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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I tried the camo trick on my wife too. BUSTED! I did find that fox urine and a little "essence of pole cat" (skunk scent) worked very well to give me the room to myself. Only downfall was my little dog kept wanting to hike his leg on me. Wonder what the dangers are of being attacked by an animal that sees his reflection in that mirror blind. I'm really thinking about getting one.
  2. ROTFLMAO...on the dragging handle! I guess this old man learned something!
  3. Why prey tell, is there a stick stuck through that deer's nose during a photography session? We were going to go out today, but no room in our two freezers. We'll let them walk till next year.
  4. On the subject of guides, does anyone know any thing about this operation? Welcome to Tennesse Extreme: www.tnboar.com
  5. Let us know how you do!
  6. I also use .45-70, it's a good all around hard hitting round. Mine is a NEF Handi Rifle fitted with a RedDot scope. It's fast handling in the brush (with a shinny tree nearby of course). 12 ga slug is also a good choice for close up and/or brushy areas.
  7. We have really been getting into coyote hunting here lately. With so many yotes around, seems like a given, to get out and do some calling. I have a friend who lost a rabbit dog to a coyote. I have no love for them things!
  8. LBL may be a good place to start. What do you like to hunt with? Deer with bow?
  9. Scout your property and make sure you have pigs on it. Look for tracks, wallows and rooting areas. Once you find sign, hunt it like you would deer. Hunting101 has a good sample of tracks as a "sticky" at the top of the page. As always, check the game laws for information on hunting "feral hogs"/Boar.
  10. Too late this year, but maybe next year we could get some folks from TGO to get together for some kind of hunt. Maybe a weekend deer hunt or something.
  11. I wish I could help you out. I have dogs and hunt Stewart and Montgomery county. I love "bunny" bust'n!
  12. I figure if the local, state and federal wildlife people want these hogs gone as bad as they say, then they should offer more opportunity for the hunter to get a pig. I know where there are a whole lot of them. Just can't hunt them ...
  13. Left 3 of them in a little pile on the edge of the field/logging road. Something I really don't want to smell when the weather gets warm and they rot. I guess that's what I get...
  14. I bought mine at Bass Pro in Nashville. It's been a year or so though.
  15. I found this to be very good info. In middle Tennessee, I'd be afraid to take a shot beyond 300 yards. God only knows where the bullet could wind up. I'm looking for a "yote" gun and I think Hidalgo sent me in the direction of the .223 I'm currently hunting them with bow and muzzleloader. I always enjoy my hunting "upclose". Going to try something a little different. Thanks for all the good info.
  16. If tanned properly, coyote pelts are really pretty made into a throw or wall hanging. Tan it for a flat trophy or have it mounted. You would be surprised how nice they look. Also, as for what to do with it after you shoot it. I know two fellows right now who are experienced coyote hunters who would love to teach someone to hunt them. You'll just have to have a place to take them as they are barred from my land for leaving dead yotes to lay around and rot. My opinion is, "take them with you or don't shoot them"!
  17. Very nice buck!
  18. Nice deer all the same!
  19. Very nice buck...nice indeed! But...uh...uh.....should we have leaned one loaded (I presume) rifle against a tree ? I'm not starting a fuss mind you...but it doesn't look like its being held up by much. That buck should make a nice mount for you!
  20. I don't think it will effect hunters. More so for those who like to throw puppies in dumpsters and starve horses.
  21. Funny story westwindmike. I enjoyed it! I was driving down the road one day back in the spring and seen a coyote walking across a pasture about 40 yards off the road. It had a hold on a fawn dragging it by it's neck.
  22. Carry your cell phone and region phone number. Call them and they'll dispatch an officer out there. Put an end to it just like we did. No one should have to put up with it!
  23. It seems it would be like rabbit hunting. Just something about the dogs running the game than anything. At least it is to me.
  24. I've heard there is something special about a coon hound "singing down in the holler". I'd love to try it some time.
  25. I agree with all. But I had some issues on our local WMA with hoodlums (non-hunters) racing dirt bikes and 4 -wheelers, and the officers went well out of their way to catch these fools and put an end to it. I do appreciate all they give us. I used to be a game warden and it's a job in todays world you couldn't get me to do!


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