Me, my daughter and TGO member "Whiskey" went and did a little hog scouting. My daughter and my self were walking the edge of a cornfield between the cornfield and some tall grass/brush. The "gnarly" critter was laying in the grass catching some sun and a nap. We walked up on him (had no idea he was there) and the sucka raised his head up, rolled up on his fat belly, then jumped to his feet. He was about 15 feet away and he turned and faced us head on. Seemed he had a bad attitude! I grabbed my daughter, stepped around in front of her, told her to start backing up and at the same time, drew my 1911. We started walking backwards and the pig busted for the brush. This whole encounter lasted abot 20 seconds. It skeered the "you know the deal" right out of me! I really got to think'n....I'm getting too old to run from pigs!