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Everything posted by DaveS

  1. Building rifles is alot of fun. I build flintlocks from scratch and shoot/hunt with them daily. I prefer flint over "nipple huggers" (percussion). If needed, I can find a piece of flint laying on the ground any where. I've yet to find a "cap" laying on the ground some where! LOL!
  2. This is a good one here!
  3. We've seen this little buck a few times in the area. He got captured here on trailcam near my son's stand. He's only 4 point!
  4. Starlings and sparrows. The Hawks around here eat the songbirds too, and leave the starlings and sparrows alone...must leave a bad taste in the hawks mouth!
  5. I'm going to look into a .22 Hornet. I've heard some good things about that round. But I think the "OP" will be fine with his choice.
  6. Troll said it...."not at all"!
  7. In case you're interested http://http://www.fortcampbellmwr.com/Recreation/hunting/index.html
  8. NICE HAWG!!!!
  9. As far as deer goes....Campbell has some of the biggest bucks in the area. And if you're in the right area, feral hogs will offer you a shot as well.
  10. Thanks Troll...you beat me to it!
  11. The hunting regulations available online, has all of the WMAs listed and thier locations.
  12. There is a lot of Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) in our area of the state and in West TN. Maybe someone with more specific info will chime in.
  13. NICE! You did a Great job Shaun!
  14. There is a nice operation near Lynchburg. That's the one I'm heading off to. Welcome to Tennesse Extreme: www.tnboar.com
  15. East Tennessee, Georgia or Florida for Hawgs! SOON
  16. I will be following this thread....
  17. Whiskey...thanks for your info brother. I guess "high percentage shots" would be in the shoulder area. .44 mag would be a good choice!
  18. 1911, 15 yard, fast draw, one shot, dead center!
  19. I met a fellow yesterday (name withheld by request), who dropped a 200 pound wild boar "to his knees" with a .22 hornet. Says all you need is a .22L/R or .22MAG. to do the job. I think TGO member "Whiskey" can chime in. I believe he hunted them with a .22Mag.. I may lean in that direction also!
  20. I have a NEF single shot 45-70...It kicks worse than a wild hog would!
  21. He's looking pretty good so far. I see him often while I'm out on the 4-wheeler or tractor. He's in velvet, but growing a nice rack.
  22. This boy keeps showing up on the trail cam. I think he will make a nice "first buck" for my little grandsons!


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