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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Congrats to your Daughter Whiskey....that sure is a fine looking Doe she took!
  2. PETA bait!
  3. Awesome job to all the little ones! We didn't go this morning because of the rain. We're on for tomorrow though!
  4. Kicker's is considered a refuge....lol And baiting with beer is agin the law!
  5. I'm looking to go on a trophy hog hunt as a treat to myselve for my retirement.
  6. LOL The pull up rope would work for sure. When I have the grandkids out deer hunting on the youth hunt, we hunt from a ground blind. It all works well.
  7. Yeah, Whiskey I think you are right. I'm going after them...buck or doe.
  8. We have a good acorn crop here too. We hunt hardwoods (white oak) bordering standing corn. The deer are tearing up the acorns and not even feeding on the corn. We haven't seen any signs of the rut yet.
  9. Well, I'll get this thing going. GunTroll, I got your PM and I also know you are new to the area. If you have a muzzloader, I'm in need of a partner to M/L hunt with. Since my retirement hasn't gone through yet, I have a few days to M/L hunt. If you don't have a M/L, bow is still legal.
  10. I seen a post the other day from a fellow from Knoxville looking for a hunting partner to start hunting with. This would be a good thread for that also.
  11. I haven't heard of any. I have been looking to lease land in stewart county for years with no luck. We do have access to 167 acres but we primarily hunt public land in the Dover area. With all the old Westvaco land there, you should be able to get in somewhere if you search around some. If I hear of anything, I'll post it on here. As of right now, I'm pretty happy with what I've got.
  12. I thought it would be a good idea, since we have so many members looking for hunting partners.
  13. Maybe we can get "the powers to be", to start a "sticky" on people willing to trade hunts. We keep running into hunters out here from east Tennessee, who say we have better deer hunting here. I would like to go out "east", because ya'll have bear and boar. I bet there are alot of hunters who would like to trade off some hunts. What do ya'll think?
  14. After the bullet is out, I would put a wire brush on a shotgun cleaning rod and chuck it in a drill. Work the brush back and forth in the barrel. Guide the rod by hand as the drill turns it. This works really well.
  15. We've been hunting the swamps and the skeeters are bad. No ticks or chiggers though.
  16. I just knew that recipe was coming! Squirrels are aweful good. I make mine up like chicken and dumplings. Use your favorite recipe, but use "Nut Munchers" instead of chicken.
  17. AWESOME photo!
  18. Congrats! Make you a nice rug with her hide.
  19. When I was running my taxidermy shop, I could sell un-claimed trophies for only what I had invested in it. Could not sell waterfowl of any kind, or bears or bear parts. I think the law has changed some on bearskin rugs and mounts. Not 100% sure on that though.
  20. Awesome! Any deer taken with bow is a good one!
  21. If I'm not mistaking (someone correct me if I am), I understand you can check them in online only "after normal hours" of your local check in station. I'm going to research this some more.
  22. We had release forms we used to get hunters to sign when we let them hunt. We found out later from an attorney that most release forms aren't worth the paper they're typed on.
  23. CONGRADULATIONS on your first deer! I like my deer steaks pink in the middle (hint). Just kidding...Nice first deer.
  24. AWESOME! Nice buck!
  25. Nice doe! Post a picture of it cooked so we all can share some with ya! lol


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