus it helps feed them. With the economy the way it is, any help you (or any of us can give) to a family would be appreciated I'm sure.
  5. Tennessee has a "Wanton Waste" law, and requires animals to be removed. If you don't want to process the animal or pay someone else to process it, give it to someone who wants the meat and let them process it. I have found several deer in the past where the "back straps" were removed and the best parts of the deer were left to rot and I was FURIOUS! I'm not coming down on you or anything, but if you don't want it, don't shoot it. Let someone else shoot it that will appreciate the whole animal for what's worth and as God intended. De-boning deer and/or removing "silver skin" is not needed to enjoy a delicious meal of venison. I guarentee your processor don't do it. Just my opinion as you ask for my friend. I'll take all of them you don't want!
  6. Congradulations! But keep yur cell phone on!
  7. DaveS

    Drag Rag

    Early season, I use "cover scent" and persimmon or accorn attractants (sp). Right now, bucks and does are paying each other "no mind" whatsoever, so therefore, I use not doe or buck scent.
  9. Personally I wouldn't apply, because my work schedule as a firefighter might not jive with your days off. But, if you would like some "trophy deer hunting", please send me a resume. Have a good one!
  10. Maybe duck hunters should interview him. Maybe the mod's will remove his NAZIS interview!
  11. The whole idea is to pull a handgun big enough to cause the bear "to have a heart attack and die". After hunting bear in Alaska, a 220 in 30-06 is too small!!
  12. Not a good choice at all. Just make sure the 9mm is legal during archery season.
  13. I use a Remington 870 Express with interchangable choke tubes and a slug barrel. Does everything I want, and it didn't cost a fortune!
  14. Swing by the hunting and fishing unit and get a copy of the regs. Odds are, after you read them, you'll change your mind. They are closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays throughout the season. I used to hunt post, but it got too complicated. Can't scout anymore or anything. You just get the area they send you to. Good Luck.
  15. Anything placed out to attract deer is baiting, and must be removed at least 10 days prior to hunting.
  16. Yes. Read the regs though, as some areas are closed to bow hunting (and hunting in general). I had put in for a draw as well, and as usual, didn't get it. I think this is the last year I'm giving LBL my 5 bucks.
  17. DaveS


    Dang...gives me a good idea to take my Mounted (stuffed if you will) skunk hunting with me and sit him near the area I hunt to keep other hunters away! AWESOME IDEA!!!! Throw in a little "essence of polecat" and PRESTO! Actually I use nothing until the rut and then I use "Tinks". I do let the wind dictate where I set up though.
  18. kelly...WELCOME to TGO and a big THANK YOU for your help in keeping us safe in the US of A!!!
  19. I'd love to go on a hunt.
  20. I'll be taking my Horton Crossbow with Redfield 4x32 scope, 20" Carbon Express arrows fletched with Blazers and topped off with Black Momba expandable broadheads. Got some pretty good bucks running the area, but a fat doe of spike will do me just fine for some meat.
  21. If you're into bow hunting, LBL and backwoods camping is the best bet in this area. www.lbl.org
  22. I think a regular flashlight in your hand would be quite effective. I'm in the same situation as you, but when the "outside" floodlight comes on, every thing scatters to the "woodline" anyways. I just keep a handgun handy is all.
  23. Sounds like he may be hooked now. Ya got to have that badge of honor! I used Deep Woods and had no problems either.
  24. Much better indeed!
  25. 1911


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