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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. We took him in Stewart County where there isn't supposed to be any feral hogs. By description (hair with split ends) he is a pure Russian boar. Took him on the opening weekend of bow season. He dressed at 250 and is 31.5 inches around the neck right behind the ears. Can't wait to get another one!
  2. Thank you!
  3. Another shot of Mr. Piggy D. Hogg
  4. Finaly got my hog finished. Kinda forgot how time consuming they were!
  5. Wall hanger for sure Bro!
  6. I got my boar head finished up finally. I'll get a picture posted tomorrow (hopefully). It's been a long time since I mounted one. Kinda forgot how time consuming it really was.
  7. Welcome roverboy...pull up a stump, pour a cold one and share some hunting stories!
  8. Whiskey, we found the feeders, they were empty. We know at least two pigs were trapped and killed because we found dried blood in both traps. That's about all we found though. We know their travel areas and where they feed (for the most part) and bedding areas. I think they may have killed a bunch though. Very little sign of them.
  9. No problem friend. Wildlife officials want them gone, well, lift the restrictions so we ALL can hunt them! I will be going out during the turkey season, but will hunt with my crossbow. Kind of a "multi-use" weapon if you know what I mean. I know where there were a bunch of them last fall on a local NWR, but a scouting trip yesterday showed that they must have been eradicated in that area. No sign at all. D%$#m USDA!
  10. There are places (LBL and Ft. Campbell for example) that have a pretty sizable population of feral hogs. They won't let you hunt them unless something else is in season, IE: Turkey. Then you have to use the weapon for the hunt. Ever shot a 200lb boar with a load of number 6's? My statement therefore means....if you want the pigs gone, let me hunt them "year round" with the weapon most appropriate for the job!
  11. I do all their tanning and such, and they keep me in be'ah! Good trade off I thank!
  12. Thanks guys.
  13. I like the pedistal mounts alot more than a regular "hang on the wall" shoulder mount. Only problem is, you need a shelf or stand to hold them. I have a full body coyote mount that I'll get posted.
  14. Nice mounts. Thanks for taking the time to share them. My "dream hunt" is an elk. Some day maybe....
  15. Actually I usually let my friends con me into mounting stuff for zip. They tell me since I retired from being a taxidermist....I don't need the money no more. Friends... LOL
  16. I love the way that cat is mounted. I guess I'm going to have to dig out some pictures. Killed a real nice feral hog last fall. Just now getting around to mounting him. I'll post pics when he's done. Which will be as soon as I get my buddies fox head finished. Ho hum....
  17. All nice deer...all trophies in their own rights!
  18. I'm ready to go too....already!
  19. If I was to only own one rifle to hunt anything with, it would have to be a 30-06. Can hunt anything in North America with (based on bullet weight). Most likely you could go to "any where USA" and find ammo for 30-30 and 30-06. Just my opinion is all!
  20. Sorry to hear about your father...Awesome hunt! He's right though, a little soap and water goes a long way! God bless your Daddy! Nice buck!
  21. During the gun season for deer, I carry my Ruger .357 in a shoulder rig. I haven't shot a deer with it yet, but it's coming!
  22. This is one of my favorite coyotes that I mounted last year. I was blowing a fawn bleat when he came running in to see what the fuss was all about. I arrowed him at about 15 yards. I mounted him using shoulder/pedestal mount from VanDykes. I have him looking slightly upwards. He was a young male weighing a little less than 27 pounds.
  23. I'd like to start a thread where we can all share some pictures and stories of our favorite trophy. Tell a little about the hunt if you want, who mounted the trophy (you or another Taxidermist) and when and where you got it (if you'd like). WD


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