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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I don't dove hunt anymore, so I don't know how many doves you can have in your freezer at one time. I know the limit on rabbits is 5 per day. Possession limit after opening day is 10. So therefore, I can only have no more than 10 rabbits in my freezer at any given time. What is it for doves? 300 doves seems like a lot to have in your possession. I personally am thankful for the laws. As a country boy growing up, if you wanted to see a deer, bear or turkey, you had to travel to some big city zoo. If a man wants to harvest an animal for food...so be it.
  2. Sometimes having a successful hunt doesn't mean harvesting game. Sometimes the experience alone is good enough for me. It sounds like you're doing the right things though.
  3. I have guys at work all the time asking to buy a deer off me when I shoot them. I always tell them I will GIVE you the deer. My bullet costs 25 cents. Help me process it, and it's yours.
  4. it is considered a muzzloader, since it is loaded from the front. regulations state rifle, shotgun and pistol.
  5. Welcome Sir!
  6. I did a full shoulder mount for a guy in December a few years ago. It was an 8- point doe. She was still in velvet that late in the year. Wierd...
  7. Mr. Rightwinger; please don't post no more gay deer pictures...ya'll kill'n me!
  8. Rosie O'Donnell Deer Hunting!
  9. +1 On the Dixie Catatlog!
  10. I've heard it before about using onion soup mix for marinade. I guess I'll have to give it a try. All these recipes are worth trying. I'm going to have to make me a list of them!
  11. OK, now I'm totally lost! Will have to get out the ol'map!
  12. Wait until you shoot a huge Doe in December, and it turns out to be a buck that has shed his "head bones"..then you have a problem! Talk about "different"?
  13. Where exactly is Sevierville? Maybe we can do some hunt trades in the future. (or fishing)
  14. Whiskey; I don't know if you hunt CrossCreeks or not, but thier youth hunt is this weekend.
  15. Whiskey, one of the best places is to contact the county property tax office. Delinquent property taxes is publice record. Offer the property owner to pay his taxes for the year in exchange for hunting rights. This has worked well. There was 247 acres for sale right here by me for 1.3 million. I talked to the owner about leasing and he would lease it. When he said "No Deer Hunting"....that deal went south quick! Maybe we should all get together on something in Montgomery county. I have 167 acres available to me, but would like something closer.
  16. Dang, a "brokeback" deer heard. "Rightwinger", are those "bucks" in your hunting area? If so, "don't drop the soap"...lol
  17. Put you some notices up in areas where you think farmers and property owners may gather. You never know, someone may have a pesky deer or two they may want removed. Most all farmers will let you shoot yotes. That door may open some deer hunting...it's worth a try!
  18. Sharpshooter is right on track. The wooded areas between the fields would be my first choice. It should give the deer a secure feeling. If the land is yours, I would plan on a small food plot for spring planting. Nice looking property.
  19. What season base is Allegro Marinade. Not sure I've heard of that one. I'll have to give it a try.
  20. I don't know if anyone mentioned it or not, but meet with the landowners of the surrounding property. Make sure it's ok to go onto thier land to recover a deer if needed. I like the layout of your property. Are the trees hardwoods? Nice.
  21. Well fellow TGO members, it's that time of the year again. With deer season open, I'd like to get a venison recipe thread going. If you would like to share your favorite recipe, please post it. To save myself a bunch more typing, I have my favorite Venison Breakfast Sausage recipe on my website. Feel free to copy it if you desire. WD
  22. Go hunting my friend, and don't sweat the small stuff. If you accidently hit the bladder with your knife, don't worry. Most times the blood settled in the chest cavity will wash it out. Plus, you will be rinsing the daylights out of it when you get home. I have hit more than one bladder in a deer, and to me, it's not worth worrying about. Just my experience is all.
  23. You should be good. If you tan it with the "hair on" no problem at all (except maybe for some missing hair). If you are going to tan it for leather you may have some slight discoloration (bruising) on the skin. There should be plenty of good meat left. Don't waste it. A little soaking in ice water will remove the blood (bruising) from the meat. I hope this helps you out.
  24. I hate it when they give ya that "don't shoot me look". Almost like they're saying; "what did I ever do to you"?


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