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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. I must be doing something wrong...I yelp, pur, and cluck just like my books says...but PIGS keep showing up...I need to get TGO Whiskey to straighten out my calling. That squeeling noise coming off my diaphram call just ani't working!
  2. We had a problem like that here at one of our WMAs. It took 3 years and alot of work between a couple of us hunters and TWRA. Once a couple of us hunters finaly got the bikers "penned" in the area with no place to get out...it was just a matter of a short chase by the game warden and they got caught. One good lesson was learned..."If your going to run at high speed from the game warden's truck, make sure your drive chain does not fly off your 4 wheeler....PRICELESS!!!! Thank You Officer Luper, And Officer Joe Campbell!
  3. If I lived closer, I would surely help you out. There's probably a couple good guys on here that live closer and could call some "dogs" in for ya!
  4. Hunting in the city is tricky business. I would only attempt it if I had no other choice. The Codes dept and/or police department would be a good place to seek info. Plus, keep everything that "hunting 101" said in mind!
  5. Ya'll make this turkey hunt'n sound way to easy!
  6. I have always wanted to get me a turkey, but have found that most of them are a little smarter than I. Congrats to all of you who have not given up on turkey hunting and to those who got birds!
  7. I have him chill'n now. Will cut him up in a day or two. Can't wait to have some. Getting the pit hot!
  8. You can hunt them on any Scheduled hunt, with the weapon legal for that hunt. Hunting with bow is getting addicting!
  9. Down at the NWR near Dover.
  10. Didn't get a turkey, but after a 2 hour stalk through every known swamp, ridge, briar patch and skeeter nest, I arrowed this young boar at 35 yards. He went about 20 yards before piling up. He dressed right around 150. Arrowed him just before dark, didn't get back to the truck until about 10:00pm.
  11. Hunting turkey with bow this year? That's hardcore!
  12. I couldn't call a turkey if I had to. Coyotes and feral hogs are on the menu this weekend!
  13. I hope they come in soon too bro!
  14. We come across one yesterday that would probably bust the 300lb mark....can't wait till bow season! Big fat boar!
  15. Most wooded areas and "booger swamps" gives me the Jee'bees....I stay out of those places when I can!
  16. A dead drunk....I think.....
  17. The funny part about it was,as we were walking backwards, my daughter kept getting right behind me and I asked "what are you doing? I'm going to trip over you!" She replied "Daddy, you got the gun!" My only reply was; "I need a head start!" Had Mr. Bacon been a legal target, It would have given me a chance to test these 230 grain XTP +P's right in his forehead!
  18. Me, my daughter and TGO member "Whiskey" went and did a little hog scouting. My daughter and my self were walking the edge of a cornfield between the cornfield and some tall grass/brush. The "gnarly" critter was laying in the grass catching some sun and a nap. We walked up on him (had no idea he was there) and the sucka raised his head up, rolled up on his fat belly, then jumped to his feet. He was about 15 feet away and he turned and faced us head on. Seemed he had a bad attitude! I grabbed my daughter, stepped around in front of her, told her to start backing up and at the same time, drew my 1911. We started walking backwards and the pig busted for the brush. This whole encounter lasted abot 20 seconds. It skeered the "you know the deal" right out of me! I really got to think'n....I'm getting too old to run from pigs!
  19. Now that you mention it.... Had a face-to-face showdown with one Friday, that would go about 175lb. Just a little bit un-nerving!
  20. Here is what the 2009/2010 hunting regs say; "Handguns Recent legislative changes provide that individuals who possess a carry permit may possess their handgun while on TWRA wildlife management areas, public hunting areas or refuges open to hunter access. The handgun may not be used for taking game unless specifically permitted by TWRA regulation. This change will now allow those with carry permits to possess their handgun at times when previously it would not have been permissible such as during archery hunting. TWRA will apply this same interpretation to those possessing carry permits while hunting on private lands."
  21. Welcome Sir!
  22. Thanks Jason, Really means alot from you! Get with me, and we're going after them with bow, during the turkey season. I'll PM you my number.
  23. Crossbow with 125gr "Rage" broadheads. Hit him at about 20 yards. All he could say was "grunt, oink, and see ya later, good bye". The other hog with him was bigger, and I wanted no part of it with bow!
  24. Nice deers! I took a very large doe also on that cold Azzz...morning! NICE!
  25. Memphis...maybe we can hook up on a hunt. PM me, and I'll tell ya what's coming.


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